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updated 10/23/23

Prayer podcasts: for the city; for the officials

Hinkley is an unincorporated community in the Mojave Desert northwest of Barstow, east of Mojave, north of Victorville. Just north of California State Route 58, the residents faced concerns over hexavalent chromium in their well water from the world's largest plume of this cancer-causing chemical; movie created about this town called Erin Brokavich. tap water is infiltrated by chromium-6, the cancer-causing heavy metal. Current interview with her and reveals Hinkley's situation.

Demographics: est. population [2022] 1,951; M 41%; Female 59%; median age 51; average 2 people per house; 20% of households have children; majority do not; average income is only $38K. Most people own 83%; a few rent 14%; 44% have high school graduate level; 15% less than; 31% some college. Overall crime grade is C- [see below for more details.


From 1952 its groundwater was contaminated with Chromium 6 by PG&E who used it to prevent rust in their natural gas transmission pipelines. In 1993, Erin Brockovich, a legal clerk to lawyer Edward L. Masry, investigated the apparent elevated cluster of illnesses in the community linked to the Chromium 6. Residents of Hinkley eventually filed a class action lawsuit against Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). The case was settled in 1996 for $333 million, the largest settlement ever paid in a direct-action lawsuit in United States history.

After that, Mr. Sanchez created a project where residents could discuss their concerns and find out what the water status was in their area. They consistently wrote and asked questions of the famous Mr. Izbicki, who was well known for his knowledge on water contamination. Still today they struggle, the town has diminished in population. Some stay for the country, small town neighborhood they enjoy. Many have to keep checking their water for contamination. They hope someday the water will be free from contaminants and the prices of their homes will increase.

PG&E currently owns about two-thirds of all the property in town. For Hinkley to endure, the people who remain must navigate a complex network of stakeholders — including working with the company who poisoned their water in the first place.

“Famous for The Erin Brockovich case made into a film."

Location of Hinkley in SBC

Specific Prayer Points

  • Spiritual:

    • Intercessors will arise & pray for this town & its people

    • For salvation of souls, for the fear of illness caused by the carcinogens in the water to be squashed by changes & a new system created

    • People to share the Gospel and it transforms lives

    • Revival to breakout; especially in and through the church

    • Bible studies that meet the needs of the people and challenge their growth in Christ

  • Governed by - SBC District 1

  • Crime issues: [2022] A crime occurs every 10 days 14 minutes (on average) in Hinkley; overall crime grade is B; violent crime grade is D-; property crime is B- and other crime is A; Top crime issues are assault 8%; burglary 7% & vandalism 6%.

  • Points of interest: Riley's bar; San Bernardino Fire Department; Hinkley Community & Senior Center

Churches [not exhaustive]

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