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CURRENT: 7 Major Influences in US

For the month of March, Monday-Thursday, we will focus our prayers on the seven major social influencers in America: government, media, arts/entertainment, business, education, religion & family. To see real change in our families, communities, cities, and county, there needs to be four significant movements. Those that believe in Jesus awaken to do the work of the ministry with boldness and urgency. As a result, those that don't believe come to the Lord and we see a revival. That awakened believers then disciple the newly saved and their lives are transformed by the Lord. Lastly, as a result of Christians shining their light, new believers experiencing new life in Christ, cities will be reformed by their new behavior. On Fridays, we will continue to pray for local news.

Praying for an awakening of believers, a revival to the unsaved, transformation in both lives, resulting in reformation in their communities.

Post a prayer request and/or a prayer for a topic in the comments at the end of this page.

Prayer Challenge


Mar. 28 - People in Government & Elections Reform our Community podcast. Praying today for those transformed by the work of God, in government and in this year’s elections, would begin to follow Jesus despite opposition and naysayers.  That they would ask “what would Jesus do” with their positions, authority & responsibility? Imagine the impact it would have on our cities & county! How the disgruntled at government would begin to see a glimmer of hope! How people would be valued for their input to improve their region! How officials could bring laws and regulations that raise standards, respect for law and their environment! How the corrupt would be exposed and the ethical remain!


Mar. 27 - Transform people involved with Government & Elections pocast. Today let’s pray for the newly saved and those now on fire for nothing to stop them, not even the gates of hell, nor opposition, persecution or naysayers.  Picture them full of the armor of God, strong and courageous, no weapon formed against them does them harm.  Instead, they stand, speak boldly, because they have the greatest treasure in the world.  They want to share it with others and make an impact in the government and the elections.


Mar. 26: Revive people involved with Government & Elections podcast. Imagine politicians, mayors, county supervisors, city council members, and those campaigning for elected positions getting saved!  How many local, county, state and national changes would be affected for good!  Imagine those who once were like Saul, seeking ill intent on those who were righteous, having a come to Jesus moment! What decisions would be made? How our communities would change! Stricter adherence to regulations. Voters getting a voice and being heard. Caring about the constituents and area of oversight more than the paycheck.  Having the zeal that may have initially got them into this field in the first place, to make significant strides to uphold the constitution.  Let’s  contend for their souls to first see the need of a Savior, repent of their sins, say yes to Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives and begin a new life in Christ that would affect our cities.


Mar. 25 - Awaken People involved with Government & Elections podcast. We focus our prayers today on the people in government who hide the light of Jesus because of the bureaucracy, pressure, culturally pushed agendas.  Perhaps they too lost their saltiness due to what they see inside the government agencies, the waste, the lack of high standards, the greed, the wickedness and so much more.  Perhaps the corruption they see has caused them to lose focus, feel hopeless and lack zeal for God.  Inwardly they know they want to make good changes but end up complying for the sake of a paycheck.  Now they are caught in the web spinning into a chokehold.  Lifeless, they feel like giving up.  Why try?  We pray the Lord blows the 4 winds of the Spirit, like in the Valley of dry bones causing a new infilling of the life of the Spirit to wake up. That they become emboldened  to do what’s right even in the face of opposition.  That they rise up with renewed fervor and light, that the works of darkness would be exposed and replaced with godliness. May this awakening shake them so much, that those in their sphere of influence in the government will also experience a shaking.


Mar. 21 - People in Education & Entertainment Reform our community podcast. Praying today for those transformed by the work of God, in education and in entertainment, arts & sports, would begin to follow Jesus despite the costs.  That they would ask “what would Jesus do” with my talents and skills? Imagine the impact it would have on our society! How students would learn. How films would be made and developed. How lyrics would be written and sung. How sports would be moderate in all things. How artwork would display the handiwork of God! And how many on the sidelines who need Jesus would be saved.      Lk. 6:46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? 2 Cor. 5:15 And he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. Eph. 5:17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.


Mar. 20 - Transform people involved with Education & Entertainment podcast. Picture the faculty of the schools in your neighborhood or who teach your children or grandkids, nieces or nephews.  Now picture them all excited about their newfound faith in Christ.  Envision those who once were lukewarm now on fire for God.  Who are those that entertain you? Singers, actors, producers, sports players, artists.  Picture them with a smile so infectious because they just discovered the pearl of great price – Jesus.  They found out and believed He died for their sins sacrificially, lovingly and knocked at the door of their hearts.  Now they are fellowshipping.  They want to share this with others.  But how? And what will people say? 


Today let’s pray for the newly saved and those now on fire for nothing to stop them, not even the gates of hell, nor opposition, persecution or naysayers.  Picture them full of the armor of God, strong and courageous, no weapon formed against them does them harm.  Instead, they stand, speak boldly, because they have the greatest treasure in the world.  They want to share it with others.

Mar. 19 - Revive people involved with Education & Entertainment podcast. Imagine teachers, administrators, teacher unions and people in the department of education getting saved!  How many students, faculty, parents and future leaders would be affected for good!  Imagine celebrities, directors, producers, writers, actors, sports players, artists getting saved! What movies, TV shows, videos would be made? How would games be played? Who would get the honor? How would the money be distributed? Today we pray for the salvation of those in education and entertainment.  Let’s  contend for their souls to first see the need of a Savior, repent of their sins, say yes to Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives and begin a new life in Christ that would affect all of society.


Mar. 18 - Awaken People involved with Education & Entertainment podcast. Two other areas that influence our society are education and entertainment.  The long-term reach of education affects every member of society. The long-armed reach of entertainment, including sports and arts, extends to every person in society. Both influencers can promote good or evil. We focus our prayers today on the people who have lost their salt as believers.  Those who shy away from sharing their faith to avoid persecution.  The ones who tend to comply with the pressures from their employers, who promote ideologies against God.  Inwardly they know it is against what they know is wrong but for the sake of employment, go along with it. We pray they wake up. Get encouraged to do what’s right even in the face of opposition.  Rise up and let their light shine so bright, that the works of darkness will be revealed and snuffed out. May this awakening so shake them, that those around will give glory to God.


Mar. 14 - Podcast. In the book, “In His Steps” by Charles Sheldon, two of the characters changed their city by doing what they felt Jesus would do.  One was an editor in the newspaper media, the other was a manager in the Railroad business.  The editor changed some of the content and ads they ran that caused many ruffled feathers.  The manager changed the cafeteria room to provide a healthier environment for his employees and started a Bible study for those interested. Imagine what would happen if the people working in our commerce and media arenas would begin to do what Jesus would do?  If you prayed yesterday, keep the memory of those you encounter in business and those you listen to or watch in the media, as you lift them up to see reform in our community. Lk. 6:46; 2 Cor. 5:15; Eph. 5:17


Mar. 13 - Podcast. Picture the people who serve you at restaurants & all the staff that goes into making your dish. Include the people you get your hair cut, grocers who check your food, mechanics who repair your cars, trash collectors who pick up your garbage every week, retail clerks who tab your bill and other people who frequently see you for a business transaction.  Then add those you listen to or watch for information.  Bring them to memory as we pray for God to transform their lives.  To do such a work in them that they are not the same, away from cold and lukewarm to hot love for God.  People who now want to do God’s will and not their  own.  Those newly saved so on fire for the Lord spill over into the lives of those around them, affecting how they do business or report information in the media. Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 5:17; 2 Cor. 3:18


Mar. 12 - Podcast. When you get service, products or food from businesses and the personnel give you a deadpan face, what do you do? Are you one of those that tries to make them laugh or write a bad review for the lack of zeal in their customer service? Imagine if we prayed for the Lord to revive these people who have so much influence with the community. First, that they would come to know the Lord and then share that newfound faith with others.  How about media personnel? What areas of influence they have! Praying for them to get saved could change the way we hear information. Today let’s contend for the souls of those who are in commerce and media to repent of their sins, say yes to Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives and begin a new life in Christ. Ps. 85:6; Is. 57:15; Ps. 80:19


Mar. 11 - Podcast. Two other areas that influence our society are the business sector and the media.  How does commerce affect us?  Think of all the businesses in our county.  San Bernardino county majors in distribution and delivery. Consider all the medical & dental services, grocery stores, the restaurant sector, retail stores, auto companies, furniture outlets and all the places providing repairs and maintenance and so much more.  Media encompasses the printed & social media platforms, online, radio, and all other formats that provide information.  Today we focus on praying for those who are believers but asleep and work in the field of commerce & media. We pray they awake, become bold and courageous in their faith, unashamed of the gospel.  May the Lord light the fires that once burned bright and clear. Scriptures: Mark 9:50; Col. 4:6; Matt. 5:16; Eph. 5:14


Mar. 8 - Podcast. Highlights of past week’s local news. Murder/Attempts: A body was found in Mirage after a vehicle fire. The same place where 6 men were murdered by 5 other men who have been charged. Another man was shot and killed in San Bernardino. Man arrested for attempting murder in Bloomington.  Crime/Arrests: San Bernardino County alerting residents to watch for phone payment scam acting as DMV. New operation occurring to stop illegal off-highway vehicles happened in Lytle Creek. A woman committed robbery in Upland and brought her 2 children. 2 females arrested for multi-county retail theft. Big fraud scheme on several low-income housing projects now going to foreclose. Family lost all their belongings in a U-Haul fire. Woman stole over $1,200 from Target in Chino. Registered sex offender who preyed underage girls online seeking more victims. Suspect of grand theft auto in Upland arrested. Man arrested for causing a structure fire in Joshua Tree. After a wild pursuit, suspect arrested in Fontana. In Wrightwood, another mom caught with  drugs while driving her son. 4 points to pray for news: people involved & affected, future prevention and protection by those who can, powers to raise standards & make ethical decisions.


Mar. 7 - Podcast. Today we pray for our family and church to reform. But what does it mean? Its definition says to make changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it.  Following in the heels of the pledge, what would happen if we committed to ask, “what would Jesus do? And then do it?” Reformation, change, would occur in our sphere of influence and would create a ripple effect. May our families and church people seek to answer this question and obey. What amazing changes we would see! Lk. 6:46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? 2 Cor. 5:15 And he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. Eph. 5:17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.


Mar. 6 - Podcast. Another word for metamorphosis is transformation.  Like the caterpillar that goes through this process to become a butterfly, so we too go through a change that is unseen.  We become new creatures; old things passed away.  We are different from what we were.  How did that happen? 2 Cor. 3:18 answers, And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.  Pray with the podcast or on your own for transformation to occur in our families and church. That we would see people so changed, the world will take notice. Prayer points: not conformed to this world, renew their mind, hunger to read God’s word, able to discern good & evil, old things no longer desire, the things of this world become distasteful, sensitive to what the Lord approves and disapproves, know that God’s boundaries provide protection, founded on love not fear; fears quenched by His love; able to love others from an understanding of God’s love; deliverance from oppression. Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 5:17; 2 Cor. 3:18; Gal. 2:20


Mar. 5 - Podcast. Our prayer focus today is on people in our family and church who need to be revived. Prayer points: passionate desire to go to church, willingness to express their worship to the Lord by singing and praising freely, hunger to learn God's word and apply it, quick and instant repentance as the Holy Spirit convicted them of sin, desire to reconcile with brothers and sisters in Christ, awed by God's mercy, quick to forgive others and accepted the Lord's forgiveness, sought ways to do acts of kindness and gave generously, possessed a childlike faith, as they prayed for others' needs, eager to share the gospel and newfound faith with others, unafraid of the possible rejection, feeling of newness, a first love, a fresh start, needed the fellowship with other believers and made time for it and conviction of habits that needed to stop and supernatural ability to turn from them. Ps. 85:6, Is. 57:15; Ps. 80:19; Ps. 51:10; Ps. 19:7


Mar. 4 - Podcast. we intercede for Family & Church. Today we emphasize the need for those who know the Lord to awaken.  The valley of dry bones story stems from Ezekiel 37.  For a condensed version, the Lord takes Ezekiel to a valley full of bones that were very dry.  The Lord explained the bones represented the people of Israel whose hope was gone and cut off; they felt dried up, useless; lifeless; almost dead. Through Ezekiel he told to listen to the word of the Lord.  He was going to:  make them alive with the breath of God, give them tendons and cover them with skin that they would know He was THE Lord. He referred to them as “slain” as if they had been in a battle and felt defeated. But after He gave them life, they arose as a vast army. So as we pray today, think of those in your family and church who feel this way, who need a touch from God to bring new life to places of despair, of defeat, or of deadening.  Let’s ask the Lord to awaken them and fill them up so much they would be like the 120 on the day of Pentecost – fresh, alive and ready to share their faith anew.


Mar 1 - Podcast. Highlights of past week’s local news.  Several deaths occurred, a Fontana armed man was killed by police in Upland, 2 homicides found in Spring Valley Lake, Rialto man shot and drove to Fontana. In San Bernardino, | Redlands | Highland | Loma Linda | Adelanto | Barstow multiple arrest for seizures of meth and firearms. A woman vandalized Rancho Cucamonga businesses and attacked deputy during arrest. Two commercial burglars were arrested in Fontana. The standoff in Apple Valley ended peacefully. Man from 29 Palms possessed tear gas and domestic assault. A 15-year-old stole a car and took the police on a wild chase in Victorville. A Barstow man tried to outrun the police at over 130 mph also with a stolen vehicle.  Many automobile accidents and tragedies on the freeways especially on the Cajon pass.

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