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PRAYER CHALLENGE: Most Sinful & Dirtiest Cities in SBC

Adam McCann, writer for WalletHub wrote an article entitled 2022's Most Sinful Cities in America. They compared 180 cities using 7 major categories broken down by 38 indicators for illicit behavior. Sadly, four of the cities are in San Bernardino County. They are San Bernardino, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga and Fontana. The Lord knew how we should address such disturbing news - pray. Join us this month in following God's way of dealing with sin on a corporate level. Let's seek an awakening of God's people to pray, seek His face [not hand], unite in intercession & repentance on behalf of the sins. Let's believe for revival of lives transformed by the Holy Spirit which reform cities.

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land - 2 Chronicles 7:14

"City living has its advantages, but more residents usually means more pollution, more rats, and more trash. The problem is worse in some cities than in others. LawnStarter ranked 2023’s Dirtiest Cities in America following one of the trashiest times of the year, the winter holiday season. We compared over 150 of the biggest U.S. cities across four categories, including pollution, living conditions, infrastructure, and consumer satisfaction. Depending on where you live, you may want to buy some air fresheners, mouse traps, or a can of Raid."

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, National Transportation Research Nonprofit (TRIP), Numbeo, Other LawnStarter Studies,, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Three California Cities Rank Among The 'Dirtiest' In America - NewsBreak


Friday, Mar. 31st - Dirtiest Cities: Consumer Satisfaction

  • Podcast: Praying to increase Consumer Satisfaction re: Dirty, Pollution, Garbage Disposal, Greenery & Parks

  • % of Residents Who Find City Dirty and Untidy: San Bernardino 93.75%; Ontario 50%; Fontana 60%; Rancho Cucamonga 0%

  • % of Residents Dissatisfied with Air/Water Pollution: San Bernardino 91.67% & 70% ; Ontario 66.67% & 25%; Fontana 55% & 35%; Rancho Cucamonga 33.3% & 16.67%

  • % of Residents Dissatisfied with Garbage Disposal: San Bernardino 43.75%; Ontario 50%; Fontana 30%; Rancho Cucamonga 0%

  • % of Residents Dissatisfied with Greenery and Parks: San Bernardino 68.75%; Ontario 70%; Fontana 37.5%; Rancho Cucamonga 33.3%

  • Prayer Points: City officials will create ways to address the air and water pollution problems, Improvement in air quality and water drinkability, our county seat city SB would improve in cleanliness, inspire organizations to take one section of city and clean it monthly like they do the roadways, raise the standards for businesses/residences to keep properties clean, garbage and sanitation would look at areas that need to be updated/cleaned; more parks and greenery; people would voice their concerns to their public officials loudly enough & be heard; help the leaders see a dirty city invites crime, poverty and poor economic growth. Salvation, Transformation & Reformation to the cities. Gospel preached with boldness, lives changed, cities reformed.

  • Scriptures: Is. 1:16; Deut. 23:12-14; Lev. 25:35; Prov. 22:2; 2 Cor. 8:9; Prov. 20:13; 31:8-9

Thursday, Mar. 30th - Dirtiest Cities: Infrastructure

  • Podcast: Praying Infrastructure issues improve: Landfills, Waste Regs., Recycling, Alt. Fuel & Junk Yards

  • Tons of Waste in Landfills & Rating of State Waste Regulations and Measures; #1 highest waste in CA over 50% 1,172,625; #2 is LA at 736K; San Bernardino Solid Waste Management Division (SWMD) is responsible for the operation and management of the solid waste disposal system for the largest county in the United States. Our disposal system consists of five regional landfills and nine transfer stations.

  • Refuse and Recycling Collectors: 160 facilities; 72 closed; 1 clean closed; 3 inactive; 3 planned; 81 active [42 have notifications to fix something not up to code]

  • Alternative-Fuel Stations: 5th place for clean vehicle rebates; 385 in SBC; Fontana 16; Ontario 44; Rancho Cucamonga 24; San Bernardino 54

  • No. of Junk Yards: in SBC there are 193 junk yards

  • Prayer Points: Trash collectors safety and able to sort properly; residents help in sorting their trash as requested; more products made that can recycle; truth about alternative energy; example electric cars use batteries that cannot be recycled; if electric grid goes down or asked to conserve electricity like last summer, no electricity for vehicle; truth be told and viable ways to help the environment; junk yards have rules to recycle materials for use on other products, innovations how to reuse things; faithfulness to what we have; not overbuying; county officials and Waste Management Division ethical with funds, waste site facilities follow regulations, rules reasonable to follow; less landfills & what to do with those that closed.

  • Scriptures: Lk 16:12; Deut. 19:14; Acts. 2:45; Matt. 6:19-2; Lk. 16;10

Wednesday, Mar. 29th - Dirtiest Cities: Living Conditions

  • Podcast: Praying to improve Living Conditions in Homes

  • Population Density (Residents per Square Mile) - SBC has a population density of 106 people per square mile as of 2018. San Francisco County has the highest population density in California with 17,344 people per square mile followed by Orange County with 3,342 people per square mile and Los Angeles County with 2,421 people per square mile2.

  • Share of Overcrowded Homes - SBC worst residential overcrowding rates in CA; ranks 9th among 58 counties; 1 out of 10 units is overcrowded

  • Share of Homes with No Kitchen or Plumbing Facilities – couldn’t find data, not having a kitchen could be problematic long-term, costly; no plumbing poses health risks; especially long-term.

  • Share of Homes with Mold, Signs of Mice or Rats, Cockroaches or Sewage Disposal: couldn’t find the data; any one of these issues poses a health risk to those in residence.

  • Unsheltered Homeless Rate – CA has highest homeless rate at 67% unsheltered; in 202 0SBC had 2,389 adults/children homeless by count; sheltered increased by 28% [944] leaving 1,445 unsheltered. Cities accounting for 76% of the homeless are in the cities of Barstow, Colton, Fontana, Ontario, Redlands, San Bernardino, and Victorville.

  • Scriptures: Is. 32:18; Prov. 19:17; 28:27; 14:31; Deut. 15:11; Prov. 31:8-9

Tuesday, Mar. 28th - Dirtiest Cities: Pollution

  • Podcast: Praying to improve Pollution Issues: air, water, greenhouse/gas, fuel & smokers

  • Median Air Quality Index: Worst air quality in the US ratio is #US vs #CA in #1 are: position San Bernardino [1/1], Fontana [8/3], Ontario [10/4], Rancho Cucamonga [16/6]. Air pollution particulate matter 17.6 daily average.

  • Presence of Water Quality Violations: yes throughout the county; Currently, our region faces challenges with the man-made groups of chemicals per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exposure to certain PFAS can lead to adverse health effects in humans.

  • Greenhouse-Gas Emissions (Metric Tons CO2e) per Capita: SBC is in a Greenhouse Gas Reduction plan. that will reduce 7,891 Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalents (MT CO2e) per year from new development by 2030; currently MTCO2e/SP 6.7% with goal to lower to 5.4% by 2040.

  • Annual Excess Fuel Consumption (Gallons per Auto Commuter): SBC highest rate of people driving alone; driving further to get to work; more delivery trucks due to warehouses & distribution.

  • Percentage of Smokers – 13% in SBC almost 275K smokers

  • Prayer points: County Supervisors who sit on the South Coast AQMD is the regulatory agency responsible for improving air quality; leaders on the Water districts: SBMWD serves San Bernardino & unincorporated cities; each major city has its own water district/leaders; officials overseeing Greenhouse/Gas emissions; more ways to help commuters spend less time, fuel and money commuting; smokers decrease.

  • Scriptures: 1 Tim. 2:1-2; Rom. 13:1-2; Prov. 21:1; Dan. 2:21; Rom. 13:1; 1 Pet. 2:17

Monday, Mar. 27th - Laziness: High school dropouts & Teen Disconnect

  • Podcast: Praying for SBC regarding Laziness: High school dropouts & Disconnected Youth

  • High School Dropout Rate: In SBC 2.6% dropped out county wide; San Bernardino 2.6%; Ontario 2.6%; Rancho Cucamonga 1.6%; Fontana 1.5%; Worst in county is Trona Joint Unified at 58.5%; Victor Valley Union High at 5.9%; Barstow Unified at 3.4%; Lucerne Valley Unified 3.1%.

  • Disconnected Youth (16-24) Rate [not in school nor working] by city:

    • San Bernardino unemployed 16.7%; No diploma 27%; 31% HS grad; 27% some college; 14% college degree.

    • Ontario 4.1% unemployed; 24% no diploma; 27% HS grad; 22% some college; 25% college degree

    • Rancho Cucamonga 3.4% unemployed; 8.5% no diploma; 19% HS grad; 25% some college; 47% college degree

    • Fontana 4.2% unemployed; 23% no diploma; 28% HS grad; 23% 26% some college; college degree

  • Prayer points: Increase in grad rates, decrease in drop outs, ways to help students stay in school and be motivated, more intervention for those who drop out with disabilities; more parents take an active role in child’s education, those 16-24 able to find jobs and better work ethics, more teachings, Bible studies, family discussions on the benefits of working versus being lazy, break the stronghold of entitlement, pride and arrogance, more understanding of God’s love vs selfishness.

Scriptures: Ps. 119:66; Dan. 1:17; Prov. 18:15; 2 Thess. 3:10; Prov. 13:4; 10:4 18:9; 2 Thess. 3:11-12


Friday, Mar. 24th - Laziness: Volunteering vs TV Watching

  • Podcast: Praying for SBC & Laziness: Time given to Volunteering vs Watching TV

  • Volunteer Rate: 30% formally volunteer, 40% fundraising, 34% food distribution. Top causes in order 1 to 6: hunger/homelessness, health/wellness; faith/spirituality; animal/wildlife, children/youth, environment/conservation. Avg. 52 hours/year; baby boomers highest percentage; women more than men. Volunteers benefit with a stronger sense of unity, improved overall physical and mental health and aids to resume building.

  • Avg. Daily Time Spent Watching TV by hours: By age group: 18-34 [1.37]; 35-49 [3.24]; 50-64 [5.43]; 65+[7.14]; all adults 4.16 [FYI comparison interact with smartphone avg. 3.30 hrs/day in addition to TV]

  • Prayer points: More people would volunteer at churches, see its importance and value to the body of Christ; more education on why helping others benefits health emotionally, spiritually and mentally; increase in volunteers for good causes; opportunities to build relationships with people outside their comfort zone; the kindness, sacrifice and love displayed would improve communities, volunteers touted more in ads, movies, shows; church volunteers see it as every member being part of a family and all are needed; TV filters used; people would monitor what and how much they watch, is it redeeming the time.

  • Scriptures: Lk. 6:38; Heb. 13:16; 2 Cor. 9:7; Rom. 12:2; Jms.4:4; Matt. 6:2; 1 Jn. 2;15

Thursday, Mar. 23rd - Laziness: Adults Not Exercising & Avg. Work Hours

  • Podcast: Praying for SBC regarding Laziness: Adults not exercising vs Work Hours

  • Share of Adults Not Exercising: SBC has a countywide campaign called Vision 2BActive; educating and encouraging people to increase their physical activity. In a typical week, youths 5-17 should be physically active at least 60 minutes/day; adults 30 moderate daily 5 days/week. Currently 34% youths meet the goal and only 23.5% adults. Facts: 75% SBC residents live within 1 mile of a local park, 5 miles from a regional, state or federal park. Vision2BActive – Vision2BActive (

  • Average Weekly Hours Worked: National average is 34.6 hours/week; SBC averaged 35.5 for the last 12 months. Found average commuter time/week by city: San Bernardino [28.9 hrs]; Fontana [34 hrs]; Ontario [31.5]; Rancho Cucamonga [32.2].

  • Prayer points: more adults to exercise the minimum 30 minutes/day, motivate others to do the same including their family, address obesity and need to treat our temples well from home, church and studies, people would take up the 2Bactive challenge that SBC provides, people will walk more; use stairways, see the benefits, commuting time would lessen; more jobs available closer to their homes or move closer to jobs; teachings on how to balance work, family and body care; parks, trails, would be used more and safe.

  • Scriptures: Ps. 128:2; Ps. 127:1-2; Prov. 23:4-5; Eccl. 3:12-13; Matt. 6:23-24; 1 Cor. 6:19-20; Prov. 24:5; 31:7

Wednesday, Mar. 22nd - Vanity: Tanning Salons & Top 5 Plastic Surgeries

  • Podcast: Praying for Cities ranked on Vanity: tanning salons & plastic surgery [Sex Reassignment Surgery prayer included]

  • Tanning Salons [measured per Capita.] We found around 30 near the 4 cities.

  • Interest on Top 5 Plastic Surgeries. US Stats: 92% on women; 13-19 make up 2%; 30-39 make up 45%. Top five procedures: nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, facelift, liposuction, breast augmentation.

  • [Awareness] Sex Reassignment Surgery on minors/adults: Transgender Surgery Institute of Southern California [Santa Monica]; UCLA Gender Health Program’s pediatric practice [Los Angeles] on minors & Gender Clinic at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health (Palo Alto]

  • Prayer points: People will be filled with an awe and reverence from the Lord, the fear of the Lord would be honored more than outward appearance, people would see their value in God more than in how they look, tanning salon owners/workers required to notify clients of potential harm from tanning beds i.e. cancer, premature aging, immune system compromised; plastic surgeons not push unnecessary/costly procedures; laws to protect minors from getting reassignment surgery; education of health issues on the surgery, exposure & expelled if done solely for the money, laws passed it can’t be done as a minor, more teachings on beauty skin deep by families and churches.

  • Scriptures: 1 Sam. 16:7; Jer. 4:30; 1 Pet. 3:3-4; Ps. 139:14; 2 Cor. 4:16

Tuesday, Mar. 21st - Lust: Online Dating Apps [i.e. Tinder] & Teen Births/Abortions

  • Podcast: Praying teen births/ abortions decline & increased moral standards in OL dating apps

  • About Tinder – most popular online dating app that finds singles who live locally; reputation as a hook up app, shows pictures profiles that you swipe right if you like, left if not interested. Requires a picture and short blurb about yourself including relationship goals. Most used by age 52% 18-29; 38% 30-49; 10% 50+. Two good articles addressed it from a Christian’s perspective: if it tempts you delete it; use caution when meeting someone, make sure of their motives.

  • Estimated Teen births/abortions in Cities/county: County teen births 12.5% vs. abortions 8.7% 1,025 vs. 715; San Bernardino [127 vs. 74]; Fontana [126 vs 73], Ontario [106 vs 62] , Rancho Cucamonga [103 vs 60] .

  • Prayer points: People review apps for safety features before using, Christians pray before using an online dating app, higher standards required when using the apps [i.e. conservative pictures, nothing abusive, aggressive, immoral allowed in conversations]; apps used for sexual immorality would diminish in use; people delivered from sexual addictions, revival among those developing, promoting & using the apps, teen births continues to decrease in rate; abortions among teens decrease, more education on the option to adopt; increase promotion of abstinence before marriage at home, in school and at church.

  • Scriptures: 1 Cor. 10:23; 2 Tim. 2:22; 2 Cor. 6:14; 1 Cor. 15:33; 1 Cor. 13:4-7; Gen. 2;18

Monday, Mar. 20th - Lust: Adult Entertainment Establishments/Events & Online

  • Podcast: Praying for the Lust Indicators in Sinful Cities – Adult & XXX entertainment & events

  • About Cities: San Bernardino [SB] ranked 10/182; Rancho Cucamonga [RC] ranked 64/182; Ontario ranked 93/182, Fontana ranked 113/182

    • Adult Entertainment Establishments per Capita [escort services; gentlemen’s clubs, etc.] – San Bernardino [13+]; Ontario [9]; RC [9]; Fontana [11] [also Victorville, Rialto]

    • Erotic/Burlesque Events per Capita – over next 2 months over 12+ events

    • Google Search Interest Index for “XXX Entertainment" [measures search interest for online adult entertainment]

  • Prayer points: Less adult entertainment establishments replaced with a healthy business; people who own will get saved & change the business; people attending these place on ground or online will be convicted and delivered and set free; those who are victims from sex trafficking will be found, counseled, healed, released and find new edifying work, those who succumb to this work for the money will see its long term damage to multitudes; takers get penalties more than the ones supplying.

  • Scriptures: Matt. 5:28; 1 Jn. 2:16; Gal. 5:16; Col. 3:5; 2 Tim. 2:22; Job 31:1; 1 Cor. 6:18


Friday, Mar. 17th - Greed: Casinos, Gambling, Charitable Giving Podcast

  • Cities: San Bernardino [SB]; Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga [RC]; Fontana each ranked 42/182.

  • Casinos per Capita: San Manuel Yaamava Resort & Casino [Highland], Dads Casino Party & Poker Night [Ontario]; E-l33t Gaming [Upland]. The lure of Las Vegas gambling.

  • Share of Adults with Gambling Disorders: 38K in SBC; CA has Office of Problem Gambling (OPG) that provides education, counseling, treatment and identification. Included is helpline, training and technical assistance, public awareness campaigns and research.

    • Three major organizations help gamblers: Gamblers Anonymous for gamblers specifically similar to AA. Gam-Anon for the spouse, family or close friends of compulsive gamblers. GamTalk a 24/7 moderated online peer support forum.

  • Charitable Donations as Share of Income: Six out of ten (or 60%) households give to charities; By age group broken below; all tend to give to local places of worship.

    • Millennials on average/annually give $481, 84% give & make up 11% of donors; Gen X gives $732 on avg/annually; 59% give regularly, tend to fund raise & volunteer ; Baby boomers give $1212 avg/annually; 72% give; make up 43% of all donations; Silent Generation gives $1,367 avg/annually; 88% donors; 11% of population give 26% of all donors

  • Prayer points: Decrease in gambling compulsion, for the 3 groups helping the gambler, family of gambler and the peer support forum to see an increase in attendance and freedom; state will continue to provide more help to those with the problem & education at places that allow gambling; churches will address best uses of money especially as prices of commodities increase; people give more to charities and tithe as the Lord encourages, as a result see needs met.

  • Scriptures: Proverbs 13:11; 1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5; 1 Timothy 6:9-10; Matthew 6:24; 2 Corinthians 9:7; Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35

  • Excesses/Vices: Praying for Decreased Smoking & Poverty Podcast

    • Adult Smokers [11% over 178K in SBC; US avg 15%, 18% high school students used e-cigarettes/vaping machine 1/x daily]

      • SBC promotes resources to quit smoking & lists the risks/harms: Stained teeth/tongue; dulled sense of taste/smell; Bad breath; Gum disease; Tooth loss; bad skin; bad smelling clothes/hair; poor sports performance, longer healing times and risk of illness, lung cancer.

    • Debt to Income Ratio: Debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is the percentage of gross monthly income that goes to paying monthly debt payments and used by lenders to determine borrowing risk.

      • Top 10 cities & their poverty rates %: Muscoy 39.3%; Adelanto 38.5%; Barstow 36.4%; Lenwood, 35%; Trona 33.9%; Homestead Valley 33.3%; Lucerne Valley 31.4%; San Bernardino 30.6%; Needles 26.5%; Victorville 23.3%.

  • Prayer points: Continued education on the harms of smoking; more education on vaping to youth; decrease in number of adults/youth who smoke any type; churches find creative ways to not only feed the poor, but also help them learn how to manage their income; schools return to teaching budgets, community colleges offer classes on how to save/spend affordably; more teaching from pulpits on scriptural money management principles; people would take some of these poorest cities and pray for them for a month or year; of the 10 poorest cities 4 legalized cannabis distribution in all forms; for the city councils to see the correlation to poverty and use of it; find alternative ways to build their economy and income.

  • Verses: Heb. 12:1; 1 Cor. 10:13; 1 Cor. 6:12; Lev. 25:35; Prov. 22:2; 2 Cor. 8:9; Prov. 17:5

  • Population Using Marijuana [measures 12 & older who used marijuana in past month]

    • 12-17 4.68%; 18-25 25.9%; 26+ 13.5% [in the US 15% use MJ]

    • Concerns THC in MJ increased; risks intoxication, anxiety, agitation, paranoia, psychosis, schizophrenia, addiction, cognitive impairment, poor performance at work, poor judgment, poor concentration, difficulty in recall & attention.

  • Retail Opioid Prescriptions Dispensed

    • 12-17 yrs [1.72%]; 18-25 [3.25%]; 26+ [3.59%]

  • Drug Overdose Deaths [measures deaths due to drug poisoning]

    • 2021 San Bernardino county had 1,630 drug overdose deaths, intentional & non. By age: 20-29 [304]; 30-39 [322]; 40-49 [307]; 50-59 [373]; 60+ [269] [trend showing an increase in senior drug overdosed deaths in the last several years]

  • Prayer points: more education on risks/harms of MJ use; drug enforcement agencies able to crack down on illegal distribution of drugs esp. fentanyl, more people voice their opinions against drugs at city hall meetings like a Christian pastor group did in Barstow; boldness and courage to believers to speak up, more informed with data to prove the problems, prevention programs in churches, education in Christian schools about harms, more education on opioid addictions/risks, awaken people to the truth and set them free from the addictions, transformed lives by the gospel.

  • Verses: Luke 4:18; 2 Cor. 3:17; Ps. 107:10-22

  • Excessive Drinking [measures age-adjusted prevalence of binge and heavy drinking among the adult population.]

    • By age alcohol use past month: 12-17 [6%]; 18-25 [45%]; 26+ [50%]

    • Binged alcohol past month: 12-17 [4%]; 18-25 [28% ]; 26+ [21% ]

    • Drank alcohol 1-2x/week: 12-17 [47% ]; 18-25 [45% ]; 26% [49% ]

  • DUI-Related Fatalities per Capita

    • 114 fatalities [2020] 2nd highest county in CA; LA #1 216 [2020]

    • 4,753 DUI convictions [2018] Ranked 5th highest county in CA; highest convictions by age: 42% [21-30]; 27% [31-40]

  • Prayer points: more education about dangers & health risks of binge drinking; harder rules in colleges specifically CSUSB; Loma Linda University; Chaffey Community college; Victor Valley Community college; University of Redlands, tough love documentaries about DUI fatalities, victims injured to speak up or who lost a loved one; more on social media about it; less DUI fatalities; more law enforcement car checks; the freeway marquis to post about not drinking; that there is no tolerance when caught; MADD speaks to schools; more celebrate recovery groups open to the public

  • Verses: 1 Cor. 6:12; Eph. 5:18; Phil. 4:5; 1 Pet. 5:8

  • Share of Obese Adults in San Bernardino county

    • 7-in-10 Adults or 69% are Overweight or Obese

    • Students in Grades 5th, 7th & 9th: 4 in 10 overweight or 43% overweight [23% at health risk; 20% needs improvement]

    • Top obese school districts: Fontana 49.4%, San Bernardino 48.5%, Rialto & Colton 48.4%, Victor 44.7%

  • Fast-Food Establishments per Capita in SBC

    • 1050 Fast Food Restaurants serving 2,121,220; that’s 1 per 2,020 people & 1 per 19 sq. miles.

    • Top cities with most: Ontario 132; San Bernardino 99; Rancho Cucamonga 96; Fontana 95

  • Share of Adult Coffee Drinkers [measures share of adults who drank ready-to-drink coffee in past six months.]

    • How much is too much? More than 4 cups brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola or two "energy shot" drinks [caffeine content varies in drink]

    • 16-oz. energy drink can have 54 to 62 grams of added sugar; exceeds max amount rec. per day; guarana in energy drinks increases caffeine amount

    • Health risks excess caffeine: serious heart and blood vessel problems; heart rhythm disturbances; increases heart rate and blood pressure, anxiety, sleep & digestive problems, dehydration

  • Verses: Proverbs 23:20-21; 30:8: 23:2; Phil. 3:19

  • Top 10 by category

    • Worst: Ranked top 10 in 3 categories: Earp, Vidal, Nipton, Cima, Baker, Green Valley Lake, Fawnskin; Ranked in 2 categories: Angelus Oaks, Colton, Edwards AFB, Essex/Fenner, Amboy/Cadiz

    • Theft: Green Valley Lake 153%: Edwards AFB 75%; Forest Falls 51%; Fawnskin 48%; Silver Lakes & Helendale 34%; Nipton 23%; Cima 23%; Vidal & Baker 22%

    • Vehicle Theft: Montclair & Ontario & Bloomington & Fontana & Rialto 6.5%; Colton 6.2%; Upland 6.1%; Chino 6%; Grand Terrace 5.9%

    • Burglary: Fawnskin 14%; Green Valley Lake & Earp 13%; Nipton 11.4%; Cima 11.3%; Baker & Argus/Trona 11%; Amboy/Cadiz 10.9%; Essex/Fenner 10.8%; Big River 10.6%

    • Vandalism: Needles/Havasu Lake 50%; Earp 42%; Victorville 24%; Pioneer Town 22%; Angelus Oaks 21%; Seven Oaks/Barton Flats 19%; Colton 18%; San Bernardino Intl Airport 17.6%; Newberry Springs 17.4%; Vidal 16.5%

    • ID Theft: Fawnskin 5.4%; Green Valley Lake 3.5%; Earp 1.4%; Nipton & Cima & Baker/Oro Grande 1.3%; Vidal, Essex/Fenner 1.3%; Amboy/Cadiz & Edwards AFB 1.2%

  • Prayer points: Crime rates go down in all stealing categories in each city; outreaches that address stealing; sentences for thieves to work & payback what they stole to the victims; more graffiti laws in each community; citizens vote to ensure vandals fix, pay for, or paint over damaged items; task forces to find vehicles faster esp. for those selling parts for more evil; greater education for cybercrime preventions, more cyber PI experts to identify criminals; where there are no city council, county supervisors create teams to address the problems & prevent

  • Scriptures: James 3:16; Heb. 13:15; Ex. 20:15; Prov. 6:34; 14:30; 10:2; Eph. 4:28

  • About 4 Sinful Cities: San Bernardino [SB]; Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga [RC]; Fontana

    • Jealousy by rank in order out of 180 cities: SB 108; Ontario 140; RC 144; Fontana163.

    • Theft: RC 17%; Fontana 14%; Ontario 13%; SB 8%

    • Vehicle Theft: Ontario/Fontana 7%; SB 5%; RC 3%

    • Burglary: SB 8%; Fontana 6%; Ontario 5%; RC 3%

    • Vandalism: Fontana 14%; SB 12%; Ontario 8%; RC 3%

    • ID Theft: Ontario/SB/RC/Fontana .8%<=

  • Prayer points: Reminder of the 10 commandments; deliverance from those who are under the enemy’s control; for people to be content with what they have; things stolen returned as part of consequence or paid back when sentenced; ministry to those who steal; is it based on needs or wants; education how to spend & save money; increase cybersecurity teams who can find & sentence cybercriminals; thieves have to labor and do honest work with their own hands, then learn to share; salvation to thieves, transformation, reformation to cities

  • Scriptures: James 3:16; Heb. 13:15; Ex. 20:15; Prov. 6:34; 14:30; 10:2; Eph. 4:28

  • Top 15 Most Violent Ranked Cities in SBC [# of times ranked in top 5 by category]:

    • Green Valley Lake [5], Vidal [5], Baker [4], Earp [4], Havasu Lake [3], Big River [3], Adelanto [3], Oro Grande [2], Fawnskin [2], Big Bear Lake [1], Angelus Oaks [1], Hinkley [1], Devore [1], Sugarloaf, Barstow. All ranked Violent Crime Grade F.

  • Top 5 by Categories:

    • Assault: Green Valley Lake 13%, Hinkley 8%, Havasu Lake, Devore & Oro Grande 7%. Armed Robbery: 6% Angelus Oaks & Earp, 5% Vidal, 4% Big River, 3% Adelanto. Rape: 4% Green Valley Lake; .45% Baker, Fawnskin, Earp, Adelanto. Murder: 3% Baker, 1.6% Vidal, .7% Earp, .5% Havasu Lake, .2% Green Valley Lake. Kidnapping: 4% Baker, 3% Vidal, 2% Fawnskin, 1% Big River, .8% Green Valley Lake. Drug crimes: 45% Baker, 39% Green Valley Lake, 38% Big River, 26% Adelanto, 14% Vidal. Animal Cruelty: .6% Oro Grande, .3% Earp & Vidal, .2% Havasu Lake & Big Bear Lake

  • Prayer points: Cities where % is so much higher than others have more attention by law enforcement & city community leaders; ways to identify why this is a problem, though in some cases in obscure places; victims of the crimes committed able to find healing, restoration, and deliverance; county supervisors make teams visit these communities with creative solutions to prevent the crimes, county & cities address the drug crimes that are so high, task forces able to do operation rescue in these areas, though small not to be forgotten.

  • Scriptures: Hosea 4:2 ; Proverbs 3:29 ;Proverbs 3:31;Psalms 11:5; Psalms 72:14

Tuesday, Mar. 7th - Anger/Hatred Fontana Podcast

  • About City: Ranks 142/180 most sinful cities overall; 147/180 for anger/hatred; Overall crime grade is D-; violent crime D+; property crime D; other crime F; a crime occurs every 38 minutes; top issues are drug crimes at 21% [very high] theft 14% [high]; vandalism 9%; vehicle theft 6%

  • Repent & Scriptures: [Forgiveness] – forgive any one or any organization who offended you, reconcile with anyone who has a grudge against you, be merciful as God is merciful to us, forgive daily, love enemies, pray for them and those who hurt you, don’t judge [Col. 3:13; Mk. 11:25; Matt. 5:44; 6:15; 18:21-22; Lk. 6:27-30 & 37]

  • Prayer points: drug crimes in Fontana decrease, crime grade improves, those selling, marketing, making and distributing the drugs be caught, sentences harsh enough to cause restraint of future crimes, confusion in the camps of gangs & cartel, South Fontana and Mexican Mafia prison gang La Eme decrease in size & power, Fontana Police Department ethical, just, wise and captures criminals, give them seeing eyes, motivated by law & justice not vengeance, balanced lives with family & work, integrity, more preventive programs, churches pray & help

  • About City: Rancho Cucamonga ranks 131/180 cities overall; 144/180 for anger/hatred; crime grade overall D; violent crime C; property C-; other D; A crime occurs every 2 hours 41 minutes; top issues 20% vandalism; 10% theft; 5% drug crimes.

  • Repent & Scriptures: harsh words vs a soft answer; selfish desires, lust, want what I want when I want it vs. content in what we have; not reconciling with people we offended; not vengeful, being good to those who hurt us, praying for our enemies vs talking bad about them, not quarrelsome, always trying to pick a fight or argue, vs kind, teachable not resentful, repentance leads to a knowledge of the truth [Prov. 15:1; James 4:1; Matt. 5:23-24; 2 Tim. 2:23-26; Rom. 12:21; 2 Prov. 22:10]

  • Prayer Points: the truth of God’s word penetrates the hearts of those planning crimes, set free from sexual, drug and alcohol addictions, more firearms caught in Operation Rescue; more task force finds, strong convictions and sentences that puts a fear in criminals, punishment worthy of the crime, reformation in prisons, churches/ministries pray for prisoners and have programs to help juveniles not become criminals, conflict management classes taught in prisons and schools, In RC: West Valley Detention Center, Superior Courthouse of CA in RC, judges, defense lawyers & prosecutors.

  • About City: Ontario ranks 125/180 cities overall for most sinful; 145/180 for anger/hatred category; a crime occurs every 1 hour 3 minutes (on average); overall crime grade is D; violent D; property D+; other D-; top issues are 13.5% drug crimes; theft 11%; 7% vandalism; 6% vehicle theft.

  • Pray about Anger/Hatred Indicators: Violent Crimes; Sex Offenders; Aggravated Assault; Bullying; Hate-Crime & groups; Deaths due to Firearms; no Mass Shootings; no Terrorist Attacks

  • Repent with Scriptures: Foolishness; venting our anger, no self-control, yelling, arguing, quick to anger, hot tempered people, stirring up strife, bitterness, hotheaded, insecurity, perverse tongue, mad at people, cursing, being rude [Prov. 14:16; 15:4; 15:18; 16:32; 19:11; 29:11; James 1:19; Eph. 4:30-31]

  • Prayer Points [control anger]: salvation, deliverance, holding their tongue, self-control, slow to anger, stop arguing, quick to listen to understand, quiets contention, decrease, crime grade improves, drug crimes decrease, Ontario Police Department, Drug task forces: Inland Empire Clandestine Lab, Inland Regional Narcotic Enforcement, Drug Enforcement, High-Intensity Drug Trafficking, Ontario City jail, Prison Fellowship, Kairos, Jesus is the Key prison ministries.

  • Info: San Bernardino Crime grade overall is F; violent F; property D+ and other F; every 26 minutes a crime occurs; top issue: drug crimes 41% extremely high and gang activity, high poverty rate 21%. County

  • Pray about: Crime decreases in violence, sex offenders, aggravated assault, bullying, hate-crime, hate groups, firearm deaths, mass shootings, terrorism; crime grade improves, less violence, less property crime & lower drug crimes; gangs divide & decrease; Central Detention Center, San Bernardino City Jail, Central Valley Juvenile Detention & Assessment Center; Operation Consequences; public safety, Criminals, Prisons reformation by the transforming Gospel, deliverance from gangs & addiction, Fatherhood programs succeed and increase, The Mom and Dad Project grow & graduate parents via court orders.

  • Repent/Scriptures: uncontrolled anger, revenge, bitterness, offenses, malice, slander, obscene talk, quick-tempered, quarreling, act before thinking, hating anyone [ Psalm 37:8; Eph. 4:26-27 James 1:20; Col. 3:8; Prov. 14:29; 1 Tim. 2:8; Ps. 4:4; 1 Jn. 3:1]

Wednesday, March 1st - Watch the vodcast: Call to Pray for the sinful cities in SBC.

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