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Cedar Glen

updated 10/12/23

Prayer podcasts: for city; for city officials

Location: an unincorporated community in located in the San Bernardino National Forest resort area east of Lake Arrowhead. Elevation is 5403 ft. Nearest highway is California State Highway 173 which bisects Cedar Glen and passes through Lake Arrowhead.

Population est. population 739; crime statistics: violent crime is D+; property crime B-; other crime D-; crime occurs every 20 days; highest crime is drug related and vandalism; followed by burglary and assault.


Cedar Glen Village is a small, neighborhood shopping area frequented by the locals and visitors alike. Many families have been coming here for generations. The only other retail center, Cedar Glen, has been under family ownership since its inception.

"Take a break and relax at Cedar Glen"

Location of Cedar Glen in SBC

Specific Prayer Points

  • Spiritually

    • People will attend nearby churches in Lake Arrowhead

    • Weekly Bible studies arise for those who work weekends (due to weekend tourism)

    • Intercessors to arise & pray for laborers for the harvest; people to share their faith with boldness; lives transformed by the Gospel

  • Crime issues: [2022] overall crime grade is B; violent D+; property B+; other B-; every 12 days 15 hrs a crime is committed in Cedar Glen; top crime issues are 9% vandalism & 8% drug crimes.

  • Points of interest: Forest Lawn Scout Reservation; Rotary International Memorial (park & view of lake) & Wild haven [non-profit wildlife sanctuary]

  • Governed by: 2nd District County Supervisor

Churches [not exhaustive]

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