Need ideas and ways to pray for the crisis in Ukraine? Below is a compilation of resources, guides and tips. If you hear of any, please send us an e-mail .
Resource Guides
6 Ways You Can Pray for Ukraine - Billy Graham Organization
Ukraine – ARISE:Life ( - a church with people who have relatives in Ukraine and a ministry.
Purim & Ukraine specific points to pray - Generals International
Prayer Guide for Ukraine - Intercessors for America
5 Ways to Pray for Christians in Ukraine - Open Doors
Prayer Tip #1 - Focus on one issue
Think of yourself standing in a circle around Ukraine. Based on your position, visibility and emotional connection, you will be drawn to a specific area that needs prayer. We make up a wall of prayer and tend to see more answers to our prayers when united & focused.
Areas to consider: the Ukrainian soldiers, the leaders of the countries (mayors, president, etc.), the ministers, the refugees, those resourcing the needed supplies from neighboring countries, the weak [orphans, widows, hospitalized, sick, injured], brokenhearted, separated families, major players in decision making; the evil and godly spirits behind it; salvation of souls [laborers, boldness, openness]; people in the country repent & turn to God for their help [not an exhaustive list; help you brainstorm; what is God tugging on your heart?}.
Prayer Tip #2 - Focus on God's perspective
Begin with thanksgiving and praise. Many miracles have happened since this invasion began. Get your mind elevated to a higher view. Focusing on all the negative makes it difficult to have faith that God can change things. Recall how God has done the impossible in the past; remind Him and acknowledge the beauty of His holiness, power and might.
"Give thanks to the Lord for His love endures forever. [2 Chron. 20:21"
Prayer Tip #3 - Focus on mercy
In the Lord's prayer we learn to say forgive us our sins AS we forgive those who've sinned against us. Mercy is the foundation of our reconciled relationship with our Heavenly Father. If you have any offense at anyone involved in this battle, forgive. This will help you hear how to pray more effectively.
Prayer Tip #4 - Focus on strategies
Use God's word to find out how to pray. Use the resources to help you pray. Use worship to build your faith in God's ability to answer your prayers. Use the armor of God to prepare: include tunic of humility; belt of truth; breastplate of righteousness; shoes of the Gospel of peace; shield of faith; helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.
Prayer Tip #5 - Focus on breakthrough
Let's face it, we want to see answers, but often do not because we give up. Jesus said if we ask it will be given unto us with faith believing He will. Keep praying until you are confident the Lord heard and will answer your prayer because it is what He wants. 1 John 5:14-15
In solidarity & unity
Stay focused. Use the resources. Pray UNTIL.