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REVIVE US - 31 Day Prayer Topics

Because I love Zion, I will not keep still. Because my heart yearns for Jerusalem, I cannot remain silent. I will not stop praying for her until her righteousness shines like the dawn, and her salvation blazes like a burning torch. Isaiah 62:1

Can we take on the same attitude as Isaiah who won't stop praying UNTIL he sees Jerusalem shine? Can we pray UNTIL we see our churches, cities and county's righteousness shine like the dawn; a reformation occur that transforms our communities.

Below are major topics to help you focus on as we intercede for our churches, cities and county. Choose a day or topic, listen to a podcast providing details about the subject or use the updated prayer guides to intercede for an awakening and revival.

Click on the date to hear a podcast on that topic and/or click the prayer points to get a PDF page with info, references and prayer ideas.


DAY 4 -

Millennial's prayer points

DAY 5 - Latchkey Gen prayer points

DAY 6 - Baby Boomers prayer pts.

DAY 7 - Silent Generation prayer pts. [Pearl harbor]

DAY 10 - Disabilities prayer points

DAY 11 - Crime Decreases prayer points

DAY 12 - Prisons & Prisoners prayer points

DAY 13 - Education

prayer points

DAY 14 - Widows, Orphans, Homeless

prayer points

DAY 15 - American Indians

prayer points

DAY 16 - Governing leaders

prayer points

DAY 17 - Poverty decreases prayer points

DAY 18 - Healthcare workers prayer points

DAY 19 - pray for news to be honest

DAY 20 - Covid decreases prayer points

DAY 21 - Mental Health prayer points

DAY 22 - Evangelism & Boldness prayer points

DAY 24 - Crime Wave Stops prayer points

DAY 25 - Traffic accidents prayer points

DAY 26 - pray for a wave of repentance

DAY 28 - Gangs & Task Forces prayer points

DAY 29 - Video Games prayer points

DAY 30 - Laborers for the harvest

DAY 31 - Drug addictions & overdoses prayer points


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