Agree to become awake, intentional and committed to praying more actively. This type of pray-er can be done by everyone, from home or when driving around, with simple, short prayers. Some people call this drive-by praying. You can pray alone or get someone to join you.
Pray for churches examples: If you hear of an event where a church outreach, pray for it. When you think of a church, pray for the Lord to move in that church. If you drive by a church, pray for its revival. If you aren't sure they preach the gospel, pray that they will. In other words, pray not only for your own church but for others.
Pray for other topics examples: Consider any place an opportunity to intercede for people to come to know Christ, for believers working there to share their faith with boldness, for people to be discipled, for the kingdom of God to advance.
Actively pray for strategic places: like schools, city government, businesses, and events. This can become contagious if you model this type of praying when you are with other believers. Encourage them to be an active pray-er wherever they go.
Share information on the discussion board for which others can intercede. Send an e-mail with current events and/or prayer points for your church, city or county.
Got an answer to one of your prayers? Share it and we'll post it in the testimonies section.