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New Year challenge to pray for the media rather than complain about it. We can make a difference as we unite in prayer. Each weekday there will be one specific aspect of media that we will cover like reporters, owners, billboards, etc. Let's take back the power of the air waves.

Links below access resources & podcasts.

Tuesday, Jan 31st – Battle for the airwaves [Prince of confusion vs Prince of Peace]

Monday, Jan. 30th – Social Media - Blogs & Pinterest & LinkedIn [Tools or Timewasters?]

  • Scriptures: Prov. 15:14/1 Cor. 10:31; Luke 12:15; Phil. 4:19; Col. 3:23/Eph. 2:10 & 5:16

  • Prayer strategy: Pray for the pros to increase on each platform & be used more by Christians across the world to reach/teach about Jesus. Pray about the cons on each platform; that believers would challenge how & what they use them for; how much time they use on them and how better to use them for their needs.

  • Personal challenge: Which, if any of these do you use? How much time do you spend on them? To ensure Jesus is Lord of your time, ask Him to help you use these tools efficiently and productively; not wasting any time.

  • Podcast: Praying for Blogs/Bloggers, Pinterest/Pinners, LinkedIn/Professionals to use these tools wisely


Friday, Jan. 27th – Search Engines – Google, Bing/Yahoo, DuckDuckGo

  • Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 5:21; Psalm 25:5; Psalm 86:11

  • Prayer strategy: Pray for the owners & leaders, developers, staff, higher standards & morals; ethical & legal use of personal data; Christian workers to share their faith & model Christlike behavior; used more for good than evil; better monitoring for cybercrimes including sex trafficking of minors; anything hidden that is evil would be brought to light; helpful more than harmful. Users learn to test everything and not be gullible to what they find. Pray the verses for users.

  • Personal challenge: Use the scriptures to pray for yourself when you use Google or any other search engine – test, keep what’s good, led by truth; fear the Lord when searching knowing He is with you at all times.

  • Podcast: Praying for Google and other search engines to hold to God’s standard

Thursday, Jan 26th – Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok & Snapchat [When is it good to share?]

  • Scriptures: Prov. 14:15; Prov. 14:8; Eccl. 10:12; 1 Pet. 3:10

  • Prayer strategy: Pray for the owners & users for each app; for those who are addicted; who overuse or abuse the platforms; for sexting to stop & laws to enforce & apps to ban; users beware of what to share & to whom; scams; time used. PDF Points

  • Personal challenge: Do you use any of these apps? If so, consider what affect it has on you. Ask the Lord to show you if you are presenting a ‘real self’ or not? Does He want you to use this. If so, for what purpose? If you don’t use any of them, pray for those addicted to them & those who use it for illicit gains.

  • Podcast: Praying for users of Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok etc. [What needs to be shared?]

Wednesday, Jan. 25th – Social Media - YouTube [O Be Careful Little Eyes What You See]

  • Scriptures: Matthew 6:22-23; 1 John 2:15-17; Psalm 101:2-4

  • Prayer strategy: Pray for users to filter what they choose to watch; redeem the time if believers, more Christian channels increase and help disciple/evangelize; for those uploading videos are motivated with good ethics; use disclaimers if they aren’t experts; content that is disturbing, vulgar or distasteful have ratings and decrease.

  • Personal challenge: Ask the Lord to show you what you should and should not watch on YouTube. Then monitor how much time you spend on it. Could it be spent doing something more valuable?

  • Podcast: Praying YouTube be used more for good than evil & users monitor time spent

Tuesday, Jan. 24th - Social Media: Facebook [Does it really connect us?]

  • Scriptures: Proverbs 18:2; Colossians 4:6; 1 Timothy 5:13

  • Prayer strategy: Pray for users to be cautious what they post; cautious what they read; slow to post; quick to listen; cautious of who wants to be “their friend”; have “real” friends versus acquaintances; cautious of marketing; cautious of time use; scams & sexual temptations.

  • Personal challenge: How much time do you use Facebook? If not at all, do you use another media site to connect with people like LinkedIn? Ask the Lord to show you what boundaries He wants you to apply when using it?

  • Podcast: Praying God’s word over Facebook - this giant social media platform

Monday, Jan. 23rd – Social Media: Informational Web Sites like Wikipedia

  • Scriptures: Romans 12:2; John 16:13; Psalm 25:5

  • Prayer strategy: pray for people findings sources to look for current information; relevant answers; accurate facts; written by people who have experience, knowledge or credentials; not motivated by bias and opinions, and identify if they are being persuaded, informed, marketed to buy, or entertained. Pray people less gullible and more educated.

  • Personal challenge: What sources do you tend to seek for information? Apply the CRAAP test. If it doesn’t pass, look for ones that do pass. Additionally, when making statements that come from your internet surfing, be sure the source is credible.

  • Podcast: Praying for Internet Surfers to Learn how to seek reliable information from Web Sites


Friday, Jan. 20th - Magazines [To View or Not to View]

  • Scriptures: Luke 11:34; Isaiah 52:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

  • Prayer strategy: Look at the list of magazines & pray over those that need to increase and be successful. Look over those that promote consumerism; pray for the readers to consider the marketing. Then look again and pray over those that need to decrease.

  • Personal challenge: What magazines do you read? Pray the Lord will show you whether you need to keep subscribing or purchasing them? Individually they cost much rather than annual subscription. Time waster or time helper?

  • Podcast: Praying for magazines to improve our lives rather than tempt us

Thursday, Jan. 19th - Printed Media [Influential or Insignificant]

  • Scriptures: Matthew 6:19-20; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Proverbs 16:16

  • Prayer strategy: Pray for all printed matter that attempts to persuade people to buy what they don’t need, vote for someone that is unethical, vilify opponents or competitors, use services to entrap, increases consumerism and feel you have a poor self-image. Pray also for printed matter that reaches people for Christ; disciples, evangelizes, sells needs, fosters improvement, healthy work habits, informs about political candidates in a healthy way and causes people to be wiser.

  • Personal challenge: What printed matter did you see today? Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you discern what was healthy and what was harmful? If you have control over the paper, shred, contact to stop sending and find ways to not get anything God opposes.

  • Podcast: Praying for Printed Media to be Healthy & Readers to Discern

Wednesday, Jan 18th - National & World News [Servants of the Lord or Slaves to the devil]

  • Scriptures: Micah 6:8; Is. 40:15; Psalm 2

  • Prayer strategy: Read Psalm 2 then pray for those national & world news sources reporting as servants of the Most High to be heard and honored; and those serving the devil to be silenced and shamed. When you hear national or global news that concerns you, instead of worrying pray with thanksgiving that God is greater than all of it.

  • Personal challenge: Use the Micah 6:8 verse to filter what national/world news you listen to and question whether they report with justice or impartiality; with mercy or vengeance; with pride or humility? Then ask the Lord to help you find sources that follow Micah 6:8.

  • Podcast: Praying for National & World News Sources [Truth vs. Evil]

Tuesday, Jan. 17th - Praying over the Current News

  • Scriptures: 1 Thess. 5:17; Eph. 6:18; Luke 18:1-8

  • Prayer strategy: Open BREAKING NEWS: Stop & Pray (; pray for some of the current news stories. Consider interceding for those who were injured or killed in traffic accidents, for safer roads, for drivers to respect rules of the road, road conditions. Petition for law enforcement to catch criminals quickly, for reformation of the criminals, for safety to police/staff, for exposure & prosecution of political leaders who commit crimes, economy to improve, Council members who voted on Cannabis super center to be built in Barstow discover the negative impact it will have on drivers, business, drug crimes.

  • Personal challenge: What news did you hear today? Pray for the people, the organizations, the sources and the other readers.

  • Podcast: Praying for Today's Current News

Monday, Jan. 16th - Local News Agencies in San Bernardino County

  • Scriptures: Matt.12:36-37; Is. 59:14; Num.13:25-33

  • Prayer strategy: for salvation to those presenting the news; to speak righteousness & reveal truth; conviction of speaking falsehood; hearers to discern what is not true; deception as end time narrative, contend for truth to be relayed, not biased, favoring one side; not with an agenda; strengthen and direct the will of all who write and shape the coverage of newspapers; remove & replace those with evil motives with those for truth.

  • Personal challenge: Read the story in Number 13:25-33. Ask whether you are getting swept up by the fearmongering or by faith. Consider what local news you listen to and filter it with help of Holy Spirit; discern what is good and what is evil.

  • Podcast: Praying for Local News Agencies [Reveal truth; Expose Evil & Pure Motives]


Friday, Jan. 13th - Christian Media Staff/Journalists [Protect & Prevail]

  • Scriptures: Isaiah 52:7; 1 Chron. 16:23-24; Col.1:28

  • Prayer strategy: able to withstand the slander, malicious gossip, twisting their messages, able to overcome the opposition in love, their protection, openness to the gospel, harvest of souls, encouragement, equipping, training and inspiration to believers; commitment to spending time with God personally, accuracy, open doors, creative methods of delivery.

  • Personal challenge: Think about what you hear of, listen to, or know about a Christian media source. Take a moment to pray for God’s blessings over their messages and its effectiveness. Let’s believe the Lord can use this source to minister to many that face-to-face evangelism and discipleship cannot.

  • Podcast: Praying for Christian media to prevail & flourish

Thursday, Jan. 12th – Readers of Media [Consumed or Informed, TMI, NEI, JEI]

  • Scriptures: 1 Sam. 16:7; Ps.1:1-2; O Be Careful Little Eyes hymn

  • Prayer strategy: Pray for the ignorant, the unlearned, the ones who are easily deceived to see the truth, for filters of good vs. evil, consumption vs information, for readers to think about the agendas behind the messages; for God to shine light on the content & reveal hidden motives; challenged to not waste time; take breaks; fast media for a time then see how they viewed the onslaught of information

  • Personal challenge: Now that we’ve looked at various types of media, which ones cause you to be consumed? To buy what you don’t need? To waste time? To help you get something? Prepare you for disasters? Ask the Lord to show you which ones you should stop listening to and which ones to continue.

  • Podcast: Praying for Media Readers to be Mindful of what they see & hear

Wednesday, Jan. 11th – Billboards & Truck Signs

  • Scriptures: Col. 2:8; Ps.119:37; Phil. 2:14-16

  • Prayer strategy: content, message, maker, owner, protection from vandalism, readers, Christian writers, secular writers, business writers, graphic artists, motives, G-rated; viewing safety.

  • Personal challenge: Be mindful of the signs you see on various billboards. Pray you remain safe and not distracted; that you pray and not complain about the messages; you pray some get removed and replaced.

  • Podcast: Praying for those involved in Billboard Content

Tuesday, Jan 10th - Radio stations [Far-reaching vs Far-fetched]

  • Scriptures: Prov. 18:21; Matt. 12:34-37; Prov. 13:3

  • Prayer strategy: Pray for the listeners to hear good and not evil; for those dispensing the information to clarify opinions over facts; for Christian stations to reach a larger audience inc. those in prison, nursing homes, homebound, the lonely, young mothers, to preach the gospel and the word that will not return void; sufficient finances to stay on air

  • Personal challenge: Identify the stations you listen to for information & pray for their staff. Are the messages filling your heart with good or evil? Pay attention to what you are saying. Frisk your thoughts – on things above or worldly? Good or evil? Truth or Lie?

  • Podcast: Praying for Radio Stations [content & workers]

Monday, Jan. 9th - Weather News [Forecasting Fear or Forearm]

  • Scriptures: Matt. 16:3; Ps. 107:29; Eccl. 11:4; Lk. 12:54-56; Job 37

  • Prayer strategy: for those presenting the weather; the staff & owners behind it; if the motive is to inform, prepare & help the listener or to control, increase fear & deceive; that they forewarn & not be fearmongers, exposed if overdramatizing, embellishing with hype & sensationalism, facts not fiction, emphasis on prediction not necessarily accurate, God can change the weather; listeners able to discern fact from fiction

  • Personal challenge: What weather media do you seek to find out the forecast? Knowing that the weather affects Air quality; Wind, Rain; Snow, thunder, Drought; food supply; fires & much more, pray for those in your community affected by one or more of these conditions.

  • Podcast: Praying for those who Forecast the Weather


Friday, Jan. 6th - Advertisers in Media: SBSun, Redlands DailyFacts & IE Daily Bulletin

  • Scriptures: Philippians 3:18-19; Luke 16:13; Galatians 6:7-8

  • Prayer strategy: Advertisers to be ethical, truthful, not exaggerate, not manipulate. Ones to raise funds for causes – honest & use uprightly.Consumers or users aware of harms to children, clutters minds, makes feel bad, tempts, stereotypes, mindful if need or want, sexualizing women, negative effects, amount of time looking at ads

  • Personal challenge: Think about the ads you saw today.Categorize them by need, wants and temptations. Pray that you will not be seduced to buy something you don’t need with money you don’t have nor be tempted to do something that’s against God’s will.

  • Podcast: Praying for the Advertisers in Media

Thursday, Jan. 5th – Journalists & Content: SBSun, Redlands DailyFacts & IE Daily Bulletin

  • Scriptures: 2 Peter 3:16; Rom. 13:1-5; 1 Jn. 5:9-10

  • Prayer strategy: Safety & protection to good ones, grant grace, strength, courage, discernment, understanding and wisdom. Help them to have Accountability, be Objective, discern the truth, gain Favor, Observe Constitution, report with Moral values, Expose groups with nefarious motives. Remove those using this to manipulate, deceive, control, promote evil, cause strife & remove religious freedoms.

  • Personal challenge: What reporter provided you news today? Think about what it took for them to access the information, then write it. Pray for them by name and all the supporting staff, cameramen, editors, etc. If good, pray; accordingly, if not, pray they change or get replaced.

  • Podcast: Journalists & Supporting Staff who report & present the news

Wednesday, Jan. 4th – Owners: SoCal News Group & Media News Group

  • Scriptures: 1 Tim. 6:10; Is. 59:14; Micah 6:8

  • Prayer strategy: Pray for the SoCal News Group groups that own & operate three of our local newspapers: San Bernardino Sun, Redlands DailyFacts and the Inland Empire Daily Bulletin. Points to pray for leadership: not motivated by love of money, strive for fair reporting; focus on accuracy; enforce Journalist Creed, truth & morality.

  • Personal challenge: What specific source(s) did you choose to get news today? Stop & pray for the management to follow Micah 6:8 to act justly, to love mercy & to walk humbly with God. Was the news they lure you with hype & sensationalism

  • Podcast: Owners & Operators of 3 Local Newspapers

Tuesday, Jan 3rd - Whose Report will you believe?

  • Scriptures: Ps. 1:1-3; Is. 5:20; Rom 12:2

  • Prayer strategy: Identify & list other forms of information you seek that come from different platforms. Some of those might include - Reviews on a product from buyers; YouTube channels for how to; Facebook newsfeeds; Twitter, Pinterest, Google Mini or Alexa, Google search engine, Wikipedia. Begin identifying and listing which ones you seek for information. Pray for the authors of the information – their salvation, integrity, honesty and able to separate bias from facts.

  • Personal challenge: When listening to different sources, how do you know which report to believe? Is it godly advice? Are they mocking others? Do they call evil good or good evil? Does it cause you to conform to the world? Is it helping you do God’s will?

  • Podcast: Whose report will we believe? | Reference: Prayer for Media -

Monday, Jan 2nd - Introduction to the Media Challenge

  • Scriptures: Eph. 2:1-3; Is. 9:6; Phil. 4:8

  • Prayer strategy: Focus on the media you listen to or watch. Pray for the salvation of all involved in reporting the information. Forgive them if they shared anything that offended you. Filter what you hear using Phil. 4:8 Is it true? Honorable? Right? Pure? Lovely? Admirable? Excellent? Worthy of praise?

  • Personal challenge: Ask the Lord if He wants you to keep choosing to listen to this media.

  • Vodcast: Media prayer challenge - YouTube

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