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updated 10/16/23


Demographics: population 313 [2022]; median home value $247K; median household income $98K; M:F 48:52%; 87% white; African American 3%; other 10%. 56% married; 9% single guardians; singles 29%; singles with roommate 6%. Households without kids 76%; with kids 24%. 25% own a house; 8% own free/clear; 8% rent; 60% vacant [due to seasonal recreational and/or occasional use]; 47% work full time; 18% part time; 35% no earnings. Education: 26% HS grad; 10% AS degree; 31% bachelors; 33% masters; 80% enrolled in school ages 3-17 but 20% not enrolled in any school.

Map of Skyforest

Location of Skyforest

History of Skyforest


Specific Prayer Points

  • Spiritual:

  • Governed by:

  • Schools/Districts:

  • Crime Statistics: [2022] A crime occurs every 22 days 1 hour. Overall crime grade is A-; violent is B-; property crime is A- and other is A-. Top crime issues are vandalism at 8%.

  • Points of interest: Santa's village

Churches [not exhaustive]

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