San Bernardino County[SBC]
Connecting & Encouraging the Body of Christ to Pray for Revival in SBC
About Us
A prayer movement to inform and unite people to pray for San Bernardino County. We address current issues facing the county so people can pray with greater understanding. We encourage the local residents to pray for the churches and main factors affecting their community. There is a Breaking news page that covers crime, accidents and environmental crisis. United petitions with other believers produce better results. We also take trips to certain places to pray "on location" to learn more about the needs of the people in that geographical region. Our goal is to encourage others to pray for a revival, an awakening and a move of God that brings about community reformation.
List of Cities - click on a city to learn more

Check out the resources to help you be a more effective intercessor. Included are other prayer groups, worship music about revival, books about intercession, podcasts, vodcasts, blogs and much more.
If you know of helpful resources, let us know at sbcuniteandawake@gmail.com