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updated 10/3/23

Suburb of San Bernardino City. Living here offers residents a rural feel and most residents own their homes and tend to lean liberal. Located on the east side of Interstate 215 north of San Bernardino city and Interstate 210.

Demographics: est. population [2022] 10,925; 44% rent; 56% own; $251K avg. home price; 44% less than high school grad; 32% graduate high school; 24% had some college or degrees; $46K avg. income; M:F 53:46%; average age 29; rent median $1390; 90% Hispanic; white 6%; black 3%; Asian 1.7%; click on Demographics to see latest news about it.

Developed in the mid-1890s as a community for family agricultural business. Roads and water service were developed to serve one-to-ten-acre parcels. Vineyards, orchards and various field crops were planted and cultivated. After World War II, population growth accelerated, and the area began a transition from agricultural use to a more suburban residential character. During the 1950s and 1960s, the San Bernardino area became a popular stop during road trips. This resulted in more shops opening up to serve the needs of travelers, and more people establishing permanent residences around the Muscoy area.

Location of Muscoy in SBC

Specific Prayer Points

  • **Environmental issues: terrible air quality scores with a CalEnviroScreen burden profile of 96-100%; many people walk and use public transit to get around; streets are often dangerous for people on foot. The poor air quality makes it dangerous for young children, older adults, and people with asthma or other health problems to walk or be active outside.

  • Governed by: District 5 San Bernardino County

  • Schools/District: San Bernardino Unified School district; Muscoy Elementary; Vermont Elementary; Cesar E. Chavez middle; Cajon High;

  • Crime issues: [2022] A crime occurs every 18 hrs 48 minutes (on average); overall grade is C+; violent crime C; property crime C-; other crime B-; top crime issues are drug crimes >14% [high]; vehicle theftm theft & burglary 6%;

  • Poverty rate: 39.3 [very high >24% of CA avg. 15%]; 38% M; 42% F; 18-59 yrs 35%; children <17 yrs. >40%; 60-74 yrs. >30% [**Highest poverty rate in San Bernardino co.]

  • Points of interest: Safe Routes to Muscoy schools initiative; highest poverty rate

  • Spiritual needs: More churches that are Spanish for the 90% Hispanic population; intercessors to arise and claim this subdivision for Jesus; park ministries to rise up and reach the people who attend them on weekends; the ministers and believers find creative ways to share the Gospel to this highest poverty rate area; churches unite and pray for the lost, the drug issues, the crime, supportive groups to help those recovering from addictions, teachings on how to handle finances; revival that causes families to be transformed by the Gospel and the city reformed by a mighty move of God; for churches to have thriving prayer ministries

Churches & Ministries [not exhaustive]

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