INTRODUCTION: Families experience pressures of many kinds. In this season of back-to-back holidays, family wounds & conflicts can arise if they haven't been addressed. Many internal and external issues try to tear the family unit apart, leaving painful experiences. For November through the New Year, join us in praying for families to find ways to unify, to show mercy, to love and be loved, to build and not tear down and to heal and find joy again. Check out the podcasts, scriptures and resources & join us.
BUT we have The Father in Heaven, in whom we can seek restoration, redemption & reconciliation.
Tuesday, 12/31 - TEENAGERS [[Questions? Answers! Trusted Source?]
Prayer points: find faith in God and his love; find answers in the Word; sexual purity; filter sources; find safe family members to talk to; healthy peers; able to stand their ground despite pressure to conform; find beauty through God’s lens; protected from taking drugs laced with fentanyl; feel valued, important and needed.
Scriptures: James 1:21–26; Eph. 3;14-21; 1 Cor. 15:33
Resources: 10 CHALLENGES FACING CHRISTIAN YOUTH (; Supporting Your Teenager: A Christian Counselor’s Advice, Part 2 | Bellevue Christian Counseling; 7 Challenges Teens Face Today - CCCRD | Center for Christian Counseling & Relationship Development
Monday, 12/30 - STRENGTHENING MARRIAGES [Bound by a triple-braided cord]
Prayer points: for couples to be quick to forgive and apologize, not keep an account of wrongs, ask for you to be the 3rd chord that keeps them together, they seek God above all else, learn to accept and not try to change each other, learn each other’s way of giving and receiving love, to find time to connect, be open with each other/not hiding anything, divine wisdom to handle the external pressures.
Scriptures: 1 Peter 4:7-8; Col. 3:13-14; Eph. 4:32
Resources: 6 Reasons Christian Marriages Struggle - Esther Littlefield; 13 QUESTIONS TO ASK FOR A MARRIAGE THAT LASTS
Friday, 12/27 - FAMILY & SPORTS [Playing, Watching, Paying, Idolizing]
Prayer points: Pray about behavior when playing or watching, parents teach good sportsmanship, how to lose and win gracefully, monitoring time/costs involved, is it drawing families closer or farther apart; ensuring it doesn’t take God’s place in their hearts; keeping God their first priority.
Scriptures: 1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17; 1 John 5:21
Resources: Spring Sports and Sunday Church | Desiring God; The Christian and Sport | Desiring God; 3 Questions to Detect Sports Idolatry (
Thursday, 12/26 - SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE [Phubbing? Parameters? Purpose?]
Prayer points: not to be on phone when someone is talking to you [phubbing]; setting clear boundaries on when to listen, what to watch & how to use for good & how much time; identify why families look at social media; remember you’re Christ’s ambassador online; connect with family, take breaks from it; consider fasting
Scriptures: Ps. 101:3; 1 Cor. 10:31; Matt. 5:16
Resources: Study Reveals Parents' Concerns About Social Media Use | Lurie Children's (; 15 Things Christians Should Stop Doing on Social Media - RELEVANT (; How to reduce social media use – 12 simple proven steps (
Wednesday, 12/25 - MERRY CHRISTMAS [No podcast today]
Tuesday, 12/24 - SINGLENESS [Remaining single; Seeking Mate; Following God]
Prayer points: begin praying for their mates in advance, not just to have one but for their life, for God to bring the right one and not a decoy, a believer not unequally yoked, healthy ways to find a mate, peace and joy in the journey, acceptance for those seeking a celibate life, opportunities to do things without a partner, loneliness turn to ways to connect with others, not give in to fatalism but know God has good plans for them, faith to believe.
Scriptures: Jer. 29:11; Eccl. 3:1-8; Ps. 84:11
Resources: 15 Bible Verses About Singleness | What God Says (; Christian Advice for Singles (The 4 Phases) |; Lesson 8: Practical Advice For Singles (1 Corinthians 7) |
Monday, 12/23 - SHARING JESUS WITH UNSAVED FAMILY [Timing, Openness, Lovingly]
Podcast: Sharing faith with unsaved family [right motives, right methods and right material]
Prayer points: for hardened hearts to be tenderized and open to hear; breakdown of arguments; overcome by our testimonies, understanding and good questions to ask, discerning the time and situation when sharing [are they tired, sick, or hungry]; God to give them eyes to see and ears to hear above all the other noise; we model a good Christian life, apologizing and forgiving as needed, clothed in humility, remembering but for the grace of God we could still be unsaved.
Scriptures: James 5:16; Eph. 4:18; Acts 4:29-30
Resources: How Can I Pray for My Unsaved Loved Ones? (; Sharing Your Faith 101 (; How Christians can reach out to unbelieving family members (
Friday, 12/20 - SCHEDULES [His plans or ours? Quality vs Quantity? What should be on it?]
Prayer points: seeking God for what to keep and what to eliminate and what to add; making appointments to spend with family undistracted; 1:1 and communally, ensuring there’s time to care for body, soul & spirit
Scriptures: Ps. 37:5; Eph. 5:15-17; Matt. 6:33; Is. 58:11
Resources: 10 Bible Verses about Schedule, Schedules & Scheduling. – Daily Bible Verse Blog (; Your Parenting Goals Seem Good, So Why the Struggle? (; How to get your family organized and on a schedule—in three steps (
Thursday, 12/19 - SABBATH [Families Discover Blessings in Rest]
Prayer points: yoke with Christ, learn from his gentle & humble walk; plan for the day, make it different than the rest; work less; social media refrain; quality time with friends/family, spend time with the Lord reading the Bible, listening to worship music, choosing entertainment that builds the Spirit; reevaluate your activities – what to keep what to stop.
Scriptures: Ex. 20:8-11; Lev. 23:3; Matt. 11:28-30; Is. 58:13
Resources: 15 Activities Strictly Prohibited on Shabbat in Israel - Secret Israel (; Modern Day Sabbath | How to Rest & Refresh in a Time-Crunched Culture (
Wednesday, 12/18 - RESENTMENT [dividing tasks, teambuilding or tug-of-war, sharing costs]
Prayer points: members deal with their resentment, find solutions to share chores, costs and responsibilities; confront not avoid or give up; create rules that build teamwork and camaraderie, encourage mutual engagement, invitational communication, clear communication of expectations for each member at events, gatherings and meals; ways to unite not divide; lighten loads.
Scriptures: Eccl. 4:9-12; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Eph. 4:16
Resources: Developing Family Teamwork - Kelly Crawford (; How To Build A Strong Christian Family – The Bottom Line, Ministries (; 5 Ways to Build Teamwork in Your Family - First Things First
Tuesday, 12/17 - RECONCILIATION & FORGIVENESS [Apologies; 77X; Not keeping records]
Podcast: Reconciliation & Forgiveness [Initiating I’m sorry; Harboring no offense; Forgiving mercifully]
Prayer points: regularly forgive offenders, recognize how much they’ve been forgiven by God, daily pray the Lord’s prayer, listen to how they speak about family members, admit it is sin to speak ill of anyone, keep forgiving until it is from their heart, not retelling the offense, able to be the first to own their part in the problem and apologize, recognizing one of the things God hates is someone who causes division
Scriptures: Matt. 18:21-22; Prov. 17:9; Matt. 6:9-13
Resources: Forgiveness within Christian Families | Help Club for Moms; Lesson 12: Reconciled Families (Malachi 4:4-6) |; The ABCs of Christian Forgiveness: An 8-Step Approach - Binmin
Monday, 12/16 - PRODIGALS & UNSAVED LOVED ONES [calling them home through intercession]
Prayer points: persistence in prayer, removing any offense towards the one we pray for; asking for others to speak to them about the Lord, for them to see their condition from God’s perspective, to experience a pigsty moment like the prodigal and want to come home, for those who influence their lives be saved or removed; for God to remove the stony stubborn heart and replace with a tender, responsive heart, for dreams and visions of God’s love and judgment.
Scriptures: Ezekiel 34:16; Jude 1:22-23; Luke 15:11-32; John 10:28-29; Ezek. 36:25-27
Resources: Pray Them Home: Three Prayers for Prodigal Children | Desiring God; Prayer for the Prodigal Son or Daughter (; 7 Prayers for Your Prodigal Child (
Friday, 12/13 - PARENTING [Exhausting, Engaging, Embracing]
Prayer points: yoke up with the Lord to parent their kids, get energy and wisdom from the Lord; seek friends who are older parents, not do it alone; take breaks from kids to regroup; put away cell phones when kids need their attention; show the kids they are important and valued early and reinforce through the years; savor the moments when they are good and praise them openly; being honest and real; helping them see it’s not perfection that makes a good family; it’s love and forgiveness and a reliance on the Lord’s strength.
Scriptures: Matt. 11:28-30; Is. 40:11; Eccl. 3:1
Resources: 8 Promises for Exhausted Parents - Christian Parenting (; 7 Ways to Connect with Your Children (; 32 Ways to Savor Your Children While You Have Them (
Thursday, 12/12 - LEAVING A GODLY LEGACY [Living to Pass On the Torch of Godliness]
Podcast: Leaving a legacy [Living to Leave behind what matters to God]
Prayer points: to leave a godly legacy to the next generation: disciple, encourage, equip, resource, empower, position for success, reaffirm, remind what to do, point to Jesus, reassure, release, rejoice with them, share the hope you have in Christ and in your future heaven home
Scriptures: Ps. 112:1-3; Matt. 6:20-21; Prov. 13:22
Resources: Leaving a Legacy: 10 Things I Want To Be Remembered For (; 4 Ways to Pass Down a Spiritual Legacy - Kathy Howard; 12 Steps To Leaving A Godly Legacy To The Next Generation | Brian Dodd on Leadership
Wednesday, 12/11 - K-6TH GRADE CHILDREN [seeking the Great Shepherd to protect these little sheep]
Prayer points: predators caught before harm comes to children; parents educate and monitor children’s social media use; parents heard and empowered at school district meetings; voice of parents greater than Dept. of Ed.; books with explicit/implicit sexual overtones be banned from K-6th grades; Covid aftermath cause them to more resilient; family uses it as dialogue to strengthen and inform, children feel valued and important at home.
Scriptures: Jer. 29:11; Matthew 19:14; 1 Timothy 4:12
Tuesday, 12/10 - INSTILLING VALUES [It’s never too late to encourage God’s standards]
Prayer points: increase prayer for your family, keep a journal of requests, list the praises, increase faith with God’s promises; regularly repent and teach that; show unconditional love, forgive daily, serve others and take family along; tithe & donate; have family nights, show your faith.
Scriptures: Deut. 6:6-7; Prov. 22:6; 1 Tim. 5:8; Col. 3:20; 1 Tim. 3:5
Monday, 12/9 - GRIEF [Memorials, Memories, Missing]
Podcast: Grief [Memorials, Memories, Missing – for outsider; to speak or not to speak that is the question]
Prayer points: during memorials cover the griever in prayer; emotions free not held back; find the source of comfort, the Holy Spirit, the comforter; words inappropriately spoken overlooked, during times of remembering pray people show their love by their actions fewer words spoken; for the later days when they miss the loved one pray for the griever to want to live, not give up, care for themselves and not seek destructive things to numb the pain; pray they recognize it’s a process and eventually accept it and work through it until they see their future purpose.
Scriptures: Ps. 23:4A; 2 Cor. 1:3-4; Is. 40:13
Resources: How to Heal from Grief - GriefShare; Helping Those Who Grieve - Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (
Friday, 12/6 - GRANDPARENTS [Legacy, PUSH, Modeling]
Podcast: Grandparents [leaving an enduring influence; praying until something happens; modeling Christ & God’s love]
Prayer points: they would first focus on God and their love of Him would spill over to those around them, they would recognize what they do & say affects many; they would apologize, forgive and not hold offense from any family member; model persistent prayer & prayers of faith; their ending days would demonstrate the power of the Gospel; they would teach and not be afraid to speak the truth to their family in love; be grounded in God’s love & rock solid in their faith
Scriptures: Ps. 145:4; Deut. 6:5-7; Ps. 78:1-8
Resources: How to be an Intentional Christian Grandparent - Grams and Pops; 4 Tips for Helping Grandchildren of Divorced Parents - Christian Grandparenting Network; 7 Essentials For Grandparenting Your Grandkids - Focus on the Family
Thursday, 12/5 - GENDER IDENTITY [Finding freedom in God’s Initial Design]
Podcast: Gender identity [who am I or better who did God design me to be]
Prayer points: For family members who chose to be LGBTQ+; for family members dealing with those who chose it; first that we always define others as children of God; for the family member to draw closer to Christ; for wise counsel, not derision or coddling; that homosexual friends and family respect their Christian loved ones; for them to know they were designed by God; for healthy conversations, protection from suicidal thoughts, truth would set them free; for loving people to speak to them.
Scriptures: Gen. 1:27; Rom. 1:26-27; John 8:7-11; Deut. 22:
Resources: How to Pray for Homosexual Friends and Family Members (; HOME (; Christian parents on how to respond to LGBT children: Tell them ‘I love you' even more | Living News (; Confessions of a Christian Who Struggled with Gender Identity - Christ and Culture (; What does the Bible say about transsexualism / transgenderism? Is gender identity disorder / gender dysphoria the result of sin? |; A Prayer for Our LGBT Neighbors | Family Policy Alliance
Wednesday, 12/4 - HANDLING FINANCES [economy, giving, saving, it's His anyways]
Podcast: Money Problems [Whose money is it anyways? – Love God or Love $ - It is never too early to learn]
Prayer points: give to God first; generously, cheerful, save, learn to be content with what they have, not love money, not greedy, test God, tithe, spend appropriately, share with others, teach children how to spend/save and give to God, understand why we need to love God over money.
Scriptures: Prov. 3:9; Prov. 6:6-8; Heb. 13:5
Resources: 10 key Scriptures to follow when managing your money - Christ Win; Money Management for the Christian Family - FamilyLife®; Teach Children How to Handle Money God's Way - Christian Finances (
Tuesday, 12/3 - FAMILIES AS LIGHTHOUSES [Spark a fire; Spread His love; Shine in the darkness]
Prayer points: pray for your neighbors as a family; take prayer walks; look for ways to be a light to those around you; do simple acts of kindness; when encountering a neighbor offer to pray for them or ask if they have something they need in prayer; invite them over for a meal or coffee or tea; pray for divine encounters, ask questions, seek to get to know them & build relationship.
Scriptures: Matt. 5:14-16; John 8:12; Acts 13:47; Eph. 5:8
Resources: Your Home: A Lighthouse - Via Families (; A House of Prayer for All Neighbors — GOSPEL FAMILY MINISTRIES; It Only Takes A Spark Song Lyrics | Divine Hymns | Gospel Song Lyrics
Monday, 12/2 - EXTENDED FAMILY [our Village; our Culture; our History]
Prayer points: recognizing we need them to help us learn and grow; learn from their knowledge of our history & culture; loving/forgiving those who are like porcupines; glean from their strengths & skills & wisdom; recognizing though blood related we have new DNA; praying for troubled ones; seeking God’s view of the hurting ones; quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to get angry, holiday & celebrations are times of joy not drama
Scriptures: Eccl. 4:9; 1 Tim. 2:1; 1 Cor. 1:10
Resources: Prayer Of The Day - A Prayer For Extended Family - MARRIAGE AFTER GOD; The Extended Family in America | Christian Standard; 30 Intercessory Prayers For Family Breakthrough; 17 Persistent Prayer Points For Family Breakthrough - Faith Victorious
Friday, 11/29 - ENTERTAINMENT [Filtered with Jesus]
Podcast: Entertainment [Watching & Listening with Jesus by our Side]
Prayer points: Reminder Jesus is with you all the time when we take in entertainment, be aware of little ones around, whether music, movies, video games or other types would not be an idol in our lives, for Holy Spirit to help you understand the Bible’s entertainment principles, for wisdom as you establish family media standards, to get rid of temptations [i.e. stop a streaming service, throw away what uses foul language, sensual, or God’s name in vain; fast it for 30 days, for strength to resist the temptation to indulge in entertainment that doesn’t glorify God; that the changes made will last.
Scriptures: Ps. 119:37; Ex. 20:3; Josh. 1:8
Resources: Making Wise Entertainment Choices - Focus on the Family; Hymn: Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see (
Thursday, 11/28 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Wednesday, 11/27 - EMPTY NESTERS & RETIRED [Now what?]
Podcast: Empty nesters [Finding new normal, keeping active & persisting in prayer]
Prayer points: hand over children to the Lord and trust He will care for them; accept the paradox of children given to us not ours, able to find new things to do while kids are gone, making home a safe place to visit; for retired to find ways to fill time that are fulfilling and not wasted; both find ways to mentor others, leaving a legacy from their experiences, learned skills and wisdom.
Scriptures: Phil. 1:6; 2 Cor.10:10; Prov. 22:6
Resources: Tips For Empty Nesters | How to Prepare for the Empty Nest (; 7 Powerful Encouragements for the Empty Nester (; Your Empty Nest Is God’s Opportunity | Christianity Today; Are you facing the empty nest? 10 Scriptures you need + hope! - Christi Gee
Tuesday, 11/26 - DISTANCE [How to love from afar?]
Podcast: Geographically distant [loving them close when they are far]
Prayer points: set specific times to communicate on a regular basis; a regular time to pray for the distant loved one each week, a way to connect and make them feel valued and important, how to work out the holidays, financially, schedules, loneliness, not feel detached though geographically distant, ways to maintain the relationship, what best builds and guards the rapport, support for both sides, how much is too much, how much is too little communication.
Scriptures: Proverbs 17:6; Luke 6:31; Matt. 19:19
Resources: MF2979 Loving Long Distance: Families Separated by Distance, Fact Sheet (; Five Ways to Intentionally Grandparent from a Distance: Part One - Christian Grandparenting Network; 20 Long Distance Activities for Dads at a Distance (
Monday, 11/25 - DEPENDENCE ISSUES [Who are we depending on?]
Podcast: Dependence Issues [Co-dependent, Interdependent, Independent or God dependent]
Prayer points: Identifying who we are depending on – man or God; are we the cause of their dependence; learning each member matters; each family can do something; co-dependent means we’re not relying on God; interdependence means we need each other; independence means I can do it by myself, me is at the center of relationships, God dependence means I recognize the Potter, I’m the clay and under His leadership and need to depend on Him.
Scriptures: Phil. 4:13, Matt. 10:37; 1 John 4:7-8
Resources: What does the Bible say about interdependence? |
Friday, 11/22 - DEALING WITH FAMILY MENTAL ILLNESS [without going nuts]
Prayer points: for the one experiencing - wholeness, healing, deliverance, able to forgive those who harmed, feel valued and important & see purpose in the body of Christ; freedom from fear/anxiety, mental disorders, able to make healthy choices; for the one caregiving - discernment, wisdom, patience, compassion; for the one observing – no judgment, empathy, intercession, words of encouragement, help person see they matter.
Scriptures: Ps. 139:4; Ps. 34:17-18; Ps. 23:3; Is. 53:5
Resources: What does the Bible say about dealing with mental illness? |
Thursday, 11/21 - COMMUNICATION [Anybody listening?]
Podcast: [Are you really listening? What are you saying? Put the phone away!]
Prayer points: making a choice to listen out of love; getting rid of distractions, choosing right place right time, seeking to understand first, paying attention to verbal & nonverbals, putting phone away, allow for faults, humility, gentleness, patience, speaking the truth in love, build each other up with wholesome language, kindness, forgiveness, slow to give advice
Scriptures:James 1:19, Proverbs 1:5; Deut. 12:28; Eph. 4: 1-3; 15-16; 23-24; 26-27; 29; 31-32
Resources: Pay attention, listen, seek to understand - Communicate better; Communication Skills for You and Your Family | Cooperative Extension | University of Delaware (
Wednesday, 11/20 - COLLEGE & ADULT CHILDREN [letting them fly, letting them go, letting them learn]
Family topic podcast: College & Adult Children [Co-dependent on Holy Spirit ; Dependent on God; Interdependent on Body of Christ]
Prayer points: truth would win out over lies taught in some college classes; resolve to stay true to what they learned and believed about God while attending college, parents to release kids to God’s ultimate care; for godly friends to surround them when they leave; for support from other parents in prayer and ways to love kids from a distance; hedge of protection against the worldly temptations, a desire & ability to stay the course to follow Jesus, no matter what, to be a light in the darkness.
Scriptures: Rom. 15:13; Phil. 1:6; Eph. 4:16
Resources: Lead Your Adult Children Back to Christ - Christian Parenting (; 10 Things to Remember When Your Adult Child Leaves the Church (; Parenting Adult Children: Six Steps to Sanity - Christian Parenting (
Tuesday, 11/19 - CHILDREN & ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES [Social, Physical & Mental]
Family topic podcast: Families with Children or Adults with social, physical or mental disabilities [hope, healing or deliverance]
Prayer points: find living hope, ongoing hope in the Lord for grace & strength; healing to the disabled, medical progress and success, not give up when tired; see the heightened traits of those challenged, appreciate and savor the good moments, support from extended family, cast their cares on the Lord and not take them back
Scriptures: 3 John 1:2; 1 Pet. 1:3; 2 Thess. 3:13
Resources: 15 Scriptures To Pray For Your Child with Special Needs (
Monday, 11/18 - CHILDLESS BY CHOICE OR NOT [barren, bitter or better]
Family topic podcast: Childless by choice or not [No advice please, Never assume who is infertile; No children but still fulfilled in God]
Prayer points: direction and open doors for those wanting children; safe people to discuss their pain, acceptance & no judgment by others for those that don’t want kids; renewed hope and strength as the childless couple looks for options; ways to deal with naysayers & when others conceive around them, hope where there’s despair, encouragement despite barrenness; the miracle of life & children, ways for them to love kids while waiting.
Scriptures: Is. 54:1; Luke 23:29; 1 Cor. 7:8; Prov. 30:15-16
Resources: How You Can Care for the Childless (; When a Christian is Childless — World Childless Week; Don't Judge Me Because I'm Childless | Today's Christian Woman (
Friday, 11/15 - CAREGIVERS & MEMBER NEEDING CARE [Whose Member is it anyways?]
Family topic podcast: Family caregivers & Member needing care [loving God & self to receive and give love to others]
Prayer points: spending quality time with God; taking Sabbath time to restore; renewed with love and joy to care for family member; finding joy in the care & member, combatting fatigue with enough sleep & down time, paying attention to red flags in the member and in self, able to receive care without feeling like a burden; more than a duty – it’s a service to God, clear communication of needs, getting help, sharing the load.
Scriptures: 1 John 3:17; Phil. 2:4; Gal. 6:10
Resources: Caregiving: Christian Helping and Coping - Christian Life Resources; Caregiver Action Network; A Biblical Perspective on Caregiving | Joni and Friends; PRAYER FOCUS: Families (
Thursday, 11/14 - BLENDED FAMILIES [Stepping into a Frying Pan]
Family topic podcast: Blended Families [How to heal? How to help? How to unite?]
Prayer points: Clarify expectations, work together, form new bonds, Mourn the losses; cry together, share what you miss, and then identify what you gained. Understanding, patience, wisdom, comfort; Build a team with new and old ones; don’t forget to work on the marriage intentionally, help the children heal not their fault nor blame; find conflict solutions, agree on discipline, build a strong relationship with God & other believers to support and help, practice forgiveness, recognize it takes time
Scriptures: Galatians 3:28; Psalm 127:1; Eph. 2:14
Resources: Christian Advice for Blended Families: 7 Helpful Tips (; Blended Families - Problems, Challenges, Bible Verses | Preach It, Teach ItAsk Roger Detail | Preach It, Teach It (; Christian Family Counseling: Blended Families and Parenting | Mill Creek Christian Counseling
Wednesday, 11/13 - Family Prayer Focus - Babies & Toddlers
Family topic podcast: Babies & toddlers [never too early to teach about God, simple less is best, remember parents need spiritual formation too]
Prayer points: parents find ways to get short breaks; others help them raise these little ones, protection, early they will know the Lord as savior, discipline appropriately to guide, divine wisdom through temper tantrums, parents & godly people speak good words over them, parents get sufficient input that is spiritual, physical and mental; they would be dedicated to the Lord early; taught to love the Word of God and worship
Scriptures: Prov. 22:6; Is. 40:11; Mk. 9:37
Resources: Powerful Prayers for a Baby - Holy Land Prayer; 35 Scriptures to Pray Over your Children (with Free Prayer Calendar) - (
Tuesday, 11/12 - ARGUMENTS & CONFLICTS [learn to fight fair]
Family topic podcast: Arguments & Conflicts - Biblical approach [it's not about winning]
Prayer points: Identify root cause; examine motives; lean on grace; put on humility; create an environment of thanksgiving, pray before and after the conflict or argument, seek resolution not restitution, the end game is not your way or my way - it's God's way.
Scriptures: James 4:1-6; Eph. 4:30-32
Resources: Handling Conflict Biblically and Constructively: Encouraging articles from Family Fire — Family Fire; Conflict Management: A Biblical Approach — Family Fire
Monday, 11/11 - ADOPTION & FOSTER KIDS [Parents & Children]
Family topic podcast: Adopted & Fostered [Kids who need a forever family; Couple who needs a forever kid; Celebrate our adoption to God’s family]
Prayer points: Children waiting for adoption, hope, process smooth, adapting goes well; foster children in the system, foster children after the system ends, foster parents, for the right reasons, ethically, lovingly, treat as their own; adoptive parents, patience, ability to love through assimilation, both foster & adoptive parents supported by extended family, gratitude for having a Father who will NEVER leave us NOR forsake us and who provided us a forever family.
Scriptures: James 1:27; Gal. 4:4-5; Ps. 10:14
Resources: 5 ways you can pray for adoptive families - ERLC; Adoption Prayer - Prayer Ideas; Prayer for Orphans (; Foster Care as the Way of Christ | Desiring God