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Havasu Lake

Havasu Lake is an unincorporated community located on the western shore of the Chemehuevi Reservation in the Mojave Desert. Not to be confused with Lake Havasu City which is on the eastern shore and is part of Arizona. It a subdivision of Needles. The community serves as the seat of the tribal government of the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe and is home to the Havasu Landing Casino. The Siwavaats Junior College in Lake Havasu teaches children the Chemehuevi language.

Est. population [2021] 438; overall crime grade is F [see details below]. The Chemehuevi name for themselves is Nüwü, meaning simply, "people". Predominantly Chemehuevi American Indians living on the reservation.


The Chemehuevi territory is near the lower Colorado River north and west toward Death Valley and west to the Providence Mountains. A less populated somewhat undefined strip stretched as far west as the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and north of the Mojave River. They neighbored the Koso and Serrano and were intimate with the Mohave. In 1867 after a war with the Mohave, the Chemehuevi, moved westward toward the Twentynine Palms area shared the Oasis of Mara with the Serrano. 1776 Met by Garcés; 1867 War with Mojave, fought well though outnumbered, fled to desert; 1898 Possible year of smallpox epidemic; 1850's: Latter-day Saints helped put a stop to the Spanish slave trade; 1853: Chemehuevi lands declared public domain; 1867-1871: Chemehuevi-Mohave War; 1870's: a small tribal population moved to the Colorado River Reservation; 1907: 36,000-acre Chemehuevi Valley set aside for the tribe; 1930: 8,000 acres of Chemehuevi land becomes Havasu Lake with the building of the Parker Dam; 1971: constitution, Chemehuevi Valley registered as the Chemehuevi Indian Reservation (San Bernardino Co.,California)

The Chemehuevi were hunter/farmer and hunter/gatherer tribes. Linguistically, they are closely related to the Southern Paiute. They were friends with the Takic peoples of southern California to the west. They suffered in conflicts with the River Yuman tribes and Whites. Some western bands absorbed into the Southern California macro-culture prior to White arrival. Ultimately, many individuals absorbed into other cultures.

"The Wellness Center is committed to facilitate and establish a positive quality of life emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally in the Chemehuevi Community" - Mission Statement of the Health & Wellness Center!

Location of Havasu Lake in SBC

Specific Prayer Points

  • Spiritual:

    • "You are a sleeping giant, the original American. You are now awakening. Just around the corner, you may become a spiritual superpower in this country that could change not only America, but the world." -Billy Graham

    • Christian Indian ministry to reach out to this area and minister to the Indians

    • Gospel preached, people come to the know the Lord, share it with others

    • Intercessors to rise up in the town and be encouraged by surrounding intercessors, united prayer with other believers

  • Tribal Council

  • Chemehuevi Indian Reservation

  • Crime issues: A crime occurs every 15 hours (on average) in Havasu Lake; violent crime grade is F; property crime is D- and other crime is F; top crimes are vandalism at 50%; theft at 21%; burglary at 10%; drug crimes at 9% and assault at 7%.

  • Current Covid Cases

  • School: only 1: Chemehuevi Valley Elementary in Havasu Lake, CA (

  • Points of Interest: Havasu Landing Resort & Casino; ASAP Program [Alcohol Substance Abuse Program;

  • "Father, today we stand in the gap for the Native American Nations of our country. We confess the sins of our forefathers who treated them cruelly, unjustly, and deceitfully. We are sorry for the misfiring of missionary efforts that elevated western culture over the true Gospel of Jesus. Forgive us these sins. Our past humbles us and ignites in us a passion to pray for these first nations, that You would sweep through them with an awakening to the truth of Your grace and the understanding that the Creator God has revealed Himself to them through His loving Son Jesus Christ. Dispel the darkness. Command the Hosts of Heaven against the evil one keeping our Native American brothers and sisters in bondage to despair, bitterness, poverty, alcoholism, and hopelessness. Come with deliverance and healing in Your wings, and then unleash them to change our nation and world. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Churches [not exhaustive]

  • no churches in city proper

  • closest churches in Arizona Lake Havasu City & Needles


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