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PRAYER CHALLENGE: Arts, Entertainment & Sports

One of the seven major influences in society is in the area where we celebrate the arts, entertainment and sports. Consider how much time and money we spend in any or all of these?

Jesus cautions in Matthew 12:34, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." What we fill our minds with can positively or negatively impact our speech and behavior [GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out or Good In Good Out].

Join us in praying for this far reaching, money making and powerful tool during the month of February? Share this with others so they too can pray for this giant. Feel free to comment below. Others would love to know your thoughts.

Tuesday, Feb. 28 - Celebrities in Music, Sports, Movies, Theaters [Higher Standards]

  • Podcast: Praying for celebrities: musicians, athletes, actors/ actresses [Deliver them from Evil]

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures:

    • Musicians – Salvation; more songs pure, inspire, encourage, express what we can’t but better, keep them from temptation; deliver them from evil, higher standards & morals in how they live and conduct themselves in performances [Ps. 68:25 & 1 Chron. 15:16]

    • Athletes – safety & protection, perform ethically, same sex only play in high contact sports, teamwork vs. self-promotion, ethical, moral standards, salvation, able to overcome temptations of fame, fortune & fans [1 Cor. 9:24 & 1 Tim. 4:8]

    • Actors/Actresses – salvation, able to play roles with moral standards, courage to say no to parts that promote evil, able to overcome temptations, balance family/work life, better role models, delivered from evil, protection from fans & paparazzi [1 Jn. 1:11 & James 1:22-25]

  • Personal Challenge: Pick your favorite musician, athlete and actor and pray for God to reveal Himself to them and deliver them from evil

Monday, Feb. 27 - Secular Film Industry [Garbage In Garbage Out or Good In Good Out]

  • Podcast: Praying for secular film industry staff, content and influence.

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures:

    • Staff – saved, delivered from evil, set free from addictions, higher standards, better morals, transformation and reformation in the industry [Col. 3:17 & 2 Cor. 5:17]

    • Content – better material, family friendly, inspirational, thoughtful, provoke to good behavior, documentaries that inform without inciting violence, healthier scripts, clean humor, creative ideas that foster better citizenry, less sensational, more educational; responsibility to help not harm people nor children [Prov. 17:22; Luke 17:2]

    • Influence – less images of violence, murders, accidents, blood, gore, stabbings, disturbing images, sexual situations; viewers recognize real from fiction; monitor quantity and quality of films; aware how it impacts sleep, dreams, feelings, mental health, fears; more so in children Ps. 101:3a; 2 Tim. 1:7; Prov. 3:31

  • Personal Challenge: Next time you choose a film; stop before watching, pray you will turn off anything that is offensive to God and then pray for those who made the film.


Friday, Feb. 24 - Arts/Entertainment/Sports - Cable & TV networks

  • Podcast: Lifting up staff behind shows; viewers abide by TV ratings; HPN’s growth Prayer Points/Scriptures:

    • Staff – [writers, directors, owners, costume, make-up, etc.] salvation, higher standards, believers share their faith; Christians pray together; model their faith; better morale, not fall prey to many temptations, lust of the flesh, eyes & pride of life. 1 Jn. 2:16

    • Parental Guidance Ratings – TV-Y; Y7; Y7FV; G; PG; 14; MA [V-Violence, S-Sex, L-Language, D-suggestive dialogue] Parents and viewers pay attention to ratings; have boundaries what not to watch; those rating the shows do so with integrity; children, teens and parents agree to discuss why shows negatively impact them. Col. 3:5-8

    • Hollywood Prayer Networkmore people commit to pray vs. complain; more join the network [it’s global]; more resources for those in the entertainment industry to stay pure; specific guides with prayer points that meet the needs of the entertainers/staff; model Christlike behavior among unbelieving entertainers. Col. 4:2-6

  • Personal Challenge: Next time you complain about a show, take the time to ask for forgiveness then pray for all those who put it together. Phil. 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing

Thursday, Feb. 23 - Entertainment – Christian & Secular Concerts [What’s the Difference?]

  • Podcast: Praying for the environment, purpose and safety at Christian & Secular Concerts

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures [NLT]:

    • Environment – people consider where venue held; what type of people will attend; what will be allowed/not; worship of God or man - 2 Cor. 3:17 vs James 3:16

    • Purpose – bold gospel messages, worship encouraged, clean entertainment preferred over those promoting evil; fans recognize the motives of the artists/bands - 1 Thess. 2:4 vs. Prov. 21:2

    • Safety – security guards, people prepare for potential dangers, drugs, drunkenness, open sex prohibited; educate audience before concerts, safety precaution signage posted conspicuously; Prov. 18:10 vs. Prov. 14:16

  • Personal Challenge: Read this article Christian Concerts vs. Secular Music Events: What's Different? ( Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you when deciding and paying for attending a concert.

Wednesday, Feb. 22 - Entertainment – Streaming Services for Movies, TV Shows & Music

  • Podcast: Praying for streaming sites show ratings clearly & increase family & clean options, consumers to filter content and consider how much they spend

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures:

    • Content Filters - Clear markers that show content rating for music & shows; services provide more programming based on healthy choices; strong parental controls - Psalm 101:3 (NIV)

    • Charting Site – Simple navigation to choices based on personal preferences; able to find cleaner shows & music early on; not push evil agenda; Eph. 5:11-15 [NLT]

    • Consumer Costs – services charge reasonably; consumers recognize amount spent on entertainment; addiction doesn’t pre-empt paying for needs; Prov. 21:20 [NLT]

  • Personal Challenge: Choose one of the top video and music services or one that you use and pray the consumers cry out for cleaner material and the streamers meet that desire.

Tuesday, Feb. 21 - Topic: Entertainment/Arts/Sports – TV Shows [Where to Draw the Line?]

  • Podcast: Praying for the content, viewers & parents of TV shows

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures:

    • Content – more family friendly less violent, vulgar and villainous; more Christian based healthy writers, more G/PG rated desired by viewers; more public outcry for indecent shows; people speak up; better filters; Gal. 5:19-21

    • Viewers – frisk the content against Phil. 4:8; would Jesus watch it with them; monitor the amount of time sitting, what they eat while watching, recognize and turn off the shows that put God down or tempt them to do sinful things.

    • Parents – monitor children; not use as a babysitter, recognize what content fosters good behavior and what promotes bad [Prov. 22:6]

  • Personal Challenge: What about you? What do you watch? Would Jesus watch it with you? How much time do you sit viewing a show? Is it helping your body or hurting?

Monday, Feb. 20th - Entertainment/Arts/Sports – Fairgrounds [All the Events Hosted]

  • Podcast: Praying for events at SBC Fairgrounds to be family friendly, safe & free from crime.

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures:

    • Concerts & Shows – [strolling entertainers, clowns, jugglers, live bands; ] family friendly, G/PG rated; not risqué; Psalm 101:2-3

    • Livestock Show – [FFA and 4-H youth Jr. Livestock Auction select, purchase, feed, and groom livestock to be real life stock to be, graded and sold at fair; include steers, lambs, hogs, rabbits and poultry] Prov. 12:10

    • Exhibits competition – [Home Brew Contest, Preserved Foods, Home Arts, Ceramics & Plaster craft, all Crafts, Miniatures, Models, Collections, Fine Art, Photography and all Youth & 4-H] Ex. 35:10

    • Horse Racing - [Thursday through Sunday Live Satellite Wagering watch, bet live horse racing from all over the world in only simulcast wagering Facility in the High Desert region of California] Prov. 13:11

    • Wheel2Wheel Raceway is a 1/8 mile 7 degree banked oval dirt raceway located at the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds in Victorville, California. W2W races speedway sprints, dirt karts and mowers throughout the entire season. Welcoming drivers as young as 4 years old and beyond. It is the home track for the Speedway Sprint Cars fabricated by W2W Racing & 777 Racecars. 1 Cor. 9:24 & Phil. 2:3-4

  • Personal Challenge: Whether you choose to visit the county fair or not. Take a moment to pray for it, when you hear it or others advertised. Pray for the law enforcement, the staff, the bodyguards, and all the young and old who participate in the events.


Friday, Feb. 17th - Entertainment: Secular Music [What’s appropriate and what’s not?]

  • Podcast: Praying for higher standards to those involved in making/listening to Secular Music

  • Prayer Points:

    • Lyrics/Content– not evil propaganda, not from the devil, promotes good not evil, have better ratings for parents and adults, more messages that promote inspiration, healthy love, kindness to others, songs that contain violence, swearing, sex, alcohol abuse, drugs be labeled and banned; higher standards in the industry

    • Singers/Musicians – sing & play because they support what they’re saying and is honorable; less motivated by violence, sex, vulgarity and debauchery; protect their voices, help the musicians to support the singers(s) and other band member; back up singers do the same; for their salvation, deliverance from drugs/alcohol, love of money & immorality, for the public to cry out for good models

    • Listeners – Christians challenge the words against Phil. 4:8 [true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, worthy of praise]; what effect does it have on the listener; would Jesus listen to it; for unbelievers to censor the lyrics; to look at what they listen to and question it’s value and affects in their lives; people pay for and/or listen to music that is G/PG rated more than any other

  • Personal Challenge: What secular music do you listen to? What does it cause you to think on – things of the earth or heaven? Good or evil? Tempted to do something against God’s will or to appreciate God’s talents to those who put together the song?

  • Podcast: Praying for all those behind the content shown at Movie & Stage Theaters.

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures [ESV]:

    • Movie Theaters – less R rated; more family friendly films; clean environment; volume remains safe for ears; more movie goers choose better content; corporations who own the franchise of theaters have higher moral standards; patrons conduct themselves with respect to others; cell phones off; salvation of workers, managers & owners; sex not allowed in theaters; ensure under age not watching R & NC17 - Ps. 101:3

    • Stage Theatres – patrons choose clean performances; more family friendly acts; platform allowed for Christian as well as secular talent; safety of performers; salvation to owners, managers & performers; types of plays not immoral; contains healthy humor; thought-provoking not incite hostility; artists who sing or dance or do something creative is clean; doesn’t encourage immorality; patrons show appreciation for performers – Col. 3:5

    • Motion Picture Association of America [MPAA] – rates films appropriately; public outcry for better films, less indecency, more G & PG rated films; PG rated films not include R rated material, keep within the boundaries of each rating - 1 Cor. 6:12

  • Personal Challenge: Next time you watch a movie at a theater or at a live stage, pray for the people involved and the content portrayed. When driving by a theater, lift up a prayer for it to be used for healthy entertainment.

Wednesday, Feb. 15th: Entertainment – Christian Music [Expression of Praise & Worship]

  • Podcast: Praying for those behind Christian Music [Lyricists, Artists, Musicians, Record Labels]

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures [ESV & NLT]:

    • Lyricists – able to be creative in their lyrics; words would reach believers to encourage, comfort, challenge, convict; messages would reach unbelievers with the Gospel [James 5:13]

    • Artists – creative ways to sing the lyrics in a way that captures the hearts of the hearers, health/safety over their vocal chords, balance of time with family/friends and time with the Lord, able to resist temptation, remain humble [Col. 3:16]

    • Musicians – Able to play unique sounds from their instruments, unified, able to play together with harmony and creativity that supports the singers; clever & innovative ways to make sounds that glorify God; protection from demonic influence [Ps. 150:3-6]

    • Record Labels – Able to distribute to new groups beyond; creative marketing to reach the lost; protected from the love of money; Godly wisdom in running the business; able to find best singers who can reach the world for Christ and encourage believers to worship & praise [1 Chron. 15:16]

  • Personal Challenge: Pray for your favorite Christian artist. Pray for those involved with the current song/lyrics that ministers to you right now.

Tuesday, Feb. 14th: Sports/Entertainment: Auto Speedways & Motocross Raceways [Christ remains honored]

Prayer Points

  • Drivers – salvation, Christians model Christ well & with integrity/purity; able to overcome temptations; safety when driving; their pit crew & helpers safe & alert

  • Fontana Auto Club Speedway – continues to be free to televise & say the invocation; the cross remains the center of the activities; safety to fans/track staff; gospel shared boldly; fans won’t idolize instead appreciate talent, skill & courage

  • San Bernardino Stock Care Speedway – safety to all racing & supporting the race on tracks; alcohol restrictions before/during/after races;

  • Motocross Glen Helen Raceway – extra precautions for those on the bikes, enforcement of safety gear, dirt prepared properly; orderly conduct on/off the track; prohibition to drugs and alcohol before/during/after the race

  • Christian Race MinistriesRacing with Jesus & Beyond Checkered Flags

Personal Challenge: If you attend or watch any of these types of races, pick a team to pray for.If you do not, consider choosing one of the raceways to cover in prayer.


Monday, Feb. 13th - Christian Film Production Companies [Reaching the Unreached]

  • Podcast: Praying Christian Film Production Companies reach more people

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures []:

    • Audience – more people watch, reaches secular and Christian viewers, receptive, shares with others, promotes them to believers/non-believers; brings to Christ and/or grows in faith; 2 Peter 3:9

    • Films – creative, unique, innovative, compelling, persuasive, quality acting/filming, secular and Christian actors perform well, scenes challenge arguments against God; 2 Cor. 10:5

    • Gospel – preached without shame; clear, penetrating, creatively presented for different age groups; Rom. 1:16

    • Directors/Producers – Choose content that will make people think about the Lord, purity vs. immorality, courageous faith, right decisions in a dark world, challenge both the believer and unbeliever to grow in the knowledge of God; 2 Peter 3:18

  • Personal Challenge: Consider your choice of films. Are you supporting the ones that promote the Gospel? Choose one of the top Christian film producing companies from the list above and pray for them.

Friday, Feb. 10th - Art – Museums in SBC [Honoring the Creator or Created?]

  • Podcast: Praying for the exhibits in SBC Museums [Designers, Managers, Artwork]

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures [ESV]:

    • Designers – for Christian artists to be able to showcase work that causes the beholder to give glory to God for their skill and talent. For secular artists to create items that also demonstrate the handiwork of God and not for evil promotion. [Exodus 35:35]

    • Museum Managers – Would listen to their patrons, what’s appreciated and what’s not. Find sources to exhibit healthy work and skill, fostering creativity in the visitor, highlight the talents and unique designs, encourage understand of historical items, embrace cultural roots without denying the existence of God as the creator. [Prov. 19:20 & Matt. 10:33]

    • Artwork – People would not worship the created but instead appreciate the craftsmanship skill and gift [if good]; content would be holy not lewd or immoral; help understand history better & learn from it; see things from different perspectives [Rom. 1:25]

  • Personal Challenge: Look for a museum in your city or nearby and find out what it exhibits – for good or evil. Pray for it to be used by God to help people think about His handiwork. If it’s historical, that people would learn from past issues and improve. If used for evil, pray for less visitors, people to speak up on of what they approve and disapprove.

Thursday, Feb. 9th - Entertainment/Sports - Super Bowl 2023 [Potential for Good & Evil]

  • Podcast: Praying for the upcoming Super Bowl 2023 – the teams, viewers, performer

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures [NLT]:

    • Teams – Chiefs/Eagles; pray for Christians athletes to be bold in sharing their faith with godly behavior & not fall prey to temptations; for Chaplains to reach non-believers for Christ; for their salvation; open doors; open hearts. Hold to high standards in behavior before/after the game. [Romans 1:16]

    • Viewers – behave respectfully, praise players who demonstrate good sportsmanship i.e. helping opponent off the ground; giving team glory when win is made; not yelling at refs; share their faith with those they are watching with; filter what they watch before game; commercials & during half-time. [1 John 2:15-17]

    • Performers: Rihanna [half time performance]; Chris Stapleton [singing National Anthem; clean Country singer]; Sheryl Lee Ralph [singing hymn Lift Every Voice & Sing, Abbot Elementary actress, clean show]; Babyface [singing America the Beautiful, songwriter & record producer]; DJ Snake [pregame entertainment; French rapper/DJ]; Navy women flyers. Pray for God inspired songs to move the audiences/teams; for lewd songs/actions to stop; for patriotism to be highlighted; the pregame doesn’t hype people to do evil; salvation of the performers, those who used to be Christians return to higher standards and morals and display that in their performances. [Ps. 101:2-4]

    • Athletes in Action hosts a breakfast before the game; pray for the gospel to be shared; able to encourage other athletes to join; for speakers to honor God and share their faith boldly; for the organization to reach their dream to see Christ-followers on every team, in every sport, in every nation and able to help athletes find a relationship with Jesus and use their platform to make a difference in the world. [Matt. 28:19-20]

  • Personal Challenge: If you plan to watch the game, pray in advance to avoid the temptations from the performances, commercials and game upsets. Ask God how you can be a good model of Christ, if watching it with others. If you aren’t watching it, pray for people to not imbibe in ungodly behavior and for believers to be bold in witnessing their faith on the field.

Wednesday, Feb. 8th - Entertainment: Music – Grammys [Reformation & Repentance]

Tuesday, Feb. 7th - Entertainment/Sports: Video Games [Self-Controlled or Controlled?] Pt. II

  • Podcast: Praying players & parents would create margins of play based on the pros/cons

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures [NLT]:

    • Time – how much spending? Is it best use of time? Is time wasted? [Eph. 5:16-17]

    • Content – Would Jesus play this with me? Why or why not? Does it help or hinder a person’s walk with the Lord? Could you play this around children? [Ps. 101:3]

    • Boundaries – What type of margins should one apply for costs, time, who to play with? If sitting, for how long for your health? [Refer to 1 Cor. 6:12]

  • Personal Challenge: Honestly answer the following questions before playing: Will it edify or entertain me? Am I obeying self-will or God’s will? Does the game glorify God? Will playing result in good works? Does it help me exhibit self-control? While playing, does it redeem the time? Does it pass Phil. 4:8 frisk test? Will playing fit in with your life goals? Does it help give an eternal focus?

Monday, Feb. 6th - Entertainment or Sports: Video Games [To play or Not to Play?] Part I

  • Podcast: Praying for ESRB, Ratings, Categories, Developers to have Higher Standards

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures [NLT]:

    • Entertainment Software Rating Board [ESRB]; Ratings: EC; E; 10+; T; M; A; RP

    • Categories: Substances - Eph. 5:18; Blood/gore & Violence: 1 Peter 3:9; Hosea 4:2; Humor: Proverbs 17:22; Ephesians 5:4; Language: Colossians 3:8; Gambling: 1 Timothy 6:10; Nudity & Sexuality: Ephesians 5:5;

    • Game Developers: Ps. 11:5 The Lord examines both the righteous and the wicked. He hates those who love violence.

  • Personal Challenge: Review the categories above used by the ESRB to rate video games. Which ones should you not play if they have those elements?


Friday, Feb. 3rd - Sports: Extreme Fighting, Fans, Betting, Professional & Christian Athletes

Personal Challenge: Which of the following have you experienced as a pro to playing sports? – discipline, camaraderie, fellowship with fans, exercised self-control following sports rules & with teammates or opponents, endurance, perseverance? How did that help you in other relationships?

Thursday, Feb. 2nd - Those involved with the Major Sports watched in the US

  • Podcast: Praying for those involved with the Major Sports watched in the US

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures [NLT]:

    • Owners – protect their staff/teams; not cut costs leading to dangers; not love money; healthy business deals, high standards. [1 Timothy 6:10] For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

    • Advertisers – cleaner ads especially at major events watched by so many; more moral standards [Isaiah 5:20] What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

    • Players – safety, play ethically, high integrity, avoid enhancing drugs, build camaraderie, family time [Ps. 25:21] May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you.

    • Spectators – healthy rivalry, not idolize, avoid arguments over best team, time balanced with family, friends & God. [2 Timothy 2:23-25 ESV] Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth,

    • Team staff – consider safety not just winning; build team spirit, encourage self-control in practice and play, build morale & character; same standards expected for all players [Proverbs 25:28 ESV]

  • Personal Challenge: Do you watch any of the most preferred sports in the US? If so, how much do you spend in watching, betting, or buying sports team paraphernalia? How much time do you spend viewing it? Ask the Lord to show you if it’s crowding out time with Him or those you love and/or spending more money than you have? Check out How should a Christian view sports / athletics? |

Wednesday, Feb. 1st - Intro to Celebration Prayer Challenge [Arts, Entertainment & Sports]

  • Prayer Points/Scriptures [ESV]:

    1. Whether it be art, entertainment or sports – does it pass the test is it true AND honorable AND just AND pure AND lovely AND commendable AND excellent AND worthy of praise? Keep. If not, reconsider its place in your life. Philippians 4:8

    2. Is anything made, played or viewed worthless, blameless or help one walk with integrity? Psalm 101:2-3

    3. Would Jesus endorse one's involvement with it, no matter the capacity? Colossians 3:17

    4. Does it cause addiction? Is it godly? How much do people spend on it? Titus 2:12

  • Personal Challenge: Identify some of the ways you celebrate arts, entertainment and/or sports. Which ones are helpful and which are not? Allow the Holy Spirit to shine light on your involvement with them; what to keep, what to discard.

  • Podcast: A Call to Pray for the Arts, Entertainment & Sports Industries

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