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THURSDAYS: Pray for Media Issues

Media Information Revolution - that's the season we find ourselves. Too Much Information [TMI] can overload us. Which is right? True? Worthy of Praise? Excellent? Not venomous? Not full of bitterness? Uplifting? Lies? Deception? Dis-information?

How greatly we need the discernment of the Holy Spirit! How greatly we need to pray for this giant? How greatly we need to share the GOOD news paid for by the death & resurrection of Jesus! How greatly we need to stay clear of the news given for the love of money - the root of all evil.

For the next several months, every Thursday we will focus our prayers on different aspects of mediated messages. Like Jesus reminded us in Matt. 15:18-20, it's what comes out of our mouth that defiles us, which comes from our hearts. What we put into our hearts and minds, affects us, for good or evil. Our mouth can speak life and death and so does media communication.


Thursday, Sept. 26thth - Facebook

  • FB world’s most-used social platform in 2024, over 3 billion global active users, represents 38% of total population and 57% of total internet users. Seven in 10 US adults report using FB. It ranks 3rd in terms of time spent (behind TikTok and YouTube), with users spending an average of 19 hours/47 minutes per month; 64% open the app every day; 3rd most visited website in US. FB 2nd most searched query globally. With this much use, FB has enormous power over its users. Consider some risks people face using FB: Forgetting about your potential audience with too many accepted friend requests can lead to privacy risks; insecure third-party apps; social media addiction; poorly configured privacy settings; FB marketplace scams; predators on FB and mental health and physical health issues; comparison; painting a picture of yourself that only shows one side not authentic; chance of getting bullied; impersonators, catfished and so much more. Source: The Top 6 Risks You Face When Using Facebook (

  • Personal challenge: Review the 5 Don’t when using SM and ask the Holy Spirit which one you need to stop doing.  1) Don’t instigate quarrelling; 2) don’t be impulsive; 3) don’t be disrespectful; 4) don’t gossip; 5) don’t seek attention. Then ask yourself – how are you using this tool for good, for wasting time, for connecting with friends and family, other? How can you use it for God’s glory? What boundaries should you set? Is it taking time away from people you need to minister to or need your attention?  Source: 5 Biblical Principles for Social Media - The Gospel Coalition | Canada

  • Podcast: Facebook


Thursday, Sept. 19th - YouTube

  • Chances are you have used YouTube to watch something.  One of the terms used for people who upload videos is Influencer.  With all that is happening in our world right now, how is what you watch on YouTube affecting your thoughts, emotions and spiritual walk? And in turn how does it affect your relationships and interactions with others? May we filter what we see/watch on YouTube through the lens of 1 John 2:15-17 “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.”

  • Scriptures: Matt. 6:22-23; 1 John 2:15-17; Psalm 101:2-4

  • Personal challenge: Ask the Lord to show you what you should and should not watch on YouTube. Then monitor how much time you spend on it. Could it be spent doing something more valuable?

  • Podcast: YouTube Filtered through 1 John 2:15-17


Thursday, Sept. 12th - Battle for the Airwaves

  • Scriptures: Eph. 2:2; Is. 9:6; Eph. 6:12; John 14:27

  • Prayer strategy: pray for the secular media to speak truth without bias, fear mongering & love of money. For Christian media to speak truth with boldness, faith building and for the love of God.  Today we pray for the Battle for the Airwaves. We pray against the prince of confusion & deception and pray for the Prince of Peace & truth. We remember the scripture that says there is a prince of the power of the air [the devil] but we also remember greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Praying God’s word over the battle for the airwaves [Lord of Heaven’s Armies vs the powers of darkness]

  • Personal challenge: Take the posture to pray about any media you hear through the lens and headphones of the Holy Spirit. Consider your use of time, the motives of the senders and the outcome in your life, good or evil? Especially in this season with upcoming elections and nefarious antiChrist propagators.

  • Podcast: Battle for the Airwaves | Home - Global Day of Prayer for Media ( | Global Day of Prayer for the Media — Christians in Media


Thursday, Sept. 5th - Whose Report will you Believe?

  • Scriptures: Ps. 1:1-3; Is. 5:20; Rom 12:2 

  • Prayer strategy: Identify which platform you seek information. Some of those might include - Reviews on a product from buyers; YouTube channels for how to; Facebook newsfeeds; Twitter, Pinterest, Google Mini or Alexa, Google search engine, Wikipedia. Pray for the authors of the information – their salvation, integrity, honesty and able to separate bias from facts.

  • Personal challenge: When listening to different sources, how do you know which report to believe? Is it godly advice? Are they mocking others? Do they call evil good or good evil? Does it cause you to conform to the world? Is it helping you do God’s will? What is their motive - love of money or godly love?

  • Podcast: Whose report will we believe? | Reference: Prayer for Media -

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