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PRAY FOR: SBC Churches & Ministries

When you look at the picture, you see people praying in various ways, holding hands by their sides, holding hands up, individually lifting hands and praying hands. We are unique, designed to be different but of one purpose. We are calling believers in the churches & ministry organizations of SBC to hear the clarion call to pray for one another. At a time when the church is seeing more persecution, we need to rally to support one another.

How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron’s head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe. Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing, even life everlasting. [Ps. 133]


Friday, Jun 30th - Interceding for San Bernardino & Senior Pastors

Thursday, Jun 29th - Interceding for Fontana & Associate Pastors

Wednesday, Jun 28th - Interceding for Ontario & Trustee Boards

Tuesday, Jun. 27th - Interceding for Rancho Cucamonga & Church Leadership Boards

Monday, Jun. 26th - Interceding for Rialto & Victorville & Church Administrators


Friday, Jun 22nd - Interceding for Chino & Hesperia & Outreach Ministry Leaders

Thursday, Jun 21st - Interceding for Upland, Chino Hills & Prayer Ministry Leaders

Wednesday, Jun 21st - Interceding for Redlands, Apple Valley & Men's Ministry Leaders

Tuesday, Jun 20th - Interceding for Colton, Highland & Women's Ministry Leaders

Monday, Jun 19th - Interceding for Montclair, Yucaipa & Couple's Ministry Leaders


Friday, Jun 16th - Interceding for Loma Linda, Adelanto & Worship Leaders

Thursday, Jun 15th - Interceding for Barstow, Twentynine Palms & Recovery Group Leaders

Wednesday, Jun 14th - Interceding for Bloomington, Yucca Valley & Small Group Leaders

Tuesday, Jun 13th - Interceding for Grand Terrace, Phelan & Youth Leaders

Monday, Jun 12th - Interceding for Muscoy, Big Bear City & Childrens' Leaders

  • Podcast: Praying for churches & ministries in Big Bear City & Muscoy and also children’s leaders throughout SBC

  • Muscoy has the highest poverty rate 39% & drug crime 41% in the county; it’s also a suburb & east of San Bernardino city with almost 11K people. Twelve churches reach out to the people in this city. Big Bear City covers the east side of Big Bear Lake with almost 13K people living there & has 8 churches ministering to this community. Children’s leaders often are volunteers. Most people find Jesus as children; 43% before age 12. Will you STOP & pray with us for a few minutes?

  • Scripture: Luke 18:16 NIV “But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

  • Churches/Ministries:

  • Prayer Points for: Big Bear City & Muscoy

  • For Children’s Leaders: How to pray for Children’s Ministry, Leaders & Volunteers


Friday, Jun 9th - Churches & Ministries in Joshua Tree & VBS in SBC

  • Podcast: Praying for churches & ministries in Joshua Tree & VBS throughout SBC

  • Scripture: Matt. 21:16 & Ps. 8:2 “Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, “ ‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise’”

  • Prayer Points: pastors connect & pray together to encourage and build unity; their congregations pray together; intercessors arise to claim this area for Jesus; recovery groups for those dealing with addictions, deliverance from strongholds, a move of the Lord in the churches to bring the lost to salvation; an awakening to those that know Him but aren't doing anything; baptism of fire that brings transformation and reformation in the city and national park

  • For VBS: Prayer for VBS (

  • More info about city: Joshua Tree

Thursday, Jun 8th - Churches & Ministries in Fort Irwin

  • Podcast: Praying for the churches & ministries in Fort Irwin

  • Scripture: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9, NIV)

  • Churches/Ministries: Ft. Irwin Religious Support & Chaplain [on base]; Oasis Worship Experience at Fort Irwin; Blackhorse Chapel [For transition help]

  • Prayer Points: chaplains share the Gospel boldly and with results, believing soldiers and supporting staff share the Gospel with boldness, followed by signs and wonders that bring people to Christ; intercessors rise up and claim this Fort and its personnel for Jesus; protection for those that serve in battle or overseas; military marriages given Godly counsel and help in maintaining the distant relationships; military families and children find Jesus and a solid ground as they deal with the many issues facing them like moving around; revival at the base; divine opportunities to talk about the Lord as they deal with real time skirmishes; an awakening and fire to the lukewarm and those sitting not actively involved with their faith

  • More info about city: Fort Irwin

Wednesday, Jun 7th - Churches & Ministries in Oak Hills

  • Podcast: Praying for the churches & ministries in Oak Hills

  • Scripture: Matt. 5:14 “You are the light of the world; a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

  • Prayer Points: more churches arise for such a large town, intercessors arise and claim this city for Jesus, Bible studies for those who cannot attend a church have to travel to another town; those who know the Lord share their faith with boldness, neighborhood prayer walks or drives focusing on divine opportunities to build relationships; laborers for the harvest, hearts softened towards the Gospel; signs and wonders follow that show the power of God and bring people to Christ; increase in home groups; house churches develop with the large lots and homes available.

  • More info about city: Oak Hills (

Tuesday, Jun 6th - Churches & Ministries in Mentone

  • Podcast: Praying for the churches & ministries in Mentone

  • Scripture: Ps. 147:13 For he has strengthened the bars of your gates and blessed your children within your walls.

  • Prayer Points: Churches unite & experience revival, intercessors rise up, pray and claim this city for Jesus, believers commit to prayer walks through their neighborhoods, prayer groups arise and declare the city reforms on truth not exaggeration, repentance/conviction of sin that transforms lives by the power of the Gospel spoken in boldness, believers to share their faith at work and with friends and service people, churches to unite in prayer for revival and an awakening; external and internal growth by the transforming work of the Lord; evangelistic outreaches that meet the unique needs of this community; creative ways to share online; increase in children, young adults and millennial attendance; enough finances;

More info about city: Mentone (

Monday, Jun 5th - Churches & Ministries in Spring Valley Lake

  • Podcast: Praying for revival in the churches & ministries in Spring Valley Lake

  • Scripture: “I will open rivers on the bare heights and springs in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land fountains of water.” Is. 41:18

  • Prayer Points: internal & external growth in the believers, boldness to share the gospel, laborers for the harvest, prayer arises in each church and ministry, praise & worship comes from the heart not lip service, marriages grow and thrive, families unite, Bible teaching that trains and equips the saints to do the work of the ministry, enough finances; recovery groups that help people get set free from strongholds, addictions and how to stay free, discipleship that teaches how to reproduce, evangelistic outreaches in the community, healthy home groups that foster authenticity and accountability, gifts and callings clearly identified so each person in the body does their part, salvations, transformed lives, water baptisms that cause others to dedicate their lives to the Lord, a reverential fear of God in each church that produces a spirit of repentance and reformation

  • More info about city: Spring Valley Lake (


Friday, June 2nd - Churches & Ministries in Lake Arrowhead

  • Podcast: Praying for revival in the churches & ministries in Lake Arrowhead

  • Scripture: How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! Is. 52:7 NLT

  • City: Lake Arrowhead Pop. 9,647 [2022] Located east of Crestline, north of San Bernardino & Yucaipa; west of Big Bear Lake. Twin Peaks, Cedar Glen, Blue Jay, Skyforest, Agua Fria, Deer Lodge Park are smaller towns surrounding Lake Arrowhead. Visited often for its boating, fishing, hiking, village shopping, camping, dining and lodging.

  • Churches/Ministries: Church of the Woods [Pastor Rod Akins]; Sandals Church - Lake Arrowhead [Pastor Ian Price]; Lakeside Church [Non-denominational & evangelical , Pastor Mack Braden]; Mt Calvary Lutheran [Pastor Randy Buecheler; Lake Arrowhead Community Presbyterian Church [Pastor Dr. William Stanley]; Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church [Retreat Center, Retreat Facilitator, Terri MacDonald]; Mountain Jewish Community [President Renee Lewis]; UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge [couples, groups, retreat]

  • Prayer Points: Churches unite & experience revival, intercessors claim this city and surrounding towns for Christ, an awakening occurs among the believers, a hunger for the word and prayer, deep conviction of sin that brings about transformed lives and reformation in the city, acts of kindness lead people to Jesus, Christian bookstore thrives, laborers for the harvest, boldness to share the Gospel, signs and wonders be done in the name of Jesus that draws people to God because they see His power in action.

  • More info about city: Lake Arrowhead (

Thursday, June 1st - Churches & Ministries in Pinon Hills

  • Joel 2:28-29 “It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.”

  • City: Pop. 7,641 [2022] Located west of Phelan off of Highway 138; 28 miles east of Palmdale, and 15 miles west of the Cajon Pass and Interstate 15, 25 miles of Hesperia and Victorville; in a tri-community that consists of Piñon Hills, Phelan, and Wrightwood.

  • Churches/Ministries: Shepherd's Call Baptist church [Pastor Stephen Jenney]; The Door Ministry [non-denominational]

  • Prayer Points: more churches to rise up to minister to this city of almost 8K people; intercessors to claim this town for Christ, laborers to reach this demographic group; supportive ministries to help people recover from addictions, abuse, deliverance and power of the Holy Spirit to set them free; ministries that focus on finding ways for them to replace their physical cravings for Jesus and His love; to get them involved with ministering to others; pastors to work together and pray; for people to unite in prayer and build bridges; a spiritual awakening and revival; Bible studies in homes increase, boldness to preach the gospel & share testimonies with those living there; divine opportunities to share Jesus in both tangible & spiritual ways; God to be glorified in this city.

  • More info about city: Pinon Hills (

Wednesday, May 31st - Praying for Communities in SBC that List Church[es] or Ministries.

City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

  • 2 Cor. 1:3-4 “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”

  • pastors pray together, unity among believers, revival and awakening in each church , laborers for the harvest, creative ways to help those battling with addictions, support and prayer and transformation for those facing abuse, healing and deliverance, decrease in the meth problem and replaced with a desire for the things of the Holy Spirit; intercessors to rise up and claim this city for God, that the Lord would move in such a mighty way that it would be in the news the changes that occur, for growth internally & externally, the Word of God revered and taught, hunger & thirst for righteousness, ministries reach community, laborers for harvest, effective discipleship training, Bible teaching trains and equips people to do the work of the ministry, altars filled, people reconciling with God and others; balanced time for ministers with family/ministry/alone with God; strengthen marriages & families, generous congregations. Add your own ideas.

  • Crestline [pop. 9,350]; Located off Highway 138; rim of the world highway, east of Interstate 15; east of Silverwood Lake; west of Twin Lakes and Lake Arrowhead. Gateway to camping and recreation activities of the San Bernardino National Forest.

  • Churches: Lake Gregory Community Church [Pastor Dan Stipp; nondenominational, background with Campus Crusade for Christ]; Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish [Rev. Neil D. Fuller, S.V.D.]; Crestline First Baptist [Pastor Bill & Debbie]; Crestline New Life Fellowship Church [Assembly of God, Pastor Matt & Tracey Shorey]; Twin Peaks Community Church [Pastor Mike Whisner]; Mountain Hope Center [Pastor Kristen Williams]

  • Camps: Thousand Pines Christian Camp & Conference Center [exists to help people see, know, and experience God]

  • Ministries: Jubilee Mountain Fellowship [Ministry of Domestic Missionaries, a homeless outreach, a prison ministry, a youth and young adult program, a food ministry, and a weekly Christian fellowship—that volunteers can plug into and donors can support]

Tuesday, May 30th - Praying for Communities in SBC that List Church[es] or Ministries.

City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

  • Col. 3:13 Make allowance for each other’s faults and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

  • Repentance for Chimney Rock Massacre, reconciliation with Indian tribes, spirit of murder and drug abuse overcome by Holy Spirit transforming lives, conviction of sin/repentance and grace/mercy to reform the area, creative ways for the churches to unify and see growth & revival, for growth internally & externally, the Word of God revered and taught, hunger & thirst for righteousness, ministries reach community, laborers for harvest, effective discipleship training, Bible teaching trains and equips people to do the work of the ministry, poor, orphans & widows helped, recovery groups that help addicted be free for good, testimonies shared, sufficient funds, outpouring of Holy Spirit, altars filled, people reconciling with God and others; enough volunteers, balanced time for ministers with family/ministry/alone with God; strengthen marriages & families, generous congregations. Add your own ideas.

  • Lucerne Valley [pop. 5,998; in the southern Mojave Desert; 35 miles south of Barstow, 45 miles northwest of Yucca Valley on State Highway 247, 15 miles southeast of Apple Valley and approximately 20 miles north of Big Bear Lake on Highway 18.

  • Churches: Calvary Bible Church [ICFA Intl.]; St Paul Catholic Church of Lucerne Valley [Pastor: Rev. Delwyn G. Haroldson, C.R.]; Lucerne Valley Community Church [Pastor Richard Wood; Church of Christ; Seventh Day Adventist Church of Lucerne Valley [Pastor Larry Christoffel]; Crossroads Chapel Lucerne [Church of God of Prophecy, Pastor W. Scott Creasy]; Saint Joseph Monastery [Vietnamese]

Monday - May 29th Holiday, Pray for those who died in the military for our freedom.


Friday, May 26th - Praying for Communities in SBC that List Church[es] or Ministries.

City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!

  • Churches by name; pastors if noted, to preach the gospel with boldness, for growth internally & externally, to teach the Word of God, hunger & thirst for righteousness, their ministries reach the community, laborers for the harvest, discipleship training effective, Bible teaching trains and equips people to do the work of the ministry, help the poor, orphans and widows, the rehab program would deliver people from addictions & help them stay free through the teaching & disciplining, empower people to share testimonies, sufficient funds to do the work, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, altars filled with people reconciling with God and others; enough volunteers, ministers balanced time with family/ministry/work; marriages grow strong, families strengthened, generous congregations. Add your own ideas.

  • Silver Lakes [aka Helendale] [pop. 5,432; a subdivision of Helendale in Victor Valley of the Mojave Desert, located near Route 66, west of I-15, between Barstow and Victorville. The name Helendale is used by the USPS, while Silver Lakes is used by the US Census.

  • Churches: Grace Bible church [Pastor Dave Zierenberg, Evangelical Free Church of America; Silver Lakes Community Church [Southern Baptist Convention, Pastor Mark Wood; Hellendale Community Church [non-denominational]

  • Rehab Center: Victory Outreach San Bernardino - The Ranch in Helendale - to reach out to hurting people & prepare them as “Treasures Out of Darkness” for the work of the ministry through discipleship, leadership development, and academic training.

Thursday, May 25th - Praying for Communities in SBC that List Church[es] or Ministries.

City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

  • Scripture: 11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.

  • Churches by name; pastors if noted, to preach the gospel with boldness, for growth internally & externally, to teach the Word of God, hunger & thirst for righteousness, their ministries reach the community, laborers for the harvest, discipleship training effective, Bible teaching trains and equips people to do the work of the ministry, help the poor, orphans and widows, recovery programs that deliver people from addictions, empower people to share testimonies, sufficient funds to do the work, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, altars filled with people reconciling with God and others; enough volunteers, ministers balanced time with family/ministry/work; marriages grow strong, families strengthened, generous congregations. Add your own ideas.

  • Big Bear Lake [pop. 5,102; located in San Bernardino mountains north of Highland; west of Lake Arrowhead, not Big Bear City, south side of Big Bear lake, east of Running Springs

  • Churches & Retreat Center: Community Church Big Bear [Christian & Missionary Alliance, Pastor Mike Barnes]; Bear Valley Church [Pastor Mike Craig, Assoc. Chris Parker, no denomination ties]; Bridges Presbyterian Fellowship [Pastor Tom Rennard]; Believer's Chapel [for the needy, hurting & addicted]; Big Bear Church of Christ; Summit Christian Fellowship [Pastor Robert Grand, Assembly of God]; The Journey Church [Pastor Rob Hastings, independent Full Gospel]; Retreat Center - Christian conference center [can be used by any church affiliated group]

No Podcast on May 24th

Tuesday, May 23rd - Praying for Communities in SBC that List Church[es] or Ministries

City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

Scripture: Eph. 6:18 - Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.

Lift up the name of each church, city, ministry and leaders [if known] before the Lord. Ask for souls to be saved, discipled, evangelized, boldness and lives transformed by the Gospel and the word of God. Pray for hunger and thirst for righteousness in the workers. For the leaders of the churches to find a balance between rest and ministry; intentional time with the Lord in prayer/Bible study; for vision, cooperation, collaboration & provision; blessings on their marriage & children. For the churches & ministries to grow internally and externally. Add what the Lord puts on your heart. For the camps to help lives be changed forever, enough staff, full camps, sufficient funds and memorable times.

  • Needles [pop. 4,857; located near the west side of the Colorado River in the Mohave Valley of the Mojave Desert and near Arizona and Nevada almost 110 miles from the Las Vegas Strip. It is isolated from other cities in the county because of where it is located. Barstow, the nearest city within the county, is separated from Needles by over 140 miles of desert and 2 mountain ranges.

    • Churches: Calvary Church of Needles - Pastor Craig A. Freitag; Church of Christ; Needles Seventh-day Adventist Church - James Uyeda, Pastor; Needles Christian Church; Faith Chapel Church of God

  • Wrightwood [pop. 4,568 ; located A small mountain community located high in the San Gabriel Mountains, off of Interstate 15 take Highway 138 to Highway 2 (the Angeles Crest Highway) until you reach Wrightwood central.

    • Churches: Community United Methodist – Pastor David Conrad; Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church - Fr. Joachim; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints – town history began with Mormons

    • Camps: Camp Wrightwood – any faith can use the facilities; Mount Kare Camp - enabling people to experience the truth of the Gospel and the loving kindness of Jesus in an environment where the still small voice of God can be heard; Camp Edward L Kopszywa - YMCA; Lions Camps at Teresita Pines - “to provide beautiful mountain facilities for group camping, emphasizing the needs of the disabled.”; AYF Camp Big Pines - established to provide an opportunity for Armenian youth living in the Diaspora to learn their history, reconnect with their heritage and foster life-long friendships; New Journey Camp & Retreat Center - Hawthorne Youth Camp - a Christian camp, and one of our goals is to provide a phenomenal camping experience for everyone. It is our aim to create a safe environment in which campers can experience God's love and respond to His call upon their lives.

Monday, May 22nd - Praying for Communities in SBC that List Church[es] or Ministries

City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

Is. 57:15 - The high and lofty one who lives in eternity, the Holy One, says this: “I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.

Lift up the name of each church, city, ministry and leaders [if known] before the Lord. Ask for souls to be saved, discipled, evangelized, boldness and lives transformed by the Gospel and the word of God. Pray for hunger and thirst for righteousness in the workers. For the leaders of the churches to find a balance between rest and ministry; intentional time with the Lord in prayer/Bible study; for vision, cooperation, collaboration & provision; blessings on their marriage & children. For the churches & ministries to grow internally and externally. Add what the Lord puts on your heart.

Mountain View Acres [pop. 3,337; in the Victor Valley of the Mojave Desert with neighboring cities: northwest Adelanto; north is Victorville; east is Apple Valley and south is Hesperia]

Lenwood [pop. 4,353; located in the Mojave Desert 3 miles west of Barstow, neighboring cities include Hinkley northwest; Dagget & Yermo east; Helendale & Apple Valley south]

· St Philip Neri Catholic Church [Pastor: Rev. Remigius O. Owuamanam]

· Lenwood Community Church [non-denominational]

Running Springs [pop. 3,998; located between Big Bear & Lake Arrowhead, next to Arrowbear & Green Valley Lake]


Friday, May 19th - Praying for Communities in SBC that List Church[es] or Ministry

City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

Eph. 6:18 - Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.

  • Lift up the name of each church, city, ministry and leaders [if known] before the Lord. Ask for souls to be saved, discipled, evangelized, boldness and lives transformed by the Gospel and the word of God. Pray for hunger and thirst for righteousness in the workers. For the leaders of the churches to find a balance between rest and ministry; intentional time with the Lord in prayer/Bible study; for vision, cooperation, collaboration & provision; blessings on their marriage & children. For the churches & ministries to grow internally and externally. Add what the Lord puts on your heart.

  • Landers [Pop. 2,699; located north of Joshua Tree & Yucca Valley, next to Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base]

    • Landers Community Church [Calvary Chapel, Sr. Pastor Ruben Vasquez]

    • Bread of Life Mission [Sr. Pastor John Batin, Assoc. Charles Myers & Pat Slaby]

    • Calvary Christian Fellowship [Pastor Tye]

  • San Antonio Heights [suburb in north Upland; pop. 3,111]

    • San Antonio Heights Community Church [Pastor Jim Smith; Disc. Pastor Nick Greenwood]

    • Nearest churches in Upland

  • Morongo Valley [Pop. 3,159; located off Highway 62 south of Yucca Valley; 40 miles northwest of Palm Springs]

    • Calvary Road Fellowship [Pastor Monte Wright]

    • other churches nearby are in Desert Hot Springs

Thursday, May 18th- Churches & ministries in Newberry Springs, Devore & Twin Peaks

  • Podcast: Praying for churches & ministries in Newberry Springs, Devore & Twin Peaks

  • City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

    • Lift up the name of each church, city, ministry and leaders[if known] before the Lord. Ask for souls to be saved, discipled, evangelized, boldness and lives transformed by the Gospel and the word of God. Pray for hunger and thirst for righteousness in the workers. Pray for the camps to be filled, creative ways to market their centers. May churches use these places to see marriages restored, healed and empowered. For the leaders of the churches to find a balance between rest and ministry; intentional time with the Lord in prayer/Bible study; for vision, cooperation, collaboration & provision; blessings on their marriage & children. For the churches to grow internally and externally. Add what the Lord puts on your heart.

  • Newberry Springs [pop. 2,895, located on Route 66, to the east of Barstow & Dagget and south of Yermo, central in county]

    • Newberry Springs Assembly of God

    • Faith Baptist Church of Cherokee Road - Pastor David Brock

    • Newberry Community Church – Pastor Ray Maese & Assoc. Owen Burch

  • Devore [pop. 2,283; north of Interstate 15 & Interstate 215, about 12 miles NW of downtown San Bernardino]

    • Community church of Devore [Marco Quintana – Pastor]

  • Twin Peaks [pop. 2,747; located between Crestline & Blue Jay & Lake Arrowhead]

    • Twin Peaks Community church [Pastor Mike Whisner; Assoc. Jonathan Trask]

    • Calvary Chapel School | Church [Provides childcare]

    • Pinecrest Christian Conference Center [Assembly of God]

Wednesday, May 17 - Churches & ministries in Big River, Yermo & Edwards AFB

City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

Lift up the name of each church, city, ministry and leaders[if known] before the Lord. Ask for souls to be saved, discipled, evangelized, boldness and lives transformed by the Gospel and the word of God. Pray for hunger and thirst for righteousness in the workers. Pray for the camps to be filled, creative ways to market their centers. May churches use these places to see marriages restored, healed and empowered. For the leaders of the churches to find a balance between rest and ministry; intentional time with the Lord in prayer/Bible study; for vision, cooperation, collaboration & provision; blessings on their marriage & children. For the churches to grow internally and externally. Add what the Lord puts on your heart.

Tuesday, May 16 - Forest Falls, Trona/Searles Valley & Hinkley

City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

Lift up the name of each church, city, ministry and leaders[if known] before the Lord. Ask for souls to be saved, discipled, evangelized, boldness and lives transformed by the Gospel and the word of God. Pray for hunger and thirst for righteousness in the workers. Pray for the camps to be filled, creative ways to market their centers. May churches use these places to see marriages restored, healed and empowered. For the leaders of the churches to find a balance between rest and ministry; intentional time with the Lord in prayer/Bible study; for vision, cooperation, collaboration & provision; blessings on their marriage & children. For the churches to grow internally and externally. Add what the Lord puts on your heart.

Monday, May 15 - Praying for the churches/ministries in Green Valley Lake, Mt. Baldy & Baker

  • City/Church/Ministry/Prayer Points:

    • Lift up the name of each church, ministry and leaders [if known] before the Lord. Ask for souls to be saved, discipled, evangelized, boldness and lives transformed by the Gospel and the word of God. Pray for hunger and thirst for righteousness in the workers. Pray for the camps to be filled, creative ways to market their centers. May churches use these places to see marriages restored, healed and empowered. For the leaders of the churches to find a balance between rest and ministry; intentional time with the Lord in prayer/Bible study; for vision, cooperation, collaboration & provision; blessings on their marriage & children. For the churches to grow internally and externally. Add what the Lord puts on your heart.

  • Green Valley Lake

  • Mt. Baldy

  • Baker


Friday, May 12 - Praying for SBC Churches/Ministries to Experience Growth & Revival

Prayer Points/Verses:

  • A revival that only God can get the glory; not manmade; with a hunger & thirst for the things of the Lord increased; [Hab. 3:2]

  • A fresh outpouring of the Spirit of Holiness upon the church that results in people making things right with the Lord and with people. Ps. 110:3

  • A reverence and fear of God that would keep believers from intentional sin. 2 Cor. 7:1

  • A fresh outpouring of His Spirit of knowledge, wisdom and understanding that increases growth and how to manage it. Is. 11:2

  • A boldness to always proclaim the gospel in all circumstances. Acts 4:29

  • For conviction & revelation of God’s love on the lost resulting in a massive harvest of souls. Acts 2:37

  • For an awakening to those attending but not participating, resulting in more surrendered lives to be active in worship & the work of the ministry. Josh. 24:15

Thursday, May 11 - Praying for Specific Communities in SBC without a church – Day 4

Prayer Points/Verses: Ps. 105:1; Rom. 10:17; 1 Pet. 3:15

Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Ps. 105:1

  • for hearts to be open to the Gospel, people saved, discipled and grow.

  • for intercessors to go to these towns and pray on site

  • for churches in the large cities to be compelled to go to these areas

  • for love & compassion for the people in these communities

  • for believers in these areas to do prayer walks in their neighborhood

  • for the Lord to put it on the heart of some to commit to pray UNTIL a work begins

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Rom. 10:17

  • for laborers to be led by the Holy Spirit to evangelize these towns

  • for an outreach or community event that would meet a need

  • for home Bible studies to begin

  • for a revival, awakening & reformation in these towns

  • for Jesus to be magnified, honored & revealed as Lord

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Pet. 3:15

Wednesday, May 10th - Praying for Specific Communities in SBC without a church – Day 3

Podcast: Praying for ministries to spring up in Arrowbear, Cedar Glen & Rimforest

Prayer Points/Verses: Acts 20:24; Rom. 1:16; Matt. 28:19-20

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Acts 20:24

  • for intercessors to go to these towns and pray on site

  • for the Lord to put it on the heart of some to commit to pray UNTIL a work begins

  • for laborers to be led by the Holy Spirit to evangelize these towns

  • for people who live in these communities to pray for a local ministry

  • for love & compassion for the people in these communities

  • for hearts to be open to the Gospel, people saved, discipled and grow. \

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. Rom. 1:16

  • for believers in these areas to do prayer walks in their neighborhood

  • for an outreach or community event that would meet a need

  • for those to find leaders or businesses to come alongside and help

  • for house churches to spring up

  • for home Bible studies to begin

  • for Jesus to be magnified, honored & revealed as Lord

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matt. 28:19-20

Tuesday, May 9th - Praying for Specific Communities in SBC without a church – Day 2

Prayer Points/Verses: Acts 13:47; Mark 16:15; Matt. 5:15-16

For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” Acts 13:47

  • for intercessors to go to these towns and pray on site

  • for the Lord to put it on the heart of some to commit to pray UNTIL a work begins

  • for laborers to be led by the Holy Spirit to evangelize these towns

  • for people who live in these communities to pray for a local ministry

  • for house churches to spring up

  • for love & compassion for the people in these communities

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

  • for believers in these areas to do prayer walks in their neighborhood

  • for an outreach or community event that would meet a need

  • for those to find leaders or businesses to come alongside and help

  • for hearts to be open to the Gospel, people saved, discipled and grow.

  • for home Bible studies to begin

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matt. 5:15-16

Monday, May 8th - Praying for Specific Communities in SBC without a church – Day 1

Nipton [pop. 158, near AZ & NV borders, closest church in Baker, CA 50 mi. away]; Pioneer Town [pop. 365, closest church 4 miles away in Yucca Valley]; Angelus Oaks [Mountain community hosts camps, pop. 385, nearest church in Forest Falls 7 miles away]; Havasu Lake [across for Lake Havasu City in AZ, pop. 438, nearest church in Big River 22 miles away].

Prayer Points/Verses: Matt. 25:35; Jer. 29:7; Matt. 10:40; Matt. 9:38

• for intercessors to go to these towns and pray on site

• for the Lord to put it on the heart of some to commit to pray UNTIL a work begins

• for laborers to be led by the Holy Spirit to evangelize these towns

• for people who live in these communities to pray for a local ministry

• for house churches to spring up

• for love for the people in these communities

• for believers in these areas to do prayer walks in their neighborhood

• for an outreach or community event that would meet a need

• for those to find leaders or businesses to come alongside and help

• for hearts to be open to the Gospel, people saved, discipled and grow

• for home Bible studies to begin


Friday, May 5th - Reaching People in our Communities thru Prayer who interlap Our Churches

Prayer Points/Verses:

  • Jerusalem [those closest to us]

    • For neighbors/neighborhood; pray for each house, trailer, farm, and business that you pass.

    • Pray for families who live around you. Ask the Lord for opportunities to talk to them and help them out in some way.

    • For schools as you drive by them. Intercede for Christian administrators, teachers, and students. Ask God to use them as light in the public school system.

    • Pray for the children you encounter. Whisper a prayer for every child you see. We might be the only person who prays for that child today. Or ever.

  • Judea [those in our community]

    • Pray for people who attend other places of worship in the community. When we drive, watch for places where people who follow other world faiths worship. Ask God to open their eyes to the truth of the gospel and to give them courage to step out for Christ.

    • For those using & distributing at food banks as you pass by them. Bless those who volunteer to give, who donate the food, who distribute to love those who need it with dignity and respect.

    • For shoppers/customers where you purchase items or services. To come to know Jesus or grow in their walk with the Lord or be set free from strongholds.

    • Pray for people you regularly see. Include: gas station clerk, bank teller, and anyone else whose path you cross with regularity. See every one of them as people who cannot be saved apart from a personal relationship with Jesus.

  • Samaria [those we may or may not like]

    • For community needs found through local news sources

    • Every time you hear a siren. For the victim & their family, the emergency responders, safety for the carriers and the medical staff awaiting them

    • Pray for your healthcare providers. For divine wisdom, balance of work and rest, guided by integrity not money, follow the Hippocratic oath that says above all I must not play God.

    • Pray for government officials. Pray for them by name. Use our web site to look up the links to a list of government officials over your community. Pray they serve with integrity, allow your church to grow without pushback, support the freedom of religion and hold to high standards.

Thursday, May 4th - National Day of Prayer

Prayer Points/Verses

  • Father, pour out Your spirit and bring revival

    • Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You? –Psalm 85:6

  • Give our leaders knowledge and wisdom

    • The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. –Proverbs1:7

  • Move our hearts to earnestly love one another.

    • By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another. –John 13:35

  • Help us intercede for those lacking religious liberty.

    • Do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the fesh. Rather, serve one another in love. –Galatians 5:13

  • God, please turn our nation to repentance.

    • Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts … –James 4:8

  • Empower us to fulfll the Great Commission.

    • … how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him … unless someone tells them? –Romans10:1

Wednesday, May 3 - Praying SBC Churches/Ministries can Reach our communities – Part 3

Prayer points/verses

  • Respect & Collaborate – 1 Pet. 2:17

    • Maintain appropriate boundaries, and respect all with whom we engage.

    • Collaborate with others who are passionate about something we are as well [ex. Exercise, gardening, feeding homeless, etc.]

  • Turn existing ministries outward – 1 Cor. 3:7-9

    • Challenge church groups with an inside focus to find a way to become involved with the community outside the church; [Examples: A choir might sing at a nursing home, or trustees could sponsor a neighborhood clean-up]

    • Recruit & advertise beyond the church for help in events

    • Build relationships with those taking part in existing programs that serve the community, such as ESL classes, food pantry or clothes bank users, daycare families, etc.

  • Reach out through community events – Acts 1:8

    • Plan “bridge events” designed explicitly to draw people from the community by providing for them something they need or enjoy

    • Encourage church members to invite their friends and neighbors

    • Attend community events with intention to get to know others

Tuesday, May 2 - Praying SBC Churches/Ministries can Reach our Communities – Part 2

Prayer points/verses:

  • Get out & Get to know - We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20

    • Get out in our neighborhood. Walk the streets. Map the area, and record our observations. Note how the community is changing. Assess community needs and assets. What are the needs of our context? Who are our neighbors, and how can you serve them?; Be attuned to where God is already at work in our community.

  • Listen and learn - My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19

    • Know that ministries that truly bless a community often arise out of conversations where we listen for the hopes and dreams of people in our community; Interview residents of the community. Sit in a park, diner, or coffee house. Ask simply, “What are our challenges, hopes, longings and dreams?”; Get to know the major public officials. They are people with tremendous influence. They need to know of our church’s commitment to the community; Involve many people from our church in this work. Hold one another accountable to the tasks of engaging and learning from others; Discern clusters of issues and concerns that arise from these conversations. Ask what issues, suffering, injustices, or brokenness might you address.

  • Build authentic relationships - Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10

    • Strive for meaningful engagement with others, not superficial gestures; Make sure we are reaching out to people for the right reasons. If our motive is simply to get them to come to church, people will see right through to it. That it would be done because of compassion, love and we have news that gives life.

Monday, May 1 - Praying SBC Churches/Ministries can Reach our Communities – Part 1

Prayer points/verses: Matt. 28:19-20; 22:37-39; Gal. 5:14

  • Expand our vision; regard our community as an extension of our congregation; looking at our neighborhoods, workplaces as a mission field.

  • To understand church attendance is no longer a cultural expectation; what’s happening within the church — preaching, worship, music, Bible study — is no longer enough to attract people

  • That we don’t sit in our church building waiting for people to come; ask God for ways to meet people where they are and invite them

  • Reveal the connections between the Great Commandment in Matthew 22 (love our neighbor as ourself) and the Great Commission in Matthew 28 (go and make disciples). That our Evangelistic outreach expresses our love of others.

  • Do what Jesus did – who primarily engaged people through everyday encounters, rather than in the Temple or synagogues. He fed people, met our everyday needs, and enjoyed the fellowship of others.

  • Express love and compassion for our community in big and small ways; acts of kindness, smile, say hello, ask if you can pray for them, offer to help someone struggling

  • Make it a common practice to pray for our neighbors and lift up community concerns.

  • Ask for a willingness to share our faith and reach out to others with boldness [Acts 4:29]

  • Seek creative ways to reach the community; ask our Creator for innovative ideas

  • Get to know the community surrounding our church via demographic data while remembering statistics don’t reveal the whole story


Friday, Apr. 28th - Using Paul’s Ephesians letter to Pray for SBC Churches/Ministries

Prayer points/verses: Eph. 1:17-23 & 3:14-21

  • Strong faith in the Lord & love for God’s people [v1:15]

  • Spiritual wisdom/insight [v1:17]

  • Grow in knowledge of God [v1:17]

  • Flooded with light & confident hope [v1:18]

  • Understand God’s power for us; the same that raised Jesus from the dead & seated Christ next to God in heaven [v1:19-20]

  • Greater understanding of the authority of Jesus; above any ruler, power, leader or anything else; now & forever & how it benefits the church [v1:22]

  • Empowered with inner strength through the Holy Spirit. [3:16]

  • Our roots would grow down into God’s love making us strong [3:17]

  • Divine ability to understand how wide, long, high & deep is God’s love for us [3:18]

  • Experience the love of Christ with all fullness of life & power from God [3:19]

  • Recognize & give glory to God who’s able by his mighty power to work in us more than we could ever ask or think. Glory to Him in the church forever [3:20-21]

Thursday, Apr. 27th - Using the Prayer of Jesus to Pray for SBC Churches/Ministries

Prayer points/verses: John 17

  • Many will come to know the only true God & Jesus Christ [v3 & 1 Tim. 2:4]

  • People will have a revelation of who God the Father is [v 6; Is. 64:8]

  • Protection from the divisive tactics of the enemy [v11; 1 Cor. 1:10]

  • Believers would be filled with joy that would overflow for the world to see [v13; Ps. 16:11]

  • Kept safe from the evil one [v15; 2 Tim. 4:18]

  • Make us holy by your truth [v17; 1 Pet. 1:16]

  • We would be one as God, Jesus & Holy Spirit are one. [v21; Ps. 133:1]

  • Experience perfect unity so the world will know Jesus & God’s love [v23; 1 Pet. 3:8]

  • Revelation of God’s love for us and able to share that with others [v26; 1 Jn. 4:7]

Wednesday, Apr. 26th - Basing our Prayers for SBC Churches/Ministries from King David

Background: In 1 Samuel 23:2-29

Prayer points/verses:

  • When the enemy tries to steal what we need to survive, seek God’s will [Phil. 4:19]

  • For laborers for the harvest, keep our focus as a church on rescuing people [Matt. 9:35-38]

  • Recognize we are not in a battle against flesh/blood but spiritual darkness [Eph. 6;12]

  • People might betray us as they did Jesus; pray church members will forgive & seek the Lord what to do next [Eph. 4:32]

  • Our focus is to love unconditionally as God to us [Jn. 15:12]

  • If we keep seeking the Lord in every hardship, eventually the enemy will stop [James 4:7]

  • When tempted, seek the Lord for a way of escape [1 Cor. 10:13]

Tuesday, Apr. 25th - Prayer Guidelines from King Jehoshaphatfor SBC Churches/Ministries

  • Podcast: Praying God turns what looks like a Valley of Devastation to a Valley of Blessing

  • Background: Three armies with large numbers of soldiers declared war on Judah & Jerusalem and they were already nearby. There was little time to prepare for this battle. King Jehoshaphat was terrified of the news. He begged God for guidance. Ordered the people to fast. They came to Jerusalem. He stood before the community & prayed. They heard instructions & encouragement from God through Jahaziel [a Levite]. Responded with praise & worship. Next day King sent singers in front of army singing “Give thanks to the Lord – his faithful love endures forever.” At the moment they began to sing, the Lord caused their enemies to kill each other; none escaped. The King & his men gathered plunder. Spent time praising the Lord in the Valley of Blessing.

  • Key verses: Prayer 2 Chron. 20:6-12; God’s response 2 Chron. 20:15-17; Jehoshaphat’s call to the people [ Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in his prophets, and you will succeed.”

  • Points: seek the Lord when trials come - alone & with others; fast if life threatening; wait for instructions, begin prayer with worship of who God is, what He has done and what He promised, address the issue to God after presenting your case; then ask for His help and guidance; be humble like Jehoshaphat, [We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help]; after hearing from the Lord, spend time in worship thanking Him; follow His instructions; praise Him for the results, which often are above & beyond what we expected.

Monday, Apr. 24th - Gleaning from Nehemiah to Pray for SBC Churches/Ministries

  • Podcast: Praying people in churches will turn to the God of Heaven for direction, protection & motivation to stay the course until completion

  • Background of Nehemiah: Exiles returned to find Jerusalem’s walls in shambles; gates destroyed by fire and few resources to rebuild it. Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the Persian king who granted him supplies to do the mission of rebuilding the wall/gates. Experienced opposition from neighboring rulers.

  • Learn from Nehemiah: to pray in a group when there is a situation; by himself when you don’t know what to do; at work when a crisis arises or you need wisdom; know God and His power, speak to God of what He has done for your church & for others & for His people, He wants His name honored; pray before you do a new project, while you are doing the project and after the project is done give God praise for it and for its future success; for our real enemy – the devil – that he would not succeed in killing, destroying or stealing the work of God in our churches, ask for God’s help when there are people involved, knowing our battle is not against flesh/blood but against spiritual darkness, pray about everything small or big; start the day in prayer, thank God for what He has done; ask God for forgiveness for anything that needs to be addressed; like the Lord’s prayer ask for strength and wisdom for the day [your daily bread]; have faith and contend for God’s ability to turn things around or bring success in what He leaded the church to do; be ready to be the answer to your request if God leads

  • Prayer points from Nehemiah’s prayers 1:5-10: 9:5-38: praise You because you are a great & awesome God, keep your promises; acknowledge our sins & family member in church; not obeying; remind you of what you promised Lord, help church to look for the promises and conditions of God and bring them up in prayer, you want your name honored, God lives forever, are the Creator, performed amazing things for our church and others, you speak to your people, seek your instructions for our church, forgiveness for pride & stubbornness in any area, remind you God you are forgiving, gracious, merciful, slow to become angry and rich in unfailing love, despite the sins of Israel he didn’t abandon, but provided for their needs, overcame their enemies, in their time of trouble they cried to You O Lord and you heard their prayer. You rescue time and again when we come to you, listen & obey.


Friday, Apr. 21st - Gleaning from Joel & Hosea to Pray for SBC Churches/Ministries

  • Background of Joel: Israel was invaded by Tyre, Sidon, and Philisti AND they experienced devastation from locusts that destroyed agriculture and livestock, which caused a drought, fires and famine; locusts were seen as God’s judgment for their sins; fear gripped the people over losses and enemies approaching

  • Learn from Joel: God calls us to obedience; like a parent, consequences from disobedience; call to repent because the day of the Lord is near; need to be ready for the return of Christ, once we repent of our sins, God will pour out His spirit on us; restore us and reap the rewards.

  • Prayer points from Joel 2:12-14: turn to the Lord now; give God our hearts, fast, weep & mourn over sin; ask God to rend our hearts (show us anything that is offensive to Him), acknowledge His Lordship, surrender control of our lives, remember God is merciful, compassionate, slow to get angry; filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish. For the sins of our church, repent, for the sins of our city, repent, for the sins of our county, repent, for the sins of our state repent, for a reprieve from the consequences that could come.

  • Background of Hosea: God told him to marry a prostitute & have children to demonstrate how Israel had been acting; gave his children names that sent messages of judgment. Much idolatry, injustice, turning away from God to other gods

  • Learn from Hosea: Cycles: people more interested in themselves than God’s direction turn to sin then judgment for sin then bring people back to God, dangers of religious ceremony with no genuine devotion nor commitment to the Lord; compromise standards, selfish ambition leads to ruin, lack of integrity in activities affects others; flows into society breeding dishonesty, corruption, danger of God’s judgment. With sincere repentance, asking for God’s mercy & renewing our commitment to the Lord, can find forgiveness, restoration, God’s favor & blessings.

  • Prayer points from Hosea 6:1-3: return to the Lord, recognize what areas of our lives is more about what we want than what God desires, confess it and turn from it; where consequences occurred because of our sin know God will heal & bandage our wounds & restore us, what a loving God, seek to live in His presence daily, make it our aim to know Him more throughout each day, cling to His promise that the Lord responds to this kind of search with refreshing and restoration.

Thursday, Apr. 19th - Prayerful Look at the Letter to the Church in Laodicea

  • Podcast: Praying SBC Churches/Ministries become hot for God, purified by fire

  • Prayer Points from letter to Church of Laodicea [Rev. 3:14-22]

  • Background: Paul talked about it (Col 2:1; 4:16); Wealthiest of all 7 church cities; Bank industry made them rich; proud of cloth/dyeing material/wool manufacturing; had medical school made eye ointment; had water supply problem, aqueduct build brought water from hot springs to city; tepid upon arrival; believers didn’t stand for anything, self-sufficient, had material possessions, felt confident, satisfied & complacent

  • Complaints: Not hot or cold, lukewarm; Rich but poor; Don’t need anything but naked; Have everything they want but miserable & wretched; can’t see anything wrong but blind to apathy

  • Instructions: Buy gold purified by fire, for God’s refining fire, for a baptism of fire to take the temperature from lukewarm to hot; to be hot for the things of God; see wealth as a tool to share with others & further the gospel; buy white garments from self-sufficiency to need for God’s cleansing; from clothed in the finest to standing naked before the Lord to examine any area that needs to change; buy ointment for eyes from blind to see as God sees; The Lord corrects & disciplines everyone He loves; be diligent and turn from your indifference; the Lord is knocking & asking to come in, hear His voice, open door, He’ll come in and eat together

  • Scriptures: Matthew 13:22; Is. 1:18; Luke 3:16; Ps. 139:23-24; Heb. 12:6

  • Prayer points: Temperature of love for the Lord would get hot; expect and learn under pressure than seeking comfort & ease; regularly repent of things that make us look dirty; accept the washing of the Lord; if there is something not understood, ask for God’s eyes on it; when hard consequences happen as a result of sin, that’s God’s love to keep us from worse; look for any indifference to the things of God

Wednesday, Apr. 18th - Prayerful Look at the Letter to the Church in Philadelphia

  • Podcast: Praying SBC Churches/Ministries that we live like Jesus is coming soon

  • Background/Facing: Wealthy due to commerce & trade; gateway to Asia minor; little Athens; Founded by citizens of Pergamum; Kept barbarians out; brought in Greek culture/language; Destroyed in AD 17 by earthquake; aftershocks kept people living outside city

  • Warnings – Opened a door but GOD will keep it open; Opposition but God will make bow down; Great testing but God will protect

  • Did well: Persevered despite little strength; Obeyed God’s word; Didn’t deny the Lord

  • Consequences: We are in a time of testing of: enduring until completion James 1:2-4; trusting & having faith 1 Pet. 1:7; obeying & character building Deut. 8:2-3; reverence for God will help us not sin Ex. 20:20·

  • Prayer Points: We will look to God’s who can make a way where there seems to be no way; we look for open doors when other doors shut; accept closed doors & seek which door to go through; whatever causes concern, look for the BUT GOD truths; times of testing have great purpose & develop enduring traits; that we persevere not give up, know that God will protect us and strengthen us; God sees everything we do – little or no strength, obey His word, not deny Him, Apr. 19th - Prayerful Look at the Letter to the Church in Philadelphia

Tuesday, Apr. 18th - Prayerful Look at Letters to 7 Churches in Revelations: Sardis

  • Podcast: Praying SBC Churches/Ministries to Wake Up

  • Prayer Points/Verses: Church of Sardis [Rev. 3:1-6]

  • Background/Facing: Wealthy city; 2 locations mountain & valley; earthquake destroyed AD 17; rebuilt never recovered; Many ancient ruins as a result; what appeared to be great came down; experienced earthquake that caused it to go from a large city to a small town; now inhabited by cattlemen and shepherds but once was the wealthiest city in the region; How far it has fallen! Why?

  • Complaints/Confess: –asleep, dead; Like the cursed fig tree; Reputation alive but dead; Like Artificial flowers; look real/alive; need no water/food; No tears for lost; real spiritual life with worldly practices; no hunger for God’s word; excuses not to go to church; lip service versus heartfelt worship.

  • Instructions/Actions: Wake up! Out of slumber [Eph. 5:14]; Strengthen what “little” remains (almost dead) [Matt 17:20]; Actions not meeting God’s requirements (faith without works is dead) James 1:22-25; Go back to what you heard/believed at first (hold to it firmly) Rom. 2:29; Repent and turn to Jesus AGAIN [Matt. 4:17]

  • Consequences/Conviction: Come suddenly like a thief, erase names from book of life; Victorious not soiled with evil will WALK with Jesus in white (clean)

  • Prayer Points: Walk in the spiritual gift God has called you [more motivated]; Keep an eye on anything that becomes fruitless; Remember what the Father and Jesus did at the cross for you; Daily repent and turn to JESUS again and again and again; Identify anything that is artificial not sincere or genuine; Ask God to reveal any “dead” areas in your life.

Monday, Apr. 17th - Prayerful Look at 7 Churches in Revelations: Pergamum & Thyatira

Prayer Points/Verses:

Church of Pergamum [Rev. 2:12-17]

What they faced: 4 cults & emperor worship [pressure to conform]; Antipas [possible church leader, taught against cults, martyred horribly – fear of martyrdom]; Balaam like & Nicolaitan teachings [carry out lustful desires – compromise to sexual sin & eat food to idols]; Being led astray from God by compromised teachings

Complaints: Don’t allow idol worship [Deut. 5:7-10]; Don’t participate in sexual sin [1 Cor. 6:18-20]

Instructions: Repent; do not tolerate, do not conform, do not allow these teachings

Consequences: Come to you suddenly; with sword of mouth, Victorious, given hidden manna & new name on white stone and only recipient will know what it means

Prayer points: Worship only God not man, Be careful no man is idolized, None like Him our Creator; Turn to God for our healing, Not trust in drugs, Ultimate healer – Jehovah Rapha; Turn to God during storms - Not the weather station, He’s our anchor & redeemer; Trust God for joy & provision - Not entertainment nor stuff, He’s our source of life, manna; Trust God for protection - Not our strength, He’s our Shepherd

Church of Thyatira [Rev. 3:1-6]

Did well: their love/service for God; their faith/endurance; Constantly improving in these areas; manifested love and faith, concern and care for others

Complaints – Jezebel teaching compromise [1 Jn. 2:15]; Prophetess Jezebel [not real name; just acted like her; sexual sin & food offered to idols); to work with unions, entire work of city, made up of pagans, meetings devoted to worship of erotic idols, debauchery & to make a living had to join; her teaching “business is business”; Would they compromise under the pressure to conform?

Instructions: Repent from compromising, conforming to pressure to Jezebel demanding compliance; work for God not man; test her teachings against God’s word

Consequences: suffering will follow if continued conforming & other churches will know (Heb. 4:12). If you don’t follow her, you will have authority over nations like Jesus and given light in the darkness

Prayer points: Jesus Sees & Judges [fiery eyes, bronze feet]; Compromise or Committed? Either have consequences; Filter for false teachings [it’s okay to …] ; Stay under His authority & you’ll have authority to smash evil; Pressure builds patience > endurance > finish the race! No matter how dark; He is our Morning Star


Friday, Apr. 14th - A Prayerful Look at the 7 Churches in Revelations [Smyrna & Ephesus]

Prayer Points/Verses:

Church of Ephesus [Rev. 2:1-7]

Did well: worked hard; patiently endured; didn’t tolerate evil people; examined claims of those who say they are apostles but are not; patiently suffered for Christ without quitting; hated the evil deeds of Nicolaitans [dabbled in occult, ate food sacrificed to idols, committed sex outside of marriage]

Complaints: Don’t love God; Don’t love each other; Not the same as at beginning of relationship; Fallen far; Good efforts no longer sprang from love

How to change: Turn back to God; Do the works you did at first; Loving God/others fulfills the law [Matt 22:36-40]; Love should be the springboard from which we do all things for God and for others

Consequences: Don’t repent, lampstand removed; If victorious in fruit from tree of life in God’s paradise

Church of Smyrna [Rev. 2:8-11]

Did well: suffered from persecution, experienced poverty but are rich in God’s eyes, faced opposition from Jews against Christianity and non-Jews who expected loyal worship to Roman ways

What’s ahead: devil will throw them in prison; suffer for 10 days, possibly die; to test their faith

Instructions: not to be afraid of coming suffering, remain faithful, trust in God

Consequences: If faithful won’t be harmed by second death, receive crown of life

Reminders: Ultimate victor is Jesus; Ultimate test is suffering thru - Pressure & poverty, Prison & persecution; Ultimate enemy is Satan; Ultimate solution is trust to Be fearless & faithful; Ultimate reward is life – the Crown of life/Eternal life

Thursday, Apr. 13th - If My People .. Humble .. Pray .. Seek .. Turn .. Heal .. Part II

Repentance Prayer Points/Verses:

  1. Not pressing through when we don’t see results right away, not asking You Lord what else is needed or lacking. Jn. 4:24; Matt. 6:33

  2. Not praying for more laborers for the harvest and expecting people to get saved without any effort on our part. Luke 10:2

  3. Not giving of our time to volunteer in areas that our skills, experiences, passions, spiritual gifts could be used due to laziness, fear, filling our time with things that do not give life, cares of this life. Heb. 13:16

  4. Not concerned, praying for and/or supporting other ministries other than our own. 1 Tim. 2:1

  5. Not seeing the body of Christ as one, being divisive by thinking our ways are better. 1 Cor. 1:10

  6. Not seeking God’s approval more than people, as a result we shy away from telling the truth. Gal. 1:10

  7. Not fearing God more than our body, as a result we hold back afraid of persecution and suffering. Matt. 10:28

  8. Not being bold and courageous in sharing our faith, too afraid of rejection, not knowing what to say or some other excuse. Acts 4:29 & 31

  9. Not loving the Lord and heavenly things more than our love for sports, entertainment, music, art, possessions and food. 1 Jn. 2:16

Wednesday, Apr. 12th - If My People .. Humble .. Pray .. Seek .. Turn .. Heal .. Restore

Repentance Prayer Points/Verses:

  1. Not coming to the Lord humbly, forgetting who it is we are praying to. For more reverence when we pray, more acknowledgement of who God is, praise & worship before we babble on and on. Eccl. 5:1-2

  2. Not treating the sanctuary as holy, being on our cell phones, not giving respect to the place and the person behind the reason for the building. 1 Chron. 29:16

  3. Not looking at the plank in our eyes but instead the splinter in others, being critical and judgmental, not merciful. Matt. 7:1-3

  4. Not obeying the great commission but putting the responsibility on the leaders in the church to save the lost and disciple them. Matt. 28:19

  5. Not praying for the church, the service, the leaders, the elders, the laypeople, then complaining when we don’t get something from the service. 1 Tim. 2:8

  6. Not participating in the worship because we don’t like the music, the song, the style or think we have a bad singing voice, when all we need is to make a joyful noise to the Lord and be faithful to pray for the worship team. Ps. 100:4

  7. Not giving of our finances cheerfully, rolling our eyes when someone talks about tithing when you say to support those who minister. Mal. 3:8-10

Tuesday, Apr. 11th - Catching our Second Wind as Week Progresses in Churches

Prayer Points/Verses:

  • For zeal from the Lord to manifest in great energy, enthusiasm, passion, fervor, fire, devotion, eagerness for the things of the Lord - Romans 12:11 not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord

  • Leaders and laypeople would have fresh vision to do each of their ministries like Elijah - 1 Kings 19:9-10 Then he came there to a cave and lodged there; and behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and He said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” He said, “I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts.

  • Church would be a team, all hands-on deck, everyone doing their part to minister at the church and to the people in their world of influence – Heb. 10:24-25 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

  • Those called to be teachers grow in zeal, hunger then study and share God’s Word – 2 Tim. 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

  • People would discover their spiritual gifts and use them to edify the church and to minister to the lost – 1 Cor. 12:7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.

  • People would feel free to confess their sins helping them to grow in being distinct from the world in love and holiness, so they can share this good news with others 1 Jn. 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

  • Members would share the gospel this week—and see more lives changed! Matt. 24:14 - And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

  • Giving would be faithful, as well as joyful, consistent, and sacrificial. 2 Cor. 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

  • Members would encourage each other with praises of God’s greatness and less on the woes of this world, knowing God is greater than all of darkness – Is. 42:13 The Lord will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies.

  • All would experience the presence of God, a move of the Holy Spirit, that times of refreshing would come. Acts 3:19-20 Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah.

Monday, Apr. 10th - Day after Easter week – how can we pray for Churches?

Prayer Points/Verses:

  1. Refuel all those who gave ministered this past Easter week in any way; filled afresh with the Holy Spirit, fresh anointing, empowered to serve again, soul restored & strength renewed. Ps. 23:2-3

  2. That we would have unity amid diversity—loving those with whom we have nothing in common but the gospel. Ps. 133

  3. That a culture of discipling would form in which making disciples is viewed as an ordinary part of the Christian life. Matt. 28:19

  4. That faithful elders would use Scripture to train members to do the work of ministry. Eph. 4:12

  5. That a hunger for studying the gospel would form among members so that they can guide and guard one another in it. Matt. 5:6

  6. That transparent, meaningful relationships would become normal and remaining anonymous strange. 2 Chron. 19:9

  7. The preaching of God’s Word—that it would be biblically careful and Holy Spirit imbued. 2 Tim. 4:2

  8. That elders would remain above reproach, kept from temptation, complacency, idols, and worldliness. 1 Tim. 3:2

  9. That the church’s songs would teach members to biblically confess, lament, and praise. Ps. 32: 5, 11

  10. That the church’s prayers would be infused with biblical ambitions, honesty, and humility. 1 Pet. 5:6-7


Friday, Apr. 7th [Good Friday] - Praying for Church Services this Easter Weekend Part II

Prayer Points/Verses:

  1. The presence of the Holy Spirit will be evident in the service, causing people to turn to the Lord in repentance and experience the life transforming power of the Spirit. (Acts 4:31)

  2. The word of God would be alive/powerful sharper than any two-edged sword exposing in each person what’s in their hearts and the truth would set them free. Heb. 4:12

  3. The people of God will yield to the Spirit and follow in His leading and guidance from the word; people would not be pew sitters but empowered disciples (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)

  4. God will give people His utterance and then fill him or her with boldness to declare the word beyond the church walls. (Ephesians 6:19-20)

  5. Every sick and oppressed person that comes to service will be healed, freed and delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word. (Luke 4:18)

  6. The worship team will yield to the Spirit as they lead the people in worship and choristers will minister in the power of the Spirit in songs.

  7. The sound systems will work properly, that none will malfunction during the service.

  8. That everything and every aspect of the service will be orderly. 1 Corinthians 14:40

  9. The ushers will not be a distractor but helper to the overall service; the greeters and those directing visitors/members, will be able to help everyone feel welcome. Matt. 5:46-48

  10. At the end of the service, God would be glorified, and people would testify what the Lord did in their lives and the lives of others. Ps. 115:1

Thursday, Apr. 6th - Ways to Pray for the Church Service Part I

Prayer Points/Verses:

  1. Pray that members will believe the enemy cannot destroy the body of Christ no matter what he tries to do. Matthew 16:18

  2. Thank the Lord that Satan can never prevail against us and against me; we are the church; we are the body and members of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:27

  3. Pray and declare the ground and worship center where you meet are sanctified by the blood of Jesus and the Spirit of Holiness. Numbers 7:12.

  4. Pray over the atmosphere, declaring that Jesus is Lord; that people will sense the presence of the Lord from their first step on the grounds (Philippians 2:10-11)

  5. Pray and ask the Lord to breathe afresh upon every worshipper, the chairs, and the ground. Job 33:4

  6. Consecrate the sanctuary, the chairs where people will sit, the altar and upon every physical object that the worshippers will touch. Ex. 29:37

  7. Pray that God will order peoples’ steps to the service, bringing people from the community, drawing them in to the service. (Isaiah 43:6)

  8. Pray and bind blinding (evil) spirits that keep worshippers from receiving God’s word in their spirits and from being fruitful. (Matthew 13:15)

  9. Pray that every unsaved person that comes to service will surrender to the Lord, call on His name and become born again, saved in Jesus name. (Acts 2:21)

  10. Pray that the people’s heart will be opened to receive the word, that the word of God will have free course and unhindered in their hearts. (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

Wednesday, Apr. 5th - More to Pray for Your Church

Prayers Points/Verse:

  1. Pray for cooperation in the community among theologically like-minded churches. As barriers – denominational, racial, ethnic, class – come down so the Church in unity can accomplish more than any church can do on its own. Phil. 1:18

  2. Pray for the children of the church; those who teach and care for them will do so with love and patience so that parents are free to serve and worship as the Lord leads; that as those children grow up in church, they will grow strong in faith, coming to know Jesus as Savior and Lord early in their life; and as they become the adults and parents of the next generation. Mark 10:14

  3. Pray for a vision for missions; people will endeavor to be a part of the going, sending, and supporting of missionaries. Matt. 28:19-20

  4. Pray for the business of the church; for those entrusted with the oversight of such matters, that they will be faithful to fulfill all business matters in a timely way. 2 Corinthians 1:12

  5. Pray for small group leaders, Sunday School leaders, Life Group leaders; faithful men and women entrusted with the task of helping other believers grow into a full measure of maturity; that they will be strong in their own faith, and sensitive and discerning when leading others. James 5:16

  6. Pray for special ministries of the church; unique to each congregation; for the resources needed to do the work and the vision from the Lord who, what, when & where to minister. Eccl. 3:1

  7. Pray for church leadership, always sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit; needs met whether they work outside the church or get their finances from tithers. Heb. 13:17

  8. Pray for the physical buildings and grounds to be properly maintained and cared for & for those supervising the property; minimal updates, budgets in place, sufficient funds to upkeep, mortgages paid off early, creative ways to use building to pay expenses. 1 Cor. 4:2

  9. Pray for a spirit of understanding among the leaders, members, visitors and outsiders; people will get along, apologize and forgive quickly, quick to listen and learn. Phil. 2:1-4

  10. Pray that visitors to the church will have a positive first experience, from the parking lot to the invitation, and come back for more; that the Lord will grow His church by bringing to it the people that He wants to serve in that location – people of all ages, races, and classes. We are all one in Christ. Acts 2:47

Tuesday, Apr. 4th - Praying for your Church & Community

  • Podcast: Ten things to Pray for Your Church & Beyond

  • Prayers Points/Verse:

    • your church will have a positive testimony in the community; be known for compassion, love, and grace, instead of protests, criticism, and hypocrisy. John 3:21; 1 John 4:7, 19

    • each Sunday the Lord will lead the right seekers to your church; that they will be ministered to effectively and loved abundantly. Acts 2:41; 16:14

    • the congregation will enthusiastically accept the vision of the leadership. 1 Timothy 5:17

    • for the marriages and families in your church to be strong, the building blocks of the church. Eph. 5:33; 6:1, 4

    • for an evangelistic spirit to pervade the members of the church; that each week members will have clear opportunities to build relationships and share the message of Jesus. Acts 2:46-47

    • for generosity, it's common a small percentage provide the funds for ministry; ask God to break this pattern and the majority will be cheerful givers. 2 Corinthians 8:7; 9:7

    • for volunteers, enough volunteers to cover all the ministries of the church so that they will not be stretched thin and burned out on serving; for a balance between serving and being served. 1 Cor. 12:4-7

    • for those who lead in musical worship; for preparation time to be a time of worship for them personally as they seek the leading of the Holy Spirit, and that the worship service will not be a ‘show,’ but an offering of praise. Psalm 150:1

    • for the youth of the church, for strong roots of faith to maintain a positive witness throughout high school and into college/career; for their leaders to have the necessary wisdom to teach and lead in the 21st century in a way that connects with teens and attracts more. 1 Timothy 4:12

    • for a spirit of unity, not divided over personalities, worship style, personal preferences, and other minor concerns; that this spirit of division will not pervade your church, but yours will be a church known for its peace and unity. Eph. 4:3

  • Podcast: Interceding for believers across SBC to pray for churches & ministries & unity

  • Prayer Points/verse:

    • Love for believers in other churches; Phil. 2:2 - make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

    • Repent of arrogance, haughtiness, better than thoughts & replaced with sense of team players, Rom. 12:16 - Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.;

    • Watch what we say about each other, seek peace & edification instead; Rom. 14:19 - So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.

    • Share our resources with one another & be of one heart & soul; Acts 4:32 - And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them.

    • Be sympathetic, humble, harmonious & watch out for callousness, pride & division; 1 Pet. 3:8 - To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit.

    • All strive to share the gospel with courage & faith & compassion for the lost; Phil. 1:27 - Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel.

    • Do everything to preserve unity; may they know we are Christians by our love for one another; Eph. 4:3 - being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

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