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PRAYER FOCUS: Family Issues

INTRODUCTION: Families experience pressures of many kinds. In this season of back-to-back holidays, family wounds & conflicts can arise if they haven't been addressed. Many internal and external issues try to tear the family unit apart, leaving painful experiences. For November through the New Year, join us in praying for families to find ways to unify, to show mercy, to love and be loved, to build and not tear down and to heal and find joy again. Check out the podcasts, scriptures and resources & join us.

BUT we have The Father in Heaven, in whom we can seek restoration, redemption & reconciliation.

Tuesday, 12/31 - TEENAGERS [[Questions? Answers! Trusted Source?]

Prayer points: find faith in God and his love; find answers in the Word; sexual purity; filter sources; find safe family members to talk to; healthy peers; able to stand their ground despite pressure to conform; find beauty through God’s lens; protected from taking drugs laced with fentanyl; feel valued, important and needed.

Scriptures: James 1:21–26; Eph. 3;14-21; 1 Cor. 15:33


Monday, 12/30 - STRENGTHENING MARRIAGES [Bound by a triple-braided cord]

Prayer points: for couples to be quick to forgive and apologize, not keep an account of wrongs, ask for you to be the 3rd chord that keeps them together, they seek God above all else, learn to accept and not try to change each other, learn each other’s way of giving and receiving love, to find time to connect, be open with each other/not hiding anything, divine wisdom to handle the external pressures.

Scriptures: 1 Peter 4:7-8; Col. 3:13-14; Eph. 4:32

Resources: 6 Reasons Christian Marriages Struggle - Esther Littlefield; 13 QUESTIONS TO ASK FOR A MARRIAGE THAT LASTS


Friday, 12/27 - FAMILY & SPORTS [Playing, Watching, Paying, Idolizing]

Prayer points: Pray about behavior when playing or watching, parents teach good sportsmanship, how to lose and win gracefully, monitoring time/costs involved, is it drawing families closer or farther apart; ensuring it doesn’t take God’s place in their hearts; keeping God their first priority.

Scriptures: 1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17; 1 John 5:21


Thursday, 12/26 - SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE [Phubbing? Parameters? Purpose?]

Prayer points: not to be on phone when someone is talking to you [phubbing]; setting clear boundaries on when to listen, what to watch & how to use for good & how much time; identify why families look at social media; remember you’re Christ’s ambassador online; connect with family, take breaks from it; consider fasting

Scriptures: Ps. 101:3; 1 Cor. 10:31; Matt. 5:16


Wednesday, 12/25 - MERRY CHRISTMAS [No podcast today]


Tuesday, 12/24 - SINGLENESS [Remaining single; Seeking Mate; Following God]

Prayer points: begin praying for their mates in advance, not just to have one but for their life, for God to bring the right one and not a decoy, a believer not unequally yoked, healthy ways to find a mate, peace and joy in the journey, acceptance for those seeking a celibate life, opportunities to do things without a partner, loneliness turn to ways to connect with others, not give in to fatalism but know God has good plans for them, faith to believe.

Scriptures: Jer. 29:11; Eccl. 3:1-8; Ps. 84:11


Podcast: Sharing faith with unsaved family [right motives, right methods and right material]

Prayer points: for hardened hearts to be tenderized and open to hear; breakdown of arguments; overcome by our testimonies, understanding and good questions to ask, discerning the time and situation when sharing [are they tired, sick, or hungry]; God to give them eyes to see and ears to hear above all the other noise; we model a good Christian life, apologizing and forgiving as needed, clothed in humility, remembering but for the grace of God we could still be unsaved.

Scriptures: James 5:16; Eph. 4:18; Acts 4:29-30


Friday, 12/20 - SCHEDULES [His plans or ours? Quality vs Quantity? What should be on it?]

Prayer points: seeking God for what to keep and what to eliminate and what to add; making appointments to spend with family undistracted; 1:1 and communally, ensuring there’s time to care for body, soul & spirit

Scriptures: Ps. 37:5; Eph. 5:15-17; Matt. 6:33; Is. 58:11


Thursday, 12/19 - SABBATH [Families Discover Blessings in Rest]

Prayer points: yoke with Christ, learn from his gentle & humble walk; plan for the day, make it different than the rest; work less; social media refrain; quality time with friends/family, spend time with the Lord reading the Bible, listening to worship music, choosing entertainment that builds the Spirit; reevaluate your activities – what to keep what to stop.

Scriptures: Ex. 20:8-11; Lev. 23:3; Matt. 11:28-30; Is. 58:13


Wednesday, 12/18 - RESENTMENT [dividing tasks, teambuilding or tug-of-war, sharing costs]

Prayer points: members deal with their resentment, find solutions to share chores, costs and responsibilities; confront not avoid or give up; create rules that build teamwork and camaraderie, encourage mutual engagement, invitational communication, clear communication of expectations for each member at events, gatherings and meals; ways to unite not divide; lighten loads.

Scriptures: Eccl. 4:9-12; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Eph. 4:16


Tuesday, 12/17 - RECONCILIATION & FORGIVENESS [Apologies; 77X; Not keeping records]

Prayer points: regularly forgive offenders, recognize how much they’ve been forgiven by God, daily pray the Lord’s prayer, listen to how they speak about family members, admit it is sin to speak ill of anyone, keep forgiving until it is from their heart, not retelling the offense, able to be the first to own their part in the problem and apologize, recognizing one of the things God hates is someone who causes division

Scriptures: Matt. 18:21-22; Prov. 17:9; Matt. 6:9-13


Monday, 12/16 - PRODIGALS & UNSAVED LOVED ONES [calling them home through intercession]

Prayer points: persistence in prayer, removing any offense towards the one we pray for; asking for others to speak to them about the Lord, for them to see their condition from God’s perspective, to experience a pigsty moment like the prodigal and want to come home, for those who influence their lives be saved or removed; for God to remove the stony stubborn heart and replace with a tender, responsive heart, for dreams and visions of God’s love and judgment.

Scriptures: Ezekiel 34:16; Jude 1:22-23; Luke 15:11-32; John 10:28-29; Ezek. 36:25-27


Friday, 12/13 - PARENTING [Exhausting, Engaging, Embracing]

Prayer points: yoke up with the Lord to parent their kids, get energy and wisdom from the Lord; seek friends who are older parents, not do it alone; take breaks from kids to regroup; put away cell phones when kids need their attention; show the kids they are important and valued early and reinforce through the years; savor the moments when they are good and praise them openly; being honest and real; helping them see it’s not perfection that makes a good family; it’s love and forgiveness and a reliance on the Lord’s strength.


Thursday, 12/12 - LEAVING A GODLY LEGACY [Living to Pass On the Torch of Godliness]

Podcast: Leaving a legacy [Living to Leave behind what matters to God]

Prayer points: to leave a godly legacy to the next generation: disciple, encourage, equip, resource, empower, position for success, reaffirm, remind what to do, point to Jesus, reassure, release, rejoice with them, share the hope you have in Christ and in your future heaven home

Scriptures: Ps. 112:1-3; Matt. 6:20-21; Prov. 13:22


Wednesday, 12/11 - K-6TH GRADE CHILDREN [seeking the Great Shepherd to protect these little sheep]

Prayer points: predators caught before harm comes to children; parents educate and monitor children’s social media use; parents heard and empowered at school district meetings; voice of parents greater than Dept. of Ed.; books with explicit/implicit sexual overtones be banned from K-6th grades; Covid aftermath cause them to more resilient; family uses it as dialogue to strengthen and inform, children feel valued and important at home.

Scriptures: Jer. 29:11; Matthew 19:14; 1 Timothy 4:12


Tuesday, 12/10 - INSTILLING VALUES [It’s never too late to encourage God’s standards]

Prayer points: increase prayer for your family, keep a journal of requests, list the praises, increase faith with God’s promises; regularly repent and teach that; show unconditional love, forgive daily, serve others and take family along; tithe & donate; have family nights, show your faith.

Scriptures: Deut. 6:6-7; Prov. 22:6; 1 Tim. 5:8; Col. 3:20; 1 Tim. 3:5


Monday, 12/9 - GRIEF [Memorials, Memories, Missing]


Friday, 12/6 - GRANDPARENTS [Legacy, PUSH, Modeling]


Thursday, 12/5 - GENDER IDENTITY [Finding freedom in God’s Initial Design]


Wednesday, 12/4 - HANDLING FINANCES [economy, giving, saving, it's His anyways]


Tuesday, 12/3 - FAMILIES AS LIGHTHOUSES [Spark a fire; Spread His love; Shine in the darkness]


Monday, 12/2 - EXTENDED FAMILY [our Village; our Culture; our History]


Friday, 11/29 - ENTERTAINMENT [Filtered with Jesus]


Thursday, 11/28 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING


Wednesday, 11/27 - EMPTY NESTERS & RETIRED [Now what?]


Tuesday, 11/26 - DISTANCE [How to love from afar?]


Monday, 11/25 - DEPENDENCE ISSUES [Who are we depending on?]


Friday, 11/22 - DEALING WITH FAMILY MENTAL ILLNESS [without going nuts]


Thursday, 11/21 - COMMUNICATION [Anybody listening?]


Wednesday, 11/20 - COLLEGE & ADULT CHILDREN [letting them fly, letting them go, letting them learn]


Tuesday, 11/19 - CHILDREN & ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES [Social, Physical & Mental]


Monday, 11/18 - CHILDLESS BY CHOICE OR NOT [barren, bitter or better]


Friday, 11/15 - CAREGIVERS & MEMBER NEEDING CARE [Whose Member is it anyways?]


Thursday, 11/14 - BLENDED FAMILIES [Stepping into a Frying Pan]


Wednesday, 11/13 - Family Prayer Focus - Babies & Toddlers


Tuesday, 11/12 - ARGUMENTS & CONFLICTS [learn to fight fair]


Monday, 11/11 - ADOPTION & FOSTER KIDS [Parents & Children]

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