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FAMILY: Prayer Challenge

To access the podcasts, scriptures and resources, click on the links. It opens in a new window.

Friday, 12/30 - QUESTIONING GENDER [Potter vs Clay]

Thursday, 12/29 - SEXUAL IMMORALITY [Whose body is it anyways?]

Wednesday, 12/28 - REBELLION [Yes, No, Maybe]

Tuesday, 12/27 - VIDEO GAMES [to play or not to play]

Monday, 12/26 - ADOPTION [Kids & Families]


Friday, 12/23 - SINGLES [Celibacy or Marriage]

Thursday, 12/22 - CHILDLESS [by choice or not]

Wednesday, 12/21 - Grief & Loss of Loved Ones [Help, Healing & Holidays]


Monday, 12/19 - BLENDED FAMILY [Stepping into a Frying Pan]


Friday, 12/16 - EXTENDED FAMILY



INTRODUCTION: Families experience pressures of many kinds. In this season, all of us witnessed a push against the family unit. The constant barrage of groups trying to tear us apart have left many with painful experiences. But we have the Father in Heaven, in whom we can seek for restoration. For the rest of November through the New Year, will you take the challenge to lift up in prayer the issues families face in these difficult days?

The True Family of Jesus. As Jesus was speaking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, and they want to speak to you.” Jesus asked, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” Then he pointed to his disciples and said, “Look, these are my mother and brothers. Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother!” -- Matthew 12:46-50 NLT

TOPICS: We will cover topics like communication, forgiveness, financial hardships, social media's interruptions, healthy marriages, holiday stresses and much more. We will intercede for the different types of family relationships: parenting, childlessness, adoption, foster children/parents, stepfamilies, grandparents, cousins, aunts/uncles and singles. Other concepts we will address include prodigals, sharing our faith with family and extended family, being a good model of Jesus, open hearts/minds to the Gospel, and how to do spiritual warfare for them. As part of the FOREVER FAMILY, let's storm the gates of heaven with our petitions and see revival occur in families throughout our county.

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