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Fort Irwin

Prayer Podcasts: for base; for officials

Mission: The National Training Center trains rotational training units, joint, interagency and multinational partners to build and sustain readiness to fight and win, while simultaneously caring for our Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members.

Demographics; est. population [2022] 9,100; army personnel and support staff; varies in demographics based on rotating assignments. Fort Irwin is a city located in San Bernardino County California. Located almost 37 miles northeast of Barstow, midway between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the High Mojave Desert's hills and mountains surround the installation. The average household income in Fort Irwin is $60,449 with a poverty rate of 13.97%. The median rental costs in recent years comes to - per month, and the median house value is -. The median age in Fort Irwin is 22.7 years, 22.9 years for males, and 21.7 years for females. Racial composition 60% white; 19% African American; 2+ races 10%; Asian 8%; Other 4%. Average family size 3. Education Graduate 6%; BS 19%; AA 11%; some college 38%; HS grad 21%; <HS 5%. Language: 82% English only; 11% Spanish; Asian & Pacific Island 6%; Other 1%. 53% married; .5% widowed; 9% divorced; 3% separated; never married 34%. 862 veterans; 584 M; 278 F; 710 2nd Gulf War; ; 174 1st Gulf War. 87% are in labor force participation; 27% employment rate; 10% unemployment rate. 26.63% Born in Fort Irwin; 93.18% Native Born; 6.82% Foreign Born; 2.61% Non-Citizen; 4.21% Naturalized.

History [click to see reference]

The base begins with Father Francisco Garces 1796 and the Old Spanish trail; Captain John C. Fremont with his guide Kit Carson surveying water-to-water; 1st Dragoons, Co. K that ran patrols out of Camp Cady 1860-66 and it was the first military camp established in the region; and the Mojave Anti-Aircraft Range that became Camp/Fort Irwin. 1940--Present. In 1940 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt established the Mojave Anti-Aircraft Range (MAAR), a military reservation of approximately 1000 square miles, known today as the National Training Center.

11th ACR's first established and deployed from Fort Myers, Virginia and was sent to the Philippine Islands in June 1901 for the Philippine Insurrection, then to Cuba for the Cuban Pacification from 1906-09; But when the revolutionary "Poncho" Villa raided the town of Columbus, New Mexico and the Regiment was deployed to Mexico and the Punitive Expedition of 1916 began; and the "Last Charge" in the US Army’s history was conducted on the 5 May 1916.

As WW II developed the guarding of the Mexico-American border was no longer necessary the Regiment was sent to Europe and deployed to the Ardennes for the "Battle of the Bulge". From 16 December 1944 to 28 January 1945 "the largest battle by the United States and was the largest land battle of World War II was fought. The "Border Legion" was the name given to the troops in Germany after the war, and the "Cold War Heats Up" from March 1957-1964.

The Regiment was in Vietnam from 7 September 1966--March 1972 where the nickname of the "Blackhorse" became a legend and with three Medal of Honor recipients.

The Warsaw Pact and the legitimacy of the Eastern Europe's Communist military ended with the infamous Berlin Wall came down on the 9 November 1989.

The unexpected Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 triggered the Gulf Crisis that gripped the world's attention. The Regiment serve as the fresh troops that would go in if a counter offensive attack came, none developed so they return to Germany.

On 16 October 1994 the Regiment reflagged and "The Best of the Best" now trains Today’s Army, at Fort Irwin, California. The Regiment now serves as the Opposing Force (OPFOR), using Russian Doctrine as a learning tool.

From January 2005—17 March 2006 the Regiment was deployed to Iraqi Freedom -War on Terrorism. Returning to Fort Irwin to reorganize as a deployable Heavy Brigade Combat Team while they are continuing to serve in rotational support for the military, today.

"Lead...Train...Win...Train the Force to win in Large Scale Combat Operations!"

Location of Fort Irwin in SBC

Specific Prayer Points

  • Governed by: Leadership: FORT IRWIN (; a commanding General & Command Sergeant Major; under 1st District of SBC & hosts an office for Veterans under SBC Veteran Affairs

  • Crime issues: [2022] A crime occurs every 1 day 5 hours (on average) in Fort Irwin; overall crime grade is B-; violent crime D+; property crime A; other crime C-; top crime issues are 15% [very high] drug crimes; vandalism 9%

  • Poverty rate: 14% [<CA average 15%] 7% males; 16% females

  • Units/Tenants: 11th Armored Calvary Regiment; 916th Support Brigade; NTC Operations Group; Network Enterprise Center; Joint Center of Excellence; Mission & Installation Contracting Command; Reserve Component Operations Command & Training; Special Forces Recruiting Fort Irwin; NTC Staff G-1; Army Community Hospital Weed-Irwin

  • Spiritual needs: chaplains share the Gospel boldly and with results, believing soldiers and supporting staff share the Gospel with boldness, followed by signs and wonders that bring people to Christ; intercessors rise up and claim this Fort and its personnel for Jesus; protection for those that serve in battle or overseas; military marriages given Godly counsel and help in maintaining the distant relationships; military families and children find Jesus and a solid ground as they deal with the many issues facing them like moving around; revival at the base; divine opportunities to talk about the Lord as they deal with real time skirmishes; an awakening and fire to the lukewarm and those sitting not actively involved with their faith

Churches [not exhaustive]

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