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JOIN US: During October to pray for your church, city & county

October can be a "dark" month, filled with promotions of things that displease the Lord. We are already in a season of "bad or negative" news. Sometimes it feels like the evil is winning over good. Why not take back what is intended for evil and make it good? Stand with us to promote the spreading of good news by seeking God for revival in our churches, our cities and our county. Will you join us in committing to pray for the whole month of October? And, to identify one time waster, to fast and instead give those moments seeking God? Consider time wasters from social media or computer games or entertainment; anything unnecessary that could be replaced with a time of prayer.

Each day, there will be a prayer podcast designed to help you focus on one topic each day. Included will be prayer points to help you get started. If you miss a day, you can always hear a prior day's theme. You can choose to pray alone or with others.

Let's unite and pray to awaken the people of God. Let's unite and ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit to move in and through us in such a mighty way that people will turn to Him, backsliders would return to Him; those that know Him will share their love for Him. May God be glorified as we pray this month and may we see changes in and around us.

To listen to any of the podcasts, click on the link. We would love to hear your feedback. There is a list of prayer points you can use for each topic.

October 6th - Baby Boomers prayer pts.

October 7th - Silent Generation prayer pts.

October 8th - Mental Health prayer points

October 16th - Leaders & Govmt.

prayer points

October 17th - Widows, Orphans, Homeless

prayer points

October 18th - Healthcare workers prayer points

October 19th - Schools & Colleges prayer points

October 20th - American Indians prayer points

October 21st - Crime decreases prayer points

October 22nd - Poverty decreases prayer points

October 23rd - Covid decreases prayer points

October 24th - Churches & Unity prayer points

October 25th - Forgiveness & Mercy prayer pts.

October 26th - Repentance & Change prayer pts.

October 27th - Evangelism & Boldness prayer pts.

October 28th -

Lost & Laborers

prayer points

October 29th - Filled & Active prayer points

October 30th - Fruitful & Loving prayer points

October 31st - Awake & Revival prayer points

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